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getting married in China

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Hi CFL experts ;

My girl needs to have a new Hukou paper since she was divorced . Her old Hukou has her ex 's and her kid 's names on it so this has to be changed in order to get married . So , she has to go back to her "lao Jia " to get a new Hukou . Is this easy to get done ? Does she need anything from her ex ??? Her old Hukou is with her ex . Does she need to show this to the PSB in her town to get an updated one ? or her divorce ceritificate and state ID ( Shen fen zeng ) are good enough.


Logically speaking , she should not need anything from her ex because they are legally divorced already . But , this is China, so I don't know.


Thanks for your input.

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Hi CFL experts ;

My girl needs to have a new Hukou paper since she was divorced . Her old Hukou has her ex 's and her kid 's names on it so this has to be changed in order to get married . So , she has to go back to her "lao Jia " to get a new Hukou . Is this easy to get done ? Does she need anything from her ex ??? Her old Hukou is with her ex . Does she need to show this to the PSB in her town to get an updated one ? or her divorce ceritificate and state ID ( Shen fen zeng ) are good enough.


Logically speaking , she should not need anything from her ex because they are legally divorced already . But , this is China, so I don't know.


Thanks for your input.


All she needs is to have them put a little rubber stamp that says in Chinese "Divorced" next to the part where it has her marital status. She'll probably have to bring her divorce certificate -- a little book somewhat similar to the marriage certificate.


No need to have any of the others removed from her hukou book. In fact, that would be even more difficult since you can never remove anybody unless they are transferred to another hukou book.

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Hi CFL experts ;

My girl needs to have a new Hukou paper since she was divorced . Her old Hukou has her ex 's and her kid 's names on it so this has to be changed in order to get married . So , she has to go back to her "lao Jia " to get a new Hukou . Is this easy to get done ? Does she need anything from her ex ??? Her old Hukou is with her ex . Does she need to show this to the PSB in her town to get an updated one ? or her divorce ceritificate and state ID ( Shen fen zeng ) are good enough.


Logically speaking , she should not need anything from her ex because they are legally divorced already . But , this is China, so I don't know.


Thanks for your input.


All she needs is to have them put a little rubber stamp that says in Chinese "Divorced" next to the part where it has her marital status. She'll probably have to bring her divorce certificate -- a little book somewhat similar to the marriage certificate.


No need to have any of the others removed from her hukou book. In fact, that would be even more difficult since you can never remove anybody unless they are transferred to another hukou book.



For your Marriability Affidavit, I made the mistake and only put my middle initial. You need to put your name as it appears in your passport, Exactly as it appears in your passport. I did it wrong and had to run back to the US Consulate and have them redo the affidiavit at a moments notice and they did it. Just from my lessons learned.



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I just did this in March. Guangzhou consulate said we need to make appoiontment online only. I showed my passport, took a number and waited in line. I talked the lady into helping me. she told us to come back in a couple hours and did it for us. anyone getting this done might want to make an appointment online so you won't get turn away without appointment.

Edited by crazybanana (see edit history)
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All she needs is to have them put a little rubber stamp that says in Chinese "Divorced" next to the part where it has her marital status. She'll probably have to bring her divorce certificate -- a little book somewhat similar to the marriage certificate.


No need to have any of the others removed from her hukou book. In fact, that would be even more difficult since you can never remove anybody unless they are transferred to another hukou book.



Thanks for your reply . You are right , that's what they did on her Hukou. Just put a rubber stamp indicating they have divorced.

The issue is now there is only one hukou . Her ex may want to use it and she will definitely need to use it too when she applies for her marriage certificate at the Ming Zen Ju office . She went to them to ask if they could make a certified copy and they said no. Also, PSB doesn't want to make a certified copy either. Really, it becomes two divorced parties need to hold on to one Hukou and they can't get a certified copy so each of them can hold on to one. Strange in my opinion ...

Any comment ???

Thanks again.

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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Just a quick update... went to the Guangzhou consulate on 11.20. No problems, mostly just lots of waiting. Cost 207 yuan.


Had the affidavit + passport translated into Chinese here in Guilin (cost 180 yuan).


Made photocopies of relevant documents and took photos across the street from the Civil Affairs Office (cost ~40 yuan for express service, not counting the set we took the previous day and decided to retake since we didn't like the way they looked).


Registered as a married couple at the Civil Affairs Office (cost 9 yuan).


Now the fun begins. :) Have to prepare for the wedding dinner, organize the stuff to submit with the DCF petition, look for a job back in the US...



So there is no "wedding ceremony" per se, you just register that you're married, and then you are?


When we concluded all the paper work at the window in the marriage office there were many people were seated and waiting....all eyes were on the big western man and the Chinese woman. When we turned around to face them they all clapped...of course we didn't kiss (no PDA in China) but we shook hands and hugged and laughed...good luck!

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All she needs is to have them put a little rubber stamp that says in Chinese "Divorced" next to the part where it has her marital status. She'll probably have to bring her divorce certificate -- a little book somewhat similar to the marriage certificate.

No need to have any of the others removed from her hukou book. In fact, that would be even more difficult since you can never remove anybody unless they are transferred to another hukou book.



Thanks for your reply . You are right , that's what they did on her Hukou. Just put a rubber stamp indicating they have divorced.

The issue is now there is only one hukou . Her ex may want to use it and she will definitely need to use it too when she applies for her marriage certificate at the Ming Zen Ju office . She went to them to ask if they could make a certified copy and they said no. Also, PSB doesn't want to make a certified copy either. Really, it becomes two divorced parties need to hold on to one Hukou and they can't get a certified copy so each of them can hold on to one. Strange in my opinion ...

Any comment ???

Thanks again.


I hope this doesn't take us too far off topic, but my fiancee's first husband died in an accident some 15 years ago -- will she also have to get a new hukou or a stamp in her current one? Will she need other papers (death certificate or analogous Chinese document)?

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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All she needs is to have them put a little rubber stamp that says in Chinese "Divorced" next to the part where it has her marital status. She'll probably have to bring her divorce certificate -- a little book somewhat similar to the marriage certificate.

No need to have any of the others removed from her hukou book. In fact, that would be even more difficult since you can never remove anybody unless they are transferred to another hukou book.



Thanks for your reply . You are right , that's what they did on her Hukou. Just put a rubber stamp indicating they have divorced.

The issue is now there is only one hukou . Her ex may want to use it and she will definitely need to use it too when she applies for her marriage certificate at the Ming Zen Ju office . She went to them to ask if they could make a certified copy and they said no. Also, PSB doesn't want to make a certified copy either. Really, it becomes two divorced parties need to hold on to one Hukou and they can't get a certified copy so each of them can hold on to one. Strange in my opinion ...

Any comment ???

Thanks again.


I hope this doesn't take us too far off topic, but my fiancee's first husband died in an accident some 15 years ago -- will she also have to get a new hukou or a stamp in her current one? Will she need other papers (death certificate or analogous Chinese document)?


She will need a death certificate TLB...and, she'll need it for whatever petition you make for her as well...just consider the death certificate a "divorce decree" she will need it notorized and translated just like a divorce decree for you application.


Now with that said, at the Shenyang consulate the lady never asked me for divorce decrees...but you can bet yer britches if I hadn't had them on me she would have. :)


tsap seui

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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All she needs is to have them put a little rubber stamp that says in Chinese "Divorced" next to the part where it has her marital status. She'll probably have to bring her divorce certificate -- a little book somewhat similar to the marriage certificate.

No need to have any of the others removed from her hukou book. In fact, that would be even more difficult since you can never remove anybody unless they are transferred to another hukou book.



Thanks for your reply . You are right , that's what they did on her Hukou. Just put a rubber stamp indicating they have divorced.

The issue is now there is only one hukou . Her ex may want to use it and she will definitely need to use it too when she applies for her marriage certificate at the Ming Zen Ju office . She went to them to ask if they could make a certified copy and they said no. Also, PSB doesn't want to make a certified copy either. Really, it becomes two divorced parties need to hold on to one Hukou and they can't get a certified copy so each of them can hold on to one. Strange in my opinion ...

Any comment ???

Thanks again.


I hope this doesn't take us too far off topic, but my fiancee's first husband died in an accident some 15 years ago -- will she also have to get a new hukou or a stamp in her current one? Will she need other papers (death certificate or analogous Chinese document)?


Nope. No new one. Just a little rubber stamp that says "Deceased".

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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All she needs is to have them put a little rubber stamp that says in Chinese "Divorced" next to the part where it has her marital status. She'll probably have to bring her divorce certificate -- a little book somewhat similar to the marriage certificate.

No need to have any of the others removed from her hukou book. In fact, that would be even more difficult since you can never remove anybody unless they are transferred to another hukou book.



Thanks for your reply . You are right , that's what they did on her Hukou. Just put a rubber stamp indicating they have divorced.

The issue is now there is only one hukou . Her ex may want to use it and she will definitely need to use it too when she applies for her marriage certificate at the Ming Zen Ju office . She went to them to ask if they could make a certified copy and they said no. Also, PSB doesn't want to make a certified copy either. Really, it becomes two divorced parties need to hold on to one Hukou and they can't get a certified copy so each of them can hold on to one. Strange in my opinion ...

Any comment ???

Thanks again.


Think of the hukou book as belonging to a particular address and not a particular person. Unless she or he changes their address, chances are only one hukou book.


Many people live at a different address than the one in the hukou book. For example, you have two homes or use a relatives address because schools in that district are better than schools in others. Since hukou also can determine which schools you can attend, it can be a major issue.

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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All she needs is to have them put a little rubber stamp that says in Chinese "Divorced" next to the part where it has her marital status. She'll probably have to bring her divorce certificate -- a little book somewhat similar to the marriage certificate.

No need to have any of the others removed from her hukou book. In fact, that would be even more difficult since you can never remove anybody unless they are transferred to another hukou book.



Thanks for your reply . You are right , that's what they did on her Hukou. Just put a rubber stamp indicating they have divorced.

The issue is now there is only one hukou . Her ex may want to use it and she will definitely need to use it too when she applies for her marriage certificate at the Ming Zen Ju office . She went to them to ask if they could make a certified copy and they said no. Also, PSB doesn't want to make a certified copy either. Really, it becomes two divorced parties need to hold on to one Hukou and they can't get a certified copy so each of them can hold on to one. Strange in my opinion ...

Any comment ???

Thanks again.


I hope this doesn't take us too far off topic, but my fiancee's first husband died in an accident some 15 years ago -- will she also have to get a new hukou or a stamp in her current one? Will she need other papers (death certificate or analogous Chinese document)?


Nope. No new one. Just a little rubber stamp that says "Deceased".


Bill is right about the hukou...I should have specified I was only talking about immigration forms...then again TLB, you already knew that :) and why the hell did I even post my tin horn reply in this thread. :o


I've got severe PTSD, okay? :)


tsap seui

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  • 4 months later...

Registering a marriage in Shenyang


Just did this and here are my notes.


1. Appointment online: https://evisaforms.state.gov/acs/default.asp?postcode=SNY&appcode=1


2. Seems there is a lot of variation based on city, so you should bring as much as you think you will need but I found that I needed almost nothing at all to get the Affidavit of Marriageability. They only wanted my passport, her name and DOB... no divorce papers, no ID for her. Fill out a paper and get the notary for $50.


3. We took my paper, in english only, to the marriage office along with her ID, residency book, single certificate in chinese and her divorce paper (her divorce paper was paper, not a little book like some have). We had a slip up because the divorce paper had something written on it which did not have a stamp on it, so they made us go to the court to have that stamped... seems the single certificate was not enough on it's own. NOTE: I DID NOT need a chinese translation of my paper.


4. After all the paperwork was correct, we filled out papers, had our picture taken there for the red book, and paid a fee and arranged the pickup date.


5. Went on pickup date to get red books. Had a picture take (optional since you pay for it) with flowers and background.


6. The surprises to me was:

a. Hardly needed anything to get my paper

b. My paper in english only was accepted

c. The official marriage date is the date you pick up the red book. So if your trying to plan the 'day' to be some sort of lucky date, realize the date they put in the book is when you pick up the red books.


We had a small snafu since we were unsure when we would pick up the books and asked if there was a window of time to get it. This left them not doing our books, assuming we would call when ready; we went on the first day they said it would be ready. We were told to go to the 2nd floor where the papers are kept in pre-processing.


That day was a very busy day in the marriage office so we thought this was going to take us a long time to do... but it so happened that the 2nd floor folks were not busy at all, just the 3rd where they were processing the marriages. So the person on the 2nd floor agreed to do our papers right then and we went back to the 3rd floor and the girl took us immediately. We were in and out faster then the other people sitting around waiting.



American Citizen Services

U.S. Consulate General

Shenyang, China

Tel: 86-24-2322-1198 ext 5132


Email: shenyangacs@state.gov

Website: http://shenyang.usconsulate.gov


Starting June 1, 2010, ACS will be available on Tuesday and Thursday

afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30 by appointments online at


only. We will be closed on Chinese and American holidays (please check

holidays at http://shenyang.usembassy-china.org.cn/holidays.html )

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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Registering a marriage in Shenyang


Just did this and here are my notes.


1. Appointment online: https://evisaforms.state.gov/acs/default.asp?postcode=SNY&appcode=1


2. Seems there is a lot of variation based on city, so you should bring as much as you think you will need but I found that I needed almost nothing at all to get the Affidavit of Marriageability. They only wanted my passport, her name and DOB... no divorce papers, no ID for her. Fill out a paper and get the notary for $50.


3. We took my paper, in english only, to the marriage office along with her ID, residency book, single certificate in chinese and her divorce paper (her divorce paper was paper, not a little book like some have). We had a slip up because the divorce paper had something written on it which did not have a stamp on it, so they made us go to the court to have that stamped... seems the single certificate was not enough on it's own. NOTE: I DID NOT need a chinese translation of my paper.


4. After all the paperwork was correct, we filled out papers, had our picture taken there for the red book, and paid a fee and arranged the pickup date.


5. Went on pickup date to get red books. Had a picture take (optional since you pay for it) with flowers and background.


6. The surprises to me was:

a. Hardly needed anything to get my paper

b. My paper in english only was accepted

c. The official marriage date is the date you pick up the red book. So if your trying to plan the 'day' to be some sort of lucky date, realize the date they put in the book is when you pick up the red books.


We had a small snafu since we were unsure when we would pick up the books and asked if there was a window of time to get it. This left them not doing our books, assuming we would call when ready; we went on the first day they said it would be ready. We were told to go to the 2nd floor where the papers are kept in pre-processing.


That day was a very busy day in the marriage office so we thought this was going to take us a long time to do... but it so happened that the 2nd floor folks were not busy at all, just the 3rd where they were processing the marriages. So the person on the 2nd floor agreed to do our papers right then and we went back to the 3rd floor and the girl took us immediately. We were in and out faster then the other people sitting around waiting.



American Citizen Services

U.S. Consulate General

Shenyang, China

Tel: 86-24-2322-1198 ext 5132


Email: shenyangacs@state.gov

Website: http://shenyang.usconsulate.gov


Starting June 1, 2010, ACS will be available on Tuesday and Thursday

afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30 by appointments online at


only. We will be closed on Chinese and American holidays (please check

holidays at http://shenyang.usembassy-china.org.cn/holidays.html )


David, your story mirrors our story from a year and a half ago with the Shenyang consulate, and then with the marriage office.


The consulate could have cared less aboout my divorce papers, just need lil' rabbit's birthday date and my passport....gave me the document I needed and off to the marriage office we went.


We too, thought we had gotten married on the first day.....no....we actually got married on the second trip to get the white books we ordered of our marriage certificate. :lol:


The whole thing in the marriage bureau was a hilarious hoot. We laughed the whole time....and, as I said before, the hotel with the marriage bureau offices on the second floor, and then the additional offices on the third floor smelled like an open sewer....NO traps on any of the plumbing.


We still laugh about the whole experience of getting married in the CA-CA Hotel....and not knowing exactly WHEN we had gotten married. What fun!!! :P


tsap seui


Oh yeah, at the consulate, the Chinese lady who took my paperwork was without a doubt the LARGEST Chinese woman I have ever seen. She wasn't really fat, just BIG!! :lol: :o

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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hey tappy... I think they fixed the sewer smell by finally installing some water to flush with :P




A note about divorce decrees:


I have always heard others talk of this as like the little red book... but her's was four pages of court papers :ph34r:


It turns out, with all the Shenyang stampage on four pages, Fushun turned their head to translating it. They said go to Shenyang to do that. We tried to press the issue with the a friend-of=a-friend-of-a-friend routine within both the police department and the Gong Zheng Chu... but to no avail.


We decided to just go back to the marriage office which doubles as a notary for all things in Shenyang, so it's convenient for that reason if you plan ahead bring what you might need done at the time of registering the marriage.


They will do four copies of the marriage and four copies of the divorce decree (four pages) for 1000 RMB. I am a bit surprised at the low cost; I thought for sure it would be higher than that. She doesn't have a birth certificate but we'll do that in Fushun as they said that was no problem to do.


We will go back to Shenyang tomorrow (fourth trip) to pickup these notarial translations...

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