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CFL Member spotted in Washington

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Mei and I went to DC yesterday to submit whatever they needed to renew her Chinese passport. I thought it may help someone who has the need to go to that same office if I shared some random thoughts about the trip. We are only in Richmond, VA so not very far away at all. Not 100% sure if I would last more than 2 hours driving up there we took the bus. Of course we were way early arriving in DC at about 0530. I've been to DC many times over the past 56 years but I wanted to let Mei see for herself what traffic can be like at different times of the day. Hence, she'd understand why I wanted to get there as early as possible. I'd highly suggest taking the bus if you have the time. Just remember that as it gets closer to your departure time (1 hour will do it) go ahead and get into the line in front of the door you're leaving from. If you wait for the last minute you'll end up sitting near someone or something you won't like at all. When you arrive take your time and rest a few minutes, go potty, whatever. Assuming there is someone with you who speaks English, have that person go out the door indicated for taxi service. Engage the driver who most looks like he/she isn't on crack and make simple small talk. Just feel it out to see if you can understand them and vice versa. By this time you will have long since printed out the MAPQUEST directions and you also brought your GPS so you know the VISA office isn't very far away. Let the driver know you've done your homework without being anal.

There are many things that factor into what you'll end up paying your driver but there are a few things that are in fact completely out of his/her control. Even if the driver knows exactly where to go they cannot control the traffic around them. On departure it may not matter so much but arriving is critical because that office is only open from 0930 to 1230. No questions asked. When you're finished you can take your time and see some sights.

This office is in an office building that from the outside looks absolutely nothing like you'd expect. The only way to know there is a portion of the Chinese Embassy inside is the directory inside the front door. On this day they opened the waiting area at about 0900. They did not open their windows until 0933 or so. There is a copy machine available in case you are asked for something you forgot to copy at home. Yes, they will mail your passport, visa or whatever papers to you. "IF" and only if you are more than 100 miles away from them. We just made it for that one at 113 miles away. You may furnish your own photos of course but they only charge $10.00 for 4 of them. It may not sound like much but it's a helluva lot easier to not take a chance and if the photo isn't good enough it's their problem not your's.

I asked Mei what she thought of the young lady who waited on her at the window. She said this lady was nice. Very efficient but nice. She said the lady who took her picture was a bit "mean". Made a fuss about her hair being off of her ears.

Including the wait time for the windows to open we were finished in less than an hour and out the door. Were we hungry? Yes! I find it a bit weird but be prepared to have difficulty finding even as much as a Chinese take-out place. There isn't one within walking distance. We ended up going back to the bus station and walking to McDonalds 2-3 blocks away. Mei ate my apple pie before I knew it was gone...lol There's a Wendy's on the opposite corner. Hot dog carts for lunch everywhere and yes there are places to eat. It all depends on what you're looking for. If you have to have noodles and/or rice forget it. In complete honesty we made the trip, paid the fees at the embassy and had lunch all for under $200.00. BTW.....for two people each way the taxi was less than $18.00. Maybe we got lucky with that part.

Any questions? Please ask! :(

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