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US Travel Advisories / China

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I thought you would be interested in some quotes from the "Offical US Travel Advisories".


I put this under the "General Visa Discussion" as I would assume this relates to the reason for increased security checks since 9/11 (along with some checks in relation to possible espionage)



First: China:


SAFETY AND SECURITY: Americans visiting or residing in China are advised to take the normal safety precautions travelers take when in a foreign country. Specifically, travelers should remain aware of their surroundings and of events that are happening around them. Travelers should respect local police requirements to temporarily avoid travel in some areas. In light of the greatly increased numbers of older Americans traveling to China, U.S. tour operators should check that local guides are familiar with medical facilities and emergency medical evacuation procedures.




Terrorism is rare in China, although a small number of bombings and incidents of unrest have occurred in Beijing and in other areas inhabited primarily by ethnic minorities. Recent bombings have largely been the result of commercial disputes between Chinese. There is no indication that acts of public violence have been directed against foreigners.


CRIME: Overall, China is a safe country, with a low but increasing crime rate. Pickpockets target tourists at sightseeing destinations, open-air markets and in stores, often with the complicity of low-paid security guards. Violence against foreigners occurs, but it is rare. The number of violent incidents against Americans is very low on a worldwide basis (there were eleven reported violent attacks on American citizens between 2000 and 2002), but such incidents do occur. Robberies, sometimes at gunpoint, have occurred in western China, and there have been some reports of robberies and assaults along remote mountain highways near China's border with Nepal. Travelers are sometimes asked by locals to exchange money at a preferential rate. It is illegal to exchange dollars for RMB except at banks, hotels and official exchange offices. Due to the large volume of counterfeit currency in China, unofficial exchanges usually result in travelers losing their money and possibly left to face charges of breaking foreign exchange laws.





Compare China to Saudi Arabia:



SAFETY AND SECURITY: The U.S. Government continues to assist Saudi authorities in their investigations of the 1995 and 1996 bombings of U.S. military installations in Saudi Arabia. The U.S. Mission continues to receive reports that suggest terrorist action against U.S. interests in Saudi Arabia remains a possibility. Because of continuing security concerns, the Embassy, Consulates General, and the U.S. military elements throughout the country have reviewed their security postures and made improvements wherever possible to lessen their vulnerabilities.


We strongly encourage all American citizens visiting or resident in Saudi Arabia to maintain a high level of vigilance and take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness and reduce their vulnerability. Americans should maintain a low profile, vary routes and times for all required travel, and treat mail and packages from unfamiliar sources with suspicion. In addition, American citizens are urged to avoid contact with any suspicious, unfamiliar objects, and to report the presence of such objects to local authorities. Vehicles should not be left unattended, if at all possible, and should be kept locked at all times. American citizens are urged to park their motor vehicles in protected areas with restricted access and to inspect the vehicles before using them, looking underneath, inside the engine compartment, and inside the trunk. The use of a flashlight for vehicle inspections at night is recommended. Suspicious activities, individuals, or vehicles should be reported to the U.S. Embassy or nearest Consulate General. License numbers of vehicles and descriptions of individuals are extremely helpful. Saudi officials continue to cooperate closely with the Embassy to ensure the safety of all Americans.



October 27, 2003


This Travel Warning is being updated to alert Americans to continuing security concerns in Saudi Arabia . This Travel Warning supersedes that of August 13, 2003 .


The Department of State warns U.S. citizens to defer non-essential travel to Saudi Arabia . Americans are reminded of the potential for further terrorist actions against U.S. citizens abroad, including in the Persian Gulf region.


The U.S. Government continues to receive indications of terrorist threats aimed at American and Western interests, including the targeting of transportation and civil aviation. There is credible information that terrorists have targeted Western aviation interests in Saudi Arabia . American citizens in Saudi Arabia should remain vigilant, particularly in public places.

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Wow! this really justifies the increased security checks on Chinese women. By the governments own admission there is very little risk of terrorism in China. Just what are they afraid of anyway? The possiblilty that Americans might find out that Chinese people aren't the red menace they always told us they are?

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Wow! this really justifies the increased security checks on Chinese women.  By the governments own admission there is very little risk of terrorism in China.  Just what are they afraid of anyway?  The possiblilty that Americans might find out that Chinese people aren't the red menace they always told us they are?

Here is the haiku I wrote while contemplating the same vein of thought:




Security checks


China lady terrorists


Exploding dumplings

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Don't forget, ya'll, that terrorism is only one small issue regarding immigration. Politics play much more of an issue.


Remember that China still has that big red star. We're in a psuedo-cold war stance with China still. We're stuck with things like the WTO which makes dealings with China all the more complicated.


Not to mention too civil rights issues. I had a long chat with Jing Mei last night. We're going to have an ultrasound today and should see the gender. She started to cry when she asked if we could see if the baby had a cleft lip today. I told her I wasn't sure. I asked what they did in China when a baby had one. She used her finger and drew it across her throat and said, "We say bye bye to the baby. No good." Can you imagine??? Using our Jinglish, I tried to explain "equal protection" in our country. She seemed to think it was a nice idea, but it felt like explaining human intercourse to a Martian. She looked so puzzled by the concept. It's because of these horrible things China still practices that lends the US to be resistant to fully open our doors to Chinese citizens. Blackmail perhaps....or efforts to "shape" their behavior.

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Thats the whole point. It's too political. The reason for all these extra security checks is to try and ward off terrorists. Since there aren't any it must be purely political. Whether we agree with how China runs thier country or not it is just that, thier country and we have no business sticking our nose in and telling them how to run it. I don't know just when or where this nation got the idea that we are the worlds policemen but it is not winning us a whole lot of friends in my oppinion.

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Back to the main topic.

Are we afraid of the Chinese people,are they a threat to us. Are we afraid of the Chinese Communist government,they are experiencing major reforms and giving more personal freedoms all the time. Or are we afraid of what they can become,as a Country. Remember they just put a man in Orbit only the third country to do so. My wife operates Two Avon stores,she understands the free interprise system better than I do. She doesn't want to come here to convert people to the Communist party she wants to come here to be with me (and enjoy a better life???) Frankly it is embarrassing to me personaly to try to explain to her why the greatest world power is afraid to let in a few Chinese women.

What is the Afidavit of suport? Do we (the pititioners) not take full responsibility both leagaly and financialy for our loved ones when they get here?

NO. It is because as a sociaty the US is prejudiced against Asian people!

Na, it can't be that, not here!!


I think America is just afraid of seeing a huge country growing strong each day. There is always a potential that they might do something "against" America. However, this threat is far less than reality. It's mostly politics. Without the imaginary enemy, the army will have no use. Frankly, I don't believe that America is afraid of any country in instant. However, America is afraid of losing control on these countries.


Personally, I believe the affidavit support is reasonable. There are many "jackass" in America, who got girls from other country, and dump them, leave them in poverty and starvation. And America will have to take the responsibility for these poor women. America is still one of the best countries as far as human rights. However, America can't support them always. Therefore, the America has to make sure that we will take care of the ladies.

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What is the Afidavit of suport? Do we (the pititioners) not take full responsibility both leagaly and financialy for our loved ones when they get here?

NO. It is because as a sociaty the US is prejudiced against Asian people!

Na, it can't be that, not here!!

I believe the affidavit of support is used for all immigrants from all countries.


It has higher impact for immigrants from certain countries than others. For, example, many Canadians or Europeans have adequate resources to qualify without the support of the sponsor, especially if they are able to enter the USA with a job transfer.


The problem with China, Russia, and many other countries is that many of the women wanting to immigrate to the USA come from lower income brackets. And with the poor exchange rates, they have few assets of their own to report as support for themselves.


My guess that many of the regulations are actually designed with Mexicans (Latin Americans) in mind rather than Chinese or Russians. There are many Latin Americans that are living below the poverty level, and the USA wants to avoid situations where women are brought into the USA only to end up on welfare and wards of the state.


My estimate is that it will be costing me in excess of $10,000 to marry a Russian woman. I would think that the difficulties with bringing a woman from overseas would naturally exclude many would be suiters in the lower income levels. I have actually been amazed that some people have been able to make the relationship work, only to discover problems with the support requirements.


On the other hand, a person living in a border state could potentially meet a Latin American woman with substantially less out of pocket expense. Thus, the option would be open to individuals living in a wider income range. Thus, to protect American taxpayers from taking on the liabilities of immigrants below the poverty level, they require the affidavit of support.


There are a couple of fallacies with the system.

1) What about college students? Generally those that can’t support themselves are able to get a “sponsor” to help.

2) What about those individuals who have worked in China for a few years at somewhat depressed wages, and then want to return to the USA?

3) What about separation, divorce?

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For, example, many Canadians or Europeans have adequate resources to qualify without the support of the sponsor, especially if they are able to enter the USA with a job transfer.


Not if they are petioned.


Affidavit of support is for any immigrant petioned by a USC. From ANY countries. Even the "rich" ones.

If you immigrate on your own ( HB-1, L, E visas ) , that's another story. I know. I did it ( on my own on a E-2 employer visa ).

In other words, if you immigrate without a job lined-up, they ( BCIS ) want to know who's going to foot the bill .

Students are somewhat different. BCIS expects you NOT to stay , so they just want to make sure you have enough funds to support yourself for the few months you are supposed to be here.

Remember that K visas, although technically non-immigrant's, are for all intent and purpose, immigrant visas.




Note to Admin: Don, I want a recount on Mick/ Eric posts. Remember. I live in FL. we don't count too well down here. Get confused fast :angry:

Mick: 3174 - 1566 mindless babel = 1608 net

Eric: 3086 - 1011 mindelss babel = 2075 net


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Note to Admin: Don, I want a recount on Mick/ Eric posts. Remember. I live in FL. we don't count too well down here. Get confused fast  :angry:

Mick: 3174 - 1566 mindless babel = 1608  net

Eric:  3086 - 1011 mindelss babel = 2075  net




Wouldn't that still put you number 3?


Some of the other "Power Users" that I have seen include:


Don (2503). And, I must admit most of his messages are quite insightful.

ttlee_99 (2378) Also, generally insiteful.

R2D2 (2175)

owenkrout (1767)


Of course, you better watch out.... 1 1/2 months on the net and I've already made it into the top 40 !!!!

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