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P-3 Pit Crew update (11/8)

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This may be way off base but it crossed my mind so I thought I'd run it by people here.


Do you think there is any possibility that other people are making inside connections at the consulate and throwing a little cash around to get their cases processed or at least entered into the system?  I'm not accusing anyone here.  But maybe some of the 001 people who might have better access and understand the way things are done there...


I don't know.  It would certainly explain the randomness of the processing.  It certainly happens everywhere else in China.  Why not at the US consulate as well?


There are two types of connections:


Friends / Coworkers / Mutual Respect


Yes, these types of connections even exist in American Society..... What is the "you scratch my back, and I will scratch yours" in politics? Special Interest Groups and Campaign Fund Donations? Why does the DA hold more weight than the judge in traffic court? Lawyers?


I am sure some of these connections also exist in the immigration process.... And, it would help the occasional person speed up one step, only to have to wait again at the next step. Perhaps someone with enough connections could get an isolated case quickly through the entire system... I am sure there are both Chinese and Americans reviewing the cases, but I assume that any final decision would be done by an American.


But, I would assume that these are the minority of cases.


As far as CASH????? There is a remote possibility that it would work..... But, make the offer to the wrong person and your case could be slowed down tremendously or completely rejected...... I wouldn't recommend it.


------ CK -----

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This is why having connections are important; you can't really buy them when you need them. I've always had the impression that doing favors for friends or relatives are 'okay', but start selling the favors for cash, and they'll eventually come down on ya.


The analogy in my mind is if you make a copy or two of your favorite DVD for friends, the government isn't gonna come break down your door. But once you start selling bootleg DVDs...



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I don't know about throwing cash around, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone who 'knew' someone could get some files moved around.  That's just how the system in China works and I don't see why the consulate would be different.  Guanxi in China is worth a lot more than cash...



JUST THINK You are right it is China but the Embassy is USA!!!

The consulate is technically US territory, but the workers doing the day-to-day paper work are Chinese.



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I'd like to repeat, I AM NOT SUGGESTING ANYONE SLIP CASH TO ANYONE!! I am just inquiring as to whether this activity happens. I was suggesting it might be one reason the cases come out of the consolate in such a random manner.


I DO know that it DOES happen in China quite often. I'm wondering if it happens at the consulate.


Even if it meant getting my family here faster I wouldn't do this.

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I don't know about throwing cash around, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone who 'knew' someone could get some files moved around.  That's just how the system in China works and I don't see why the consulate would be different.  Guanxi in China is worth a lot more than cash...



JUST THINK You are right it is China but the Embassy is USA!!!

The consulate is technically US territory, but the workers doing the day-to-day paper work are Chinese.



Hi Jerry,


The main problem is the SYSTEM and we all know the SYSTEM is far from being PERFECT or FAIR. There is no funny bussiness going on there. If you read 001 you will know the people that got the P3 recently was stuck in customs as well. Just because some people got P3 before others dosen't mean they knew someone or paid someone to move it along. LIKE IT OR NOT IT IS THE SYSTEM THAT IS FLAW.

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I don't know about throwing cash around, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone who 'knew' someone could get some files moved around.  That's just how the system in China works and I don't see why the consulate would be different.  Guanxi in China is worth a lot more than cash...



JUST THINK You are right it is China but the Embassy is USA!!!

The consulate is technically US territory, but the workers doing the day-to-day paper work are Chinese.



Hi Jerry,


The main problem is the SYSTEM and we all know the SYSTEM is far from being PERFECT or FAIR. There is no funny bussiness going on there. If you read 001 you will know the people that got the P3 recently was stuck in customs as well. Just because some people got P3 before others dosen't mean they knew someone or paid someone to move it along. LIKE IT OR NOT IT IS THE SYSTEM THAT IS FLAW.

I have always suspected that it might be all the name checks and security checks that everyone has to go through. I can't think of any other reason why it seems to be so random. The IV unit told me once that the name checks do take a while due to common names.

I know of one lady who had an interview last month and the VO submitted her to fingerprinting and told her to go home, that this process will take at least 2 months to complete.

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The main problem is the SYSTEM and we all know the SYSTEM is far from being PERFECT or FAIR. There is no funny bussiness going on there. If you read 001 you will know the people that got the P3 recently was stuck in customs as well. Just because some people got P3 before others dosen't mean they knew someone or paid someone to move it along. LIKE IT OR NOT IT IS THE SYSTEM THAT IS FLAW.

Ahhh! Gigibebe, you're talking my language there!! :rolleyes:


Absolutely it is the system! I really didn't mean to implicate 001 people in screwing things up. I was very indelicately suggesting that if anyone was gaming the system it might be people who had easier access to the consulate. If you say no one at 001 is doing this, I believe you. Honestly, I was just trying to ask questions rather than come to any conclusions.


Ever heard of a guy called W. Edwards Deming? He's an American manufacturing guy who helped Japan redevelop their manufacturing base after WWII. I have used his methods in my factory for many years. Deming always said exactly those words. "It's always the fault of the system." In my company I continually used a phrase with my employees, "Fix the problem, not the blame." You can play the blame game forever and never get anything done. You have to stop and try to fix the system.


The thing I believe I so poorly communicated before is, a broken system often propogates people doing bad things to get around that system. The worse the system the more people try to get around it. It's a viscious cycle. If, indeed, no one IS doing this at the consulate I'd be highly curious as to how the could possibly control that behavior. Really, I think it's situations like these where the ones who choose to be honest end up paid the penalty.

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Guest blsqueaky

Just checked BCIS on line again, and again told that I will hear something within 60-90 days from receipt. Here is a question, is that real days or working days??? Received 8-29 MSC

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Just checked BCIS on line again, and again told that I will hear something within 60-90 days from receipt. Here is a question, is that real days or working days??? Received 8-29 MSC

Your signature block and post are confusing to me. BCIS projected processing times are based on actual calendar days, not business days. You will want to regularly check the status of your I-129F online because those projection times often change (increase). Yours is approaching that 90-day mark so you will especially want to watch it carefully. When it is approved that approval will also post on the BCIS website before you actually receive the approval in the mail. Good luck!

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