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Interview language

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Hi All CFL'S


This is my first post. My wife has her CR1 interview to be on Sep 8. The interview was first scheduled for Aug, but was a bad time for her. I had no problem delaying the interview date by email.


I arrived in China on Aug 23, 2007, and married my wife on Aug 27, 2007. After 90 emails, I knew she was the one for me. We did lots of stupid things and did not get the K3 visa a year ago. This time we are more prepared. I now have a co-sponsor because even though my house is free and clear, my retirement income is insufficient. It says in writing you can use your assets, but I guess that doesn't mean anything. I have celebrated two birthdays in China and I am now 72 and my wife is 56. At my age, everyday with my new love is a blessing.


I hope to arrive in Guangzhou in time to go to the ACH I just read about. It will be a 24 hour train ride. Everything seems to be booked because of some kind of student holiday or something?


English is really difficult for my wife, especially when she gets nervous in front of the vo. My wife couldn't even remember her marriage date for the K3 interview. Is there any chance my wife can have the interview in English? Or, will that work against us because they said we don't have a bonefied relationship because we could not communicate. Now after two years of me being in China, can they still make the same argument? My wife has been taking English lessons and I can speak some Chinese. We communicate just fine.




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Hi All CFL'S


This is my first post. My wife has her CR1 interview to be on Sep 8. The interview was first scheduled for Aug, but was a bad time for her. I had no problem delaying the interview date by email.


I arrived in China on Aug 23, 2007, and married my wife on Aug 27, 2007. After 90 emails, I knew she was the one for me. We did lots of stupid things and did not get the K3 visa a year ago. This time we are more prepared. I now have a co-sponsor because even though my house is free and clear, my retirement income is insufficient. It says in writing you can use your assets, but I guess that doesn't mean anything. I have celebrated two birthdays in China and I am now 72 and my wife is 56. At my age, everyday with my new love is a blessing.


I hope to arrive in Guangzhou in time to go to the ACH I just read about. It will be a 24 hour train ride. Everything seems to be booked because of some kind of student holiday or something?


English is really difficult for my wife, especially when she gets nervous in front of the vo. My wife couldn't even remember her marriage date for the K3 interview. Is there any chance my wife can have the interview in English? Or, will that work against us because they said we don't have a bonefied relationship because we could not communicate. Now after two years of me being in China, can they still make the same argument? My wife has been taking English lessons and I can speak some Chinese. We communicate just fine.




Yes they will interview in English, they only interview in Chinese if English is not good.


Your being together a long time goes to bonafide relationship, as well as working on communications.


This becomes a lesser issue.


Splitting this off the police cert thread.

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if you do want the interview to be in chinese, you can request it at ACH on the Monday before her interview. One caveat, though: they'll ask what language you use to communicate in and, if it's a lot of chinese, they'll probably want to see some evidence of your ability to understand. what i did was hand-write a short evolution of relationship letter in chinese and english, and got them notarized. if you can't write characters from memory, write it on the computer first and then copy.


neat story. you sound like you're living this life to the fullest!

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My wife knew enough English to say, "English no good. Puthonghua, please!"


If she is uncomfortable interviewing in English, by all means ask for Chinese.


An awkward applicant can fall victim to a fast-talking VO who doesn't care if she understands or not.

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My Wife got a denial on her k3 a year ago,did the CR1 and she passed,She also has the hard time with english,I went to the ACH,and requested that my wife have her interview in Chinese,and told him she would be really nervous,he said no problem,but did ask a lot of questions to me(at ACH)how do we communicate.I told him my wife was going to english school,he was happy to hear.Also,I addressed the issue of our communication,how we communicate, in my "evolution of relationship"letter.Good Luck in your wifes interview.



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From my experience is that you never know, just be prepared.


If you follow CFL closely, you will see trends like the VO you have at ACH will most likely be your fiancee's interviewing VO.


When I was at ACH (before Mei's interview), they skipped a few numbers past me then called me up. When I was sitting there, I could see that the men were positioned facing our left and the women VOs were to the right. Looking at my number sequence, I was heading for the right side. And has been mentioned many many times, the women VOs interview often very differently from the men.


Personally that is something that I wonder is ever addressed at GUZ, but of course is another topic.......


Anyway, I got 2 male VOs. So I felt fortunate and I am guessing that one VO was in training, but both answered my questions. Often you hear of petitioners having to think of good questions to ask. Well, I had a list and had it in outline form, so I would not forget anything and ask in a logical manner......


That all went great and I requested a couple of times for the interview in Chinese, since I knew Mei would be nervous and of course more comfortable in Chinese. Also mentioned at ACS.


Well, we got the twist......Woman VO for the interview that was conducted in all English.......


Mei did great and was extremely excited, but not what I had expected.


I would hope that Mei could have requested Chinese, but she simply went with the questioning.


So be prepared and since she is planning on coming here, the more English she knows now is a plus. Classes and/or practice....


Good luck!

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