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Guangzhou's response to congresswoman's inquiries

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... Please understand when we receive a petition it is not one petition, but a shipment of fifteen to twenty boxes of petitions (1150 to 2500 petitions) per shipment...

And if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times ... don't exaggerate! I mean, 15 to 20 boxes of just petitions for each shipment that leaves NVC for GZ. From the sampling I've directly looked at myself, the average seems to be something under 4 or 5 boxes each shipment with maybe 1 or 2 actually containing documents! This is absolute BS folks. Totally unrealistic. Don't buy it for a second.

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... Please understand when we receive a petition it is not one petition, but a shipment of fifteen to twenty boxes of petitions (1150 to 2500 petitions) per shipment...

And if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times ... don't exaggerate! I mean, 15 to 20 boxes of just petitions for each shipment that leaves NVC for GZ. From the sampling I've directly looked at myself, the average seems to be something under 4 or 5 boxes each shipment with maybe 1 or 2 actually containing documents! This is absolute BS folks. Totally unrealistic. Don't buy it for a second.

Well, 100, or 1000 applications per shipment, it is still a load on the system.


I wonder how much double data entry there is? Has all of the information been already entered into the computer in the USA?


I would certainly be willing to spend a half hour doing an electronic form application if that meant that it would save 120 days to do the data entry!!!!!! :P


What did I hear somewhere? That there were around 20,000 Visa applications in process...... Divide that by about a year, and it makes 55 application EVERY DAY. I am not sure if that was just for China, but I think it may have been. Assuming they get deliveries every 2 weeks or so, that means 800 applications per shipment. If the shipments get delayed for a month, it could be enough to bury any office..... Of course, that isn't a good excuse why they can't ship the applications on a daily basis (heck, I would be willing to add the $30 for an overnight shipment of my application alone, as soon as it was ready).


Just for comparison, Russia has started posting their interview schedule. They have between 10 and 30 interviews scheduled nearly every week day (although they do seem to skip a few days).





(oh, I checked my MOS number, I was off by a single digit.... :angry: ) If anybody can discern a pattern in the MOS numbers, let me know.


The only thing that I can tell about the numbers is that the first 4 digits appear to be a YEAR.... What a scary thought????????? I would assume this is the year that the NVC assigned the application a number, which could be significantly later than the application was submitted.


If I am right about the year being part of the number, then we have the following for the interviews scheduled over the next 2 months:


10 - 1996 applications

2 - 1997 applications

1 - 1998 application

3 - 1999 applications

4 - 2000 applications

16 - 2001 applications

82 - 2002 applications

324 - 2003 applications


Total: 444 applications (average of 7 1/2 applications EVERY DAY including Sundays).


I would imagine that some of the older "crustier" applications are resubmittals...... But, if I am right..... Then,


73 % of the applications are less than 1 year old.

18 % of the applications are between 1 and 2 years old.

8 % of the applications are OVER 2 years old.

2 % (included above) of the applications are 7 years old :o


Oh, and 170 applications (half of the 2003 applications) have a higher MOS nuber than mine :huh: (oh, I meant that there are 170 applications with larger numbers than mine that ALREADY HAVE INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED, I AM STILL WAITING :( )


------ Clifford ------

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you know why the Chinese women you guys are married with are the best?


There is a saying in China:

The first class girls marry to Americans.


The 2nd class girls get in bed with the rich business men in China.


The 3rd class girls get in the nude bars..


The 4th class girls study hard at school, and became successful women. Then they "buy" handsome guys.


It's just a joke............. :lol:

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