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China's GDP grows at 7.9% annual rate in

Guest Tony n Terrific

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Got this from Yahoo news: In mainland China, markets fell as investors took profits after a rally, but the benchmark index is still up 75 percent this year on enthusiasm about the stimulus. :rolleyes:


Why does this not surprise me?

It shouldn't. China's stimulus actually stimulates the economy. In fact, their stimulus is lifting the rest of the global economy.

Are you implying that the US stimulus is not working? According to the Socialists the GM stimulus alone will soon lift us out of all our problems by saving 66,000 jobs directly and countless (but a lot) indirect jobs that would otherwise have been lost.


Off course when the house leader is worried about losing 500,000,000 jobs a month I would imagine a few figures are slightly off ...

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They call Mr. Wen Jia Bao the "Helecopter Wen". The danger is how long can this sustain. The export industry (one of the three main backbones of the economy) may not recover for another two years. The government is already making plans to kill the real estate market (another one of the three back bones). I wonder how the numbers will look in the 3rd and fourth quarter if the government does not pump more money into it.

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