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Travelers to China risk 'random' quarantine

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Guest Wuhan4me

Hey Tim - this is a good mix - mine is similar.


Some comments...


Take this 4 times/day for 3 days BEFORE you get on the plane.

You can make 'sets' to bring with you, to make ON the plane, as well - just bring honey in the small packages (go to KFC or Wendys, get the packages there) and put the lemons in your carry on - then have 2 to 3 sets on the big flight over.


When you make a set for travel, omit the honey, tie into a coffee filter, then put it all in a clear ziplock (with the honey) - just in case you need to SHOW it. If you're asked about it, simply say it's herbal tea. Again, stuff the lemons (limes work well, too - if small ones, use 5 per dose) into your carry on.


You can bring a small tea jug (stainless is best) onto the plain, use that plastic knife for the lemons. The stewardess will have hot water for making tea - you can make this IN the bathroom...


There's also an herbal 'pill' you can buy, does the same thing, but I've only bought them IN China - it reduces your temperature within 2 hours - I've no idea what it was called, but it works.


This has always worked for me.


This is another great cleanser, and is brilliant for helping the body to remove toxins. The sweetness provided by the honey is just enough to balance out the other ingredients making this an incredibly refreshing tea.


Garlic & Ginger Tonic Tea


4 cloves of garlic, minced

4 chunks of root ginger, grated

1 lemon, juiced

1/2 teaspoon of honey

a small dash of cayenne pepper


Prepare all ingredients, and place them on a large mug/measuring jug/teapot

Cover with just boiled water and infuse for 15-20 minutes

Strain and drink!



I'm starting to get worried... I'm leaving for China again on July 6th, and I've had a cold, mostly coughing and a sore throat. No fever, but I'm worried if it hasn't subsided by then, they'll put me in a precautionary quarantine.

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I departed for China via Hong Kong on Sat June 27th. I arrived there on Sun June 28th. Before we landed they passed out "Health Declaration Forms" and had us fill them out. I deplaned without my temp being taken at all. I walked through the airport where two techs with simple surgical type masks grabbed the young man in front of me and checked his temp by way of an ear thermometer. He caught back up to me as we neared luggage check where he again was singled out by another surgical mask clad person (maybe he had a *look?!*) who proceeded to check both of his ears temp. I missed the ferry (was advised by someone on the plane that I had to claim my luggage first ... DOH! So I used a limo service. As we crossed over into mainland China they opened the doors and used forhead wands to check everyones temps ... then checked the young man in front of me (not the same young man, but maybe I was a jinx to anyone in front of me?!) again before asking him to accompany them for further review ... 45 minutes later they brought him back and cleared us all. That was that ... not really as much screening as I had expected.



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Guest Pommey

I'm bringing enough asprin for the 5 rows around me. Is that wrong? :D :D


Anyone worried about the odds that you may get nailed for a slightly elevated body temperature...try this....about an hour before landing, take three standards aspirins. That will lower your body temp about 2 degrees even if you don't have a fever. Being anxious, nervous, anticipation...all these things can raise blood pressure which can also raise body temps.



Aspirin does not have any affect on your temperature, tylenol does though :)

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I flew into Beijing on July 4th, the tech's that came on board had mask's and goggles, but the way they were dressed made me think they were just trained airline employees. Very quick to take temps, no problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Flew into Xiamen on July 4th. A lady came on and scanned everyone's forehead and then let us all depart the plane.


Once in the airport the health desks before immigration were actually staffed and they were checking everyone's temperature again. I had a head rush coming into the airport and just knew I was going to fail (even tho I was by no means sick).


I failed the temperature test and was sent to a side area where a bunch of people were already sitting. They put a thermometer in my arm pit and had me sit for 5 min. While I was sitting I watched several other people fail this test. I overheard the doctors(?) say something about needing to take pictures of their throats and they were escorted to some other room.


I passed the arm pit temperature and was able to exit the airport with no further complications.




Went to Hong Kong for 5 days after being in Xiamen for 2 weeks. There didn't seem to be any new health measures being done in Hong Kong. Just the usual walk past the infrared scanner machine.


Although the announcements in the Hong Kong airport about H1N1 reminded me of the Resident Evil movie...

Edited by mwastart (see edit history)
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Just arrived in Xiamen this week - no temperature check - just the "new health certificate check". They were randomly pulling people out and doing a temperature check - my "Chinese Wife" got to do this - and I sped through the immigration - and was waiting in the baggage area with bags when she came out. She said they just reviewed her form - and took her temperature. Supposedly, they stopped checking all passengers and going on planes last Friday - per the person at the airport. FYI.


BTW - OMG it's humid here compared to Hawaii - but the food is oh so good...I think I'm already up a kilo or two!


Hawaii Mike & Jin

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