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seeking some advice with G25A , I 129

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I have a long distance relationship with a girl in Guangzhou, I went over there and one thing led to another, we decided to get married. At first I was actually looking to settle in PRC, but it would be too difficult for me to get good work there in my field so we decided for her to come to the USA.


We started our process and everything is OK, except one issue for the G325 A


Originally she is from a very small village in north Heilongjiang, the neighboring town is also very small, maybe 150 people :) thats where the police station is at. She is now 30 years old and was briefly married at 22-24, she has a daughter out of that marriage.


The problem is that on her divorce paper, they used her nickname because these are very small communities and everyone knows everyone. Not the entire name is changed, just 1 out of 3 characters and the rest of all the records listed on that paper such as her daughter etc. all match. Since it has been filed with Fujin and it is impossible for us to track this down, much less pay for everyones "gifts" to correct this error. We just can not afford this much money.


So far, what I have done is get a written notarized statement from her explaining the situation, and put that name with the different character as AKA on the G325A, but I am not sure this is enough.


Is there anything else that can be done in this situation ? All other records are in perfect order and like I said even her daughters are also on that document.


So is this a big problem ? If so what can I do about it ?




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I have a long distance relationship with a girl in Guangzhou, I went over there and one thing led to another, we decided to get married. At first I was actually looking to settle in PRC, but it would be too difficult for me to get good work there in my field so we decided for her to come to the USA.


We started our process and everything is OK, except one issue for the G325 A


Originally she is from a very small village in north Heilongjiang, the neighboring town is also very small, maybe 150 people :) thats where the police station is at. She is now 30 years old and was briefly married at 22-24, she has a daughter out of that marriage.


The problem is that on her divorce paper, they used her nickname because these are very small communities and everyone knows everyone. Not the entire name is changed, just 1 out of 3 characters and the rest of all the records listed on that paper such as her daughter etc. all match. Since it has been filed with Fujin and it is impossible for us to track this down, much less pay for everyones "gifts" to correct this error. We just can not afford this much money.


So far, what I have done is get a written notarized statement from her explaining the situation, and put that name with the different character as AKA on the G325A, but I am not sure this is enough.


Is there anything else that can be done in this situation ? All other records are in perfect order and like I said even her daughters are also on that document.


So is this a big problem ? If so what can I do about it ?




You need to use her name as it is on her registration card/passport on all paperwork. Ignore the difference in name on the divorce papers unless something comes up which may or may not happen and probably won't. Besides, you say you have a notorized explanation concerning the matter so you shoud be okay with it. Just ignore it and say nothing, unless.

Again, chances are that it won't become an issue and let's hope it doesn't. Good Luck!

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I have a long distance relationship with a girl in Guangzhou, I went over there and one thing led to another, we decided to get married. At first I was actually looking to settle in PRC, but it would be too difficult for me to get good work there in my field so we decided for her to come to the USA.


We started our process and everything is OK, except one issue for the G325 A


Originally she is from a very small village in north Heilongjiang, the neighboring town is also very small, maybe 150 people :) thats where the police station is at. She is now 30 years old and was briefly married at 22-24, she has a daughter out of that marriage.


The problem is that on her divorce paper, they used her nickname because these are very small communities and everyone knows everyone. Not the entire name is changed, just 1 out of 3 characters and the rest of all the records listed on that paper such as her daughter etc. all match. Since it has been filed with Fujin and it is impossible for us to track this down, much less pay for everyones "gifts" to correct this error. We just can not afford this much money.


So far, what I have done is get a written notarized statement from her explaining the situation, and put that name with the different character as AKA on the G325A, but I am not sure this is enough.


Is there anything else that can be done in this situation ? All other records are in perfect order and like I said even her daughters are also on that document.


So is this a big problem ? If so what can I do about it ?







I see that you are new here, and I want to welcome you to CFL.


To begin your education on the visa process, you need to be aware that the issuance of spousal visa by the DOS (Department of State) can be arbitrary and capricious. Because of this you need to make all of your paper work as accurate as possible. You will need to do this so that the Consular Officer will not refuse your wife a visa because of some discrepancy in her divorce decree. A delay of this kind can cost you from 3 months to over a year to sort out. To me the time you will spend apart far outways the money it will take for the "gifts" to fix her papers.


Also as Samsong said always use her legal name as it is written on her passport/ID card.


Best of luck to you. I recommend that you take the time to read the many guides listed on this site. You will be glad that you did.

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for the G-325A I used her name as it appears on all her documents, as her name where it says:

(Family Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)

that is the one thats on her ID, passport, etc.


the divorce document is the only one that has the different character, this comes out as a different syllable when translated by a certified translator. this notarized translation is of course going to be included as required. I put that nickname in the G-325A where it says:

All Other Names Used (Including names by previous marriages)

and that is the one for which we made the notarized letter with explanation.


the reason we did this is because we figured out that if we don't and just send it as is then USCIS will see the dicrepancy and deny.


I also looked here as well as visajourney and a bunch of other places, but I do not see anyone with a problem similar enough to mine to get any good precise and exact pointers as to how to deal with this.


so my question is, is there anything else in addition that we may do for this situation ? or just send what we got ?


and obviously i don't want any extra delays :( that is why i am trying to get this solved ahead of time, rather then have UCIS or Consulate deny and have to redo everything and wait more time. this is exactly the reason i am here and asking if anyone has any concrete advice. i already know the names and paperwork needs to all match, but what happens if that is not possible such as in this case ? and to what extent will it affect everything ?


like i stated, the translated divorce record has all else matching, including name birthplace and birthdate of her daughter, so i don't know how will this affect us.


thanks !

Edited by seeker2k (see edit history)
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I had the same problem as you and I addressed it with a letter of explanation in the original application. There were no problems and no questions asked.


Good luck!!


cool, thank you !


did you have your letter signed by the police by any chance ? or just notarized or just signed ?

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I had the same problem as you and I addressed it with a letter of explanation in the original application. There were no problems and no questions asked.


Good luck!!


cool, thank you !


did you have your letter signed by the police by any chance ? or just notarized or just signed ?


I wrote the letter myself and did not have it notarized. Apparently, this must be common there.

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