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House Banking ClosingDown/Leaving China TTD

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So mabey we can start a list of possible things that need to be done by the Chinese person that is soon to leave their China.


If they own a house, Things To Do ?


1. Power of attorney to those who will take care of the house and banking????


2. Is there even this thing in China like the U.S. Power of Attorney???


2.5 How do you obtain this type of thing in China???? Cost ???


3. What problems can be expected having/leaving behind a house in China and how can they be prevented???


4. Passport of course has to leave with them from China but What other documents should they bring with them and what should be left in China and why ???


5. Wills are these in use in China???


6. What can be used to leave the home to Family members still in China in the event of the death of the owner???


7. What can be used to leave the home to the U.S. Citizen Spouse or Child that resides in the U.S. on the death of the owner.


8. What other things to do when before leaving China that envolves Legal / Government Issues???


9. Pensions from China's Government, What issues??? Could be kept??? and under what restrictions??? Like as long as they do not become a U.S. Citizen??? or ???




Other's feel free to add more questions and mabey later the list can be redone and stickyed if it is warranted...


If this information can be found some where else... please feel free to post sources...


Thanks, Mark

Edited by Mark Wesson (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew

I hope others have some useful thought...


I have only one:

1. Leave it all in her hands...


I'm of the opinion, we impose our western way too much on them as it is... for the rest, carry on! :P



There is no doubt that the best course of action is to stay out of it and trust that she will take care of things in a manner that she sees best. Our cultures and methods are so vastly different, that you are more likely to step on toes, be they family, business, or otherwise, that any benefit will be immediately erased. If on the other hand, you are lucky enough that she comes and asks for your help, then feel free to volunteer. My guess is that is very unlikely.


My wife also owns property in China, and had a number of business connections, and legal things to take care of before she left. I too tried to help at the time, because I wanted to help relieve some of the stress. However, after repeated attempts, I began to learn that she not only had it under control, but was perceiving my attempts to help, as a suggestion that I didn't trust she could handle it. It's a mystery. Don't try to figure it out.

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