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What is your opinion of how my "removal of conditions" will

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Hi All,


Because only some of you will remember the problems that I had with my wife back when she first came to the states - Only those who remember the bad things she did and the actions I took against her can/should reply here with an opinion.


We are now at the point in time where we are waiting for a decision on her "removal of conditions". I was told that her case has finally been assigned to a case worker in the Vermont office.


I truthfully am quite worried - but I am trying not to let her know why. I know all the stink I raised back then and all the official people I wrote to and reported about her bad behaviors. If you remember the story - I not only wrote a letter to ICE but I also wrote to every other government office I could think of including my congressmen and senators.


Now we are VERY happily married and living together - have been ever since about 6 months after I sent her back to China. She returned to me after about 6 months back in China and things have been PERFECT since then. However, due to all the stink I raised - I am sure this process is going to be very rocky.


My question to all of you that remember my story... How hard do you think this process is going to be??? How many of you think she will get a denial right off the bat? How many think they will ask for more evidence? How many of you think it may not be as bad as I think?


I know many of you have a lot of knowledge and experience - I am now asking you guys to tell me what you think about this matter?


Lastly - If we get anything except approval - Do you think I should engage an ATTORNEY to handle this for me - so I don't make more of a mess of it???




(formerly m-coon)

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Hi All,


Because only some of you will remember the problems that I had with my wife back when she first came to the states - Only those who remember the bad things she did and the actions I took against her can/should reply here with an opinion.


We are now at the point in time where we are waiting for a decision on her "removal of conditions". I was told that her case has finally been assigned to a case worker in the Vermont office.


I truthfully am quite worried - but I am trying not to let her know why. I know all the stink I raised back then and all the official people I wrote to and reported about her bad behaviors. If you remember the story - I not only wrote a letter to ICE but I also wrote to every other government office I could think of including my congressmen and senators.


Now we are VERY happily married and living together - have been ever since about 6 months after I sent her back to China. She returned to me after about 6 months back in China and things have been PERFECT since then. However, due to all the stink I raised - I am sure this process is going to be very rocky.


My question to all of you that remember my story... How hard do you think this process is going to be??? How many of you think she will get a denial right off the bat? How many think they will ask for more evidence? How many of you think it may not be as bad as I think?


I know many of you have a lot of knowledge and experience - I am now asking you guys to tell me what you think about this matter?


Lastly - If we get anything except approval - Do you think I should engage an ATTORNEY to handle this for me - so I don't make more of a mess of it???




(formerly m-coon)

All you can receive here is speculation. Just go to the interview and hope for the best. It will probably work out just fine, (speculation). And if anything comes up, handle it appropiately.

Good luck at the interview. This is the first I've heard of you and your wife back together. That's good news! And yes, I remember your situation, m-coon.

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Hello Scott, it is good to see you are happy. I think that you will be OK, it was a fight, it can be difficult when a woman immigrates to a new culture, and you 2 have finally gotten it straightened out. You probably aren't the first couple this has happened to. Good Luck, Mike & Yizhen

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I remember, in fact I quit reading it because .. well no use in that line of thought.

Like others, your being back together and happy is the best news I've heard in a long time.



Also, like other I can only guess, but really.. there has GOT to be people that have been through this before, you are just more vocal.

Remember the story about the wife who was griping her husband out right before the interview, and when she went to the interview window, the VO handed her the pink slip and said "ONLY a real married couple could argue like that".


So, hope for that outcome, and prepare for the worst.

You know the routine already.

Is her name on everything you own.

Do you have proof (mail receipts) of you both receiving mail at the same address?

Do your neighbors know you live together, and maybe get them to write up they have seen you living together since ??/??/??.

If you have children, perhaps have them write letters that support your claim.

Finally, include your own letter explaining you were an ass, and that you have finally acted like adults and worked this out.

Perhaps a letter from your wife explaining you were an ass.. She is Chinese, I am sure she wasn't wrong :)


Make sure all the regular stuff is covered, how you communicate, etc.


If you attend services together, get a church representative to write something.


Finally, and this is the VERY important part... the most important thing to do is have intimate pictures of your wife (with you if your not too ugly) posted here so we can ALL vouch for you as being a real couple.

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Hi all and thanks for the input thus far.


Mike... its good to hear from you!


Samsong.... sorry I do not remember your real name - but thanks also.


I purposely kind-of dropped out of candle - I still read some but posted little. The "boyfriend" as well as my wife (back then) read everythng here religiously - so I found it better to not post. And I don't know if she still visits this site or not.


It was an extremely tough battle (for me) but we have come out of this with a very strong marriage.


Credzba... I also do not remember your name. Thanks for the lengthy post although I found little humor with the last comment. I feel I have done everything possible to prove a legit relationship! Everything is in both names: house, cars, all bank accounts, etc. So if I have to prove anything - it should be easy to prove.


I just do not know what "they" are capable of doing. I can even picture a letter of denial even without an interview - so I am quite worried. I am just so tired of this entire process - I just want it to be over. People who have never gone through any of this have no idea of how hard it can really be. It seems like eternity since we were married and I just want it to be over.


Lastly... I had hoped that more people would have commented here - but I am happy with any support I can get. I have PMed a few members as well and the majority think it may be difficult but certainly should result in her approval. It is just scary not knowing what we may have to go through (now) to resolve the mess I created back then.


Yes we had a rocky start but we have overcome problems that most of you can't imagine.




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  • 2 weeks later...



Yesterday I received a letter from immigration.


First - It was not typical of letters we have received in the past - It was only a plain copy style letter with black print on plain white paper. It was not on the thick and colored paper I remember they usually use for official letters. Does this mean anything???


Next, it was stating that we must be in Jacksonville, FL on the XXX of this month for "an interview appointment".


It looks to be typical in wording - saying we must be there and can bring counsel if desired. It also says we are to bring with us a long list of documents - they (the list) appear to be anything and everything that would prove that we are living together as husband and wife and share everything financially. It is a very extensive list of things they want to see. But what I find odd is that it appears to be everything they already asked for when we filed the application? In other words - it appears to be everything that we have already submitted with the application. Why in Gods name do they need all new documents of what they already have??? Does this sound "normal"?


ALSO!!!!!!!! I am quite pissed by this - and not quite sure how I am going to deal with this..... But when my wife and I were discussing this letter - she informed me that the man that she was cheating on me with had contacted her "recently" (don't know exactly when) and told her that he had been contacted by someone at the Jacksonville office (ICE). She and I did not discuss this in length because she was on her way to work at the time but she did tell me that he told her that he was contacted by them (ICE) by phone (I think) and that he (SOMEHOW) got out of talking to them... somehow. So he did not hear what they had to say or ask and that he made no official statement to them. Perhaps his secretary screened the call for him?


What do you think about this??????? Obviously they are looking very seriously at what she had done back then and it will obviously play a big part in their decision.


The only good I see in any of this is that I have gone to great extremes (ever since our breakup and reunite) to make sure that everything (both financial based as well as material items) we have is in both of our names. And that she is the sole beneficiary of all my insurance policies. I am sure this will help but I am still scared as hell about this appointment!!! I now wonder if it will be best to arrange for a Jacksonville attorney to be present with us???? What are your thoughts???


As far as my wife and this other man - I am so pissed that he is still in our lives and that he is still contacting my wife - but I also realize that I may NEED HIM before this is over!!!!!! Do you agree?



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Hello Scott, If you sent copies of these documents when you filed, then they may asking you to bring the originals for their perusal. I would not get too defensive yet, but I do not know how often they tell people they can bring Counsel, if they wish! Hopefully someone will comment on that! With your history, it may take more than one interview, but you will prevail. You are together, and you will get through this. Best wishes and Good Luck, Mike & Yizhen

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Yesterday I received a letter from immigration.


First - It was not typical of letters we have received in the past - It was only a plain copy style letter with black print on plain white paper. It was not on the thick and colored paper I remember they usually use for official letters. Does this mean anything???


Next, it was stating that we must be in Jacksonville, FL on the XXX of this month for "an interview appointment".


It looks to be typical in wording - saying we must be there and can bring counsel if desired. It also says we are to bring with us a long list of documents - they (the list) appear to be anything and everything that would prove that we are living together as husband and wife and share everything financially. It is a very extensive list of things they want to see. But what I find odd is that it appears to be everything they already asked for when we filed the application? In other words - it appears to be everything that we have already submitted with the application. Why in Gods name do they need all new documents of what they already have??? Does this sound "normal"?


ALSO!!!!!!!! I am quite pissed by this - and not quite sure how I am going to deal with this..... But when my wife and I were discussing this letter - she informed me that the man that she was cheating on me with had contacted her "recently" (don't know exactly when) and told her that he had been contacted by someone at the Jacksonville office (ICE). She and I did not discuss this in length because she was on her way to work at the time but she did tell me that he told her that he was contacted by them (ICE) by phone (I think) and that he (SOMEHOW) got out of talking to them... somehow. So he did not hear what they had to say or ask and that he made no official statement to them. Perhaps his secretary screened the call for him?


What do you think about this??????? Obviously they are looking very seriously at what she had done back then and it will obviously play a big part in their decision.


The only good I see in any of this is that I have gone to great extremes (ever since our breakup and reunite) to make sure that everything (both financial based as well as material items) we have is in both of our names. And that she is the sole beneficiary of all my insurance policies. I am sure this will help but I am still scared as hell about this appointment!!! I now wonder if it will be best to arrange for a Jacksonville attorney to be present with us???? What are your thoughts???


As far as my wife and this other man - I am so pissed that he is still in our lives and that he is still contacting my wife - but I also realize that I may NEED HIM before this is over!!!!!! Do you agree?





We got a "please come" letter in a similar vein - the IO wanted to simply tell us that we needed to go get the police report from the City of Houston, since the City of Houston didn't like her (scarred at the age of 7) fingerprints.


But in your case I would be apprehensive - they could deny you based simply on your previous communications, or they may very well approve the greencard.


I don't think an attorney would serve any purpose. You are asked a few questions, you answer them. It's pretty well uneventful.


If she is denied, they may initiate removal proceedings. A hearing would be scheduled no sooner than 30 days after you are notified. It's pretty much assumed that you WILL have an attorney for that. This is NOT necessarily a bad thing.


The "why" and "is it normal?" questions won't help. Yes - it's pretty much of a form letter they send out. Just be prepared for things to go right. At this point, you have no control over the other.


Scott, I wish you luck. I know I don't sound very approving of your situation (I'm not), but I'm only wishing for the best for you, and I hope you still consider me a friend.

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Can I add something else to this post......... Maybe I should ask this as a seperate post? Does anybody think this should be a seperate post? Here it is.......


Does anybody know (for a fact) if "infidelity" has ever caused a denial of removal of conditions? By itself, can this cause a denial?


If no facts - opinions are also welcome if stated as an opinion.



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Good to know that your case is moving forward.


Since the Jacksonville already contacted a man involved in your case, I would rather be honest with them and tell them the difficulties that you have been through and let them know your current situation. Do not try to cover or hide anything. Why don't you suggest your wife change her phone # so that she could not be reached by other 'annoying ones'?


The Counsel mentioned in the letter might suggest the marriage counsel if you ever used one, or someone to help with the English/Chinese translation, or any person you think be helpful in your case.


As to the documents, bring all (originals) required.


Good luck.

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Good to know that your case is moving forward.


Since the Jacksonville already contacted a man involved in your case, I would rather be honest with them and tell them the difficulties that you have been through and let them know your current situation. Do not try to cover or hide anything. Why don't you suggest your wife change her phone # so that she could not be reached by other 'annoying ones'?


The Counsel mentioned in the letter might suggest the marriage counsel if you ever used one, or someone to help with the English/Chinese translation, or any person you think be helpful in your case.


As to the documents, bring all (originals) required.


Good luck.



The letter did not recommend bringing an attorney. It simply said that an attorney could participate if I so desired.... one could be present.




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