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Little jobs_wife had no proof of

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Does anyone know for interview at GUZ- if on DS-230 a Chinese wife did not list any work history because had some many little jobs some years ago and can't prove places she worked at because can't remember name of places and they were small little places that likely aren't there any more ¨C moved, torn down, or went out business, and can't prove she even ever worked there, or can¡¯t prove any pay, because paid in cash and no records- low pay etc. Is it best not to bother trying to list any of those jobs because of the reasons listed above? If she can't prove anything, doesn't that open up a possible problem with being asked to document these and can't document them and an endless circle for a problem? Is work that important anyway if the Petitioner husband is proving that he can support her anyway??

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Does anyone know for interview at GUZ- if on DS-230 a Chinese wife did not list any work history because had some many little jobs some years ago and can't prove places she worked at because can't remember name of places and they were small little places that likely aren't there any more ¨C moved, torn down, or went out business, and can't prove she even ever worked there, or can¡¯t prove any pay, because paid in cash and no records- low pay etc. Is it best not to bother trying to list any of those jobs because of the reasons listed above? If she can't prove anything, doesn't that open up a possible problem with being asked to document these and can't document them and an endless circle for a problem? Is work that important anyway if the Petitioner husband is proving that he can support her anyway??

Hello everyone. Just new to come here to this site. Any insight on this?

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Does anyone know for interview at GUZ- if on DS-230 a Chinese wife did not list any work history because had some many little jobs some years ago and can't prove places she worked at because can't remember name of places and they were small little places that likely aren't there any more ¨C moved, torn down, or went out business, and can't prove she even ever worked there, or can¡¯t prove any pay, because paid in cash and no records- low pay etc. Is it best not to bother trying to list any of those jobs because of the reasons listed above? If she can't prove anything, doesn't that open up a possible problem with being asked to document these and can't document them and an endless circle for a problem? Is work that important anyway if the Petitioner husband is proving that he can support her anyway??

Hello everyone. Just new to come here to this site. Any insight on this?


My opinion is work in China is not imperative, but as in all gambling you try to slant the odds in your favor even if it is .1 percent.


A work in china tends to show that your wife didn't HAVE to move to USA, and is in her favor as far as the GUZ flags go. The better her job in China (so the thinking goes) the less reason she has to commit visa fraud to escape China.


I would document where she worked as asked, and not worry if it is provable or not. With the US government honesty is usually best.

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JMHO and I'm not suggesting lying on documents but I believe on using common sense on this one. My fiancee[now wife] at the time of interview was working at a, no kidding, chop stick factory. This was not recorded on any document. It's the Government. They're looking for party membership, criminal activities and work in sensitive areas. Threats to national security and criminal activities are grounds for refusal, not waitressing for cash five years ago at a small joint that's closed up.

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My wife had work as a make-up artist in several closed businesses and a few businesses of her own where she couldn't remember the exact address and when friends went to check the buildings were gone. We just put what she remembered (streets without numbers). Also, one of her businesses may not have been exactly registered correctly with the Chinese govt, we put it anyway. The only thing she had as any proof of her work was a portfolio that contained many Chinese magazines where she is listed as the make-up artist, which she brought to the interview but didn't need.


We never got any questions about her work and apparently didn't raise any red flags.

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