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Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 - Deprivation of Rights Under Color of L


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Let me tell you, this I'm not posting to be personal with any of you, I'm posting to discuss options. Griz326 you got a "mouth" maybe just a GUZ

lackey, possibly some of you are jailhouse lawyers or just people who put their tail between your legs and run off at that. I do notice that among you, none of you had a white slip but have all the answers for whatever. None of you need read my post if they upset you, just as I do not care to read of you defeatist postings to my postings.


I realize there are other options, it is just thought, I have read of people marrying and still receiving non-bonafide rulings, one poster in particular Tsap Seui , So my GUZ consulate cheerleaders what is the answer?

Apparently you would rather be right than with your fianc¨¦e.


Feel free to continue to alienate as many as you want and hope that when you regain your sanity there will be anyone willing to help you.

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You have 4 threads in this section alone dealing with what rights you think have been violated, now if you put this much effort into the next step or finding out why SHE got the white slip then you would be better off, as some members have said, you will just piss off GUZ by pissing on them and they WILL remember you and your SO, take a day or two to calm down, think with a clear head, then and only then start thinking what you you can do to help HER get the Visa, by the way, have you thought of what this has done to HER, have you been so pissed off that YOU forgot to see what it is like for HER at this time?, instead of railing against the system and pissing in the wind why don't you call your SO and see what you can say or do for her, she is just as upset as you are if not more, she knows that some thing she has done ( even if it isn't her fault ) to not get the visa, so as I said before, SUCK IT UP and try helping HER.

Your angry, we know that, and we don't blame you, but, it's now time to stop hitting your head on the wall and start again with a stronger case, this time bury them in paper work, drown then with photos, and then show them your married, make them see you have a real relationship.

Good luck and best wishes if you'll take them.

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I, WE, also got a white on 8/21/08.


I was more than very surprised when we were whited. My SO was devastated, and all she could do was apologize to me because she thought it was her fault. To this day she still apologizes, but now she knows I'm sticking with her and doing everything I can possibly do to make my promise to her come true.


Don't fight with the people who'll help you. Take a few moments and call your lady and do your best to comfort her and make her understand it's not her fault. Be there for her if you want her to be there for you.

Edited by splinterman (see edit history)
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Let me tell you, this I'm not posting to be personal with any of you, I'm posting to discuss options. Griz326 you got a "mouth" maybe just a GUZ

lackey, possibly some of you are jailhouse lawyers or just people who put their tail between your legs and run off at that. I do notice that among you, none of you had a white slip but have all the answers for whatever. None of you need read my post if they upset you, just as I do not care to read of you defeatist postings to my postings.


I realize there are other options, it is just thought, I have read of people marrying and still receiving non-bonafide rulings, one poster in particular Tsap Seui , So my GUZ consulate cheerleaders what is the answer?

Well once again it looks like you have not done your home work.

What a surprise!!


If you would read very closely in this thread you would see there are two members that have replied to your rant that ALSO!! RECEIVED WHITE SLIPS


Both Chilton747 and splinterman.


I know for a fact that Charles did what it takes to overcome his White slip and is very happy with his wife in the U.S.


I also know that splinterman will do the same and WILL! overcome his White slip.


Why don't you do the same.

Calm down and relax and do what it take to get you SO here with you in the U.S.


Then again on the other hand, If ya keep going down this road like ya are.


Like Lee said.


Feel free to continue to alienate as many as you want and hope that when you regain your sanity there will be anyone willing to help you.


All the luck to ya buddy. :D

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Does anybody here know a place to get some silkscreening done?


I was thinking of getting some T-shirts with GUZ CHEERLEADER on the front and "I Got Whited in Guangzhou" on the reverse as a gift to all the CFLer's here.


Don't get angry-just release some tension and laugh! Let's all take a deep breath and stand back... B)

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Let me tell you, this I'm not posting to be personal with any of you, I'm posting to discuss options. Griz326 you got a "mouth" maybe just a GUZ

lackey, possibly some of you are jailhouse lawyers or just people who put their tail between your legs and run off at that. I do notice that among you, none of you had a white slip but have all the answers for whatever. None of you need read my post if they upset you, just as I do not care to read of you defeatist postings to my postings.


I realize there are other options, it is just thought, I have read of people marrying and still receiving non-bonafide rulings, one poster in particular Tsap Seui , So my GUZ consulate cheerleaders what is the answer?



Go for it then HKG. Spend all of your money and energy fighting for what you believe are your rights. If you win, it will make it a lot easier on those who follow you. When you lose, I'll remind you that I told you so.

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HGK,just as many us got the pink does not mean we did notread and prepared for a other result.

some members here Tony,Randy,Dan,Toplaw etc even though got pink first time are masters in this, so dont dismiss them. others like Chilton747. tsaps george have experience with white. you should learn from your elders .

Edited by jin979 (see edit history)
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Let me suggest before this gets shut down we all pause a minute. On one level, stay pissed. Don't rag on replies to a reply to a post sure to start issues. Focus is the key here. GUZ wouldn't waste manpower to Trojan horse this site. Come clean, griz :lol: You need the specifics for the white no matter what, IMHO. I don't think there's anyone here that will try to give any info to sabotage with bad advice.

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GUZ wouldn't waste manpower to Trojan horse this site. Come clean, griz :huh:


I was trying to figure out what I needed to come clean about, but I think you're referring to HKG's suggestion that I'm a GUZ lackey. When all I really said was: "Don't work yourself into a lather, follow the good suggestions you get here." The part about the jailhouse lawyer fits anyone who thinks they can read a paragraph in a law book and make what they think it means stick; of course it happens, but not very often - almost never.

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HKG you have gotten some good advice. The wise course of action would be to concentrate on overcoming the white slip rather than alienating those trying to help you. Your anger is understandable but in the sage words our glorious leader Don gave me when my wife got a blue slip, "use a lot of mouthwash to get the taste out of your mouth while kissing their @ss". You basically have two choices. You can wait for the NOID to get back to the states and fight it here or you can get married and start over with an I-130. Either way you can't afford to ignore the NOID. Chilton is likely to be your best source of advise. He has succesfully overcome a NOID and has his bride with him now.


Trying to find loopholes in immigration law with constitutional challenges is just banging your head against the wall.

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