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So Many Questions

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Hello Everyone!


New here and have two questions?

1) Has anyone ever had Guangzhou lose paperwork (doc's) they sent them?


2) After my wifes interview she was given a blue, a yellow and a pink paper with questions for me to further exsplane or relationship, and get futhure consideration from Guangzhou. Has this happened to anyone else? Is the term "paper" used here the same as I read "slip" on this site?

Thank You and Good Luck


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First: Welcome to CFL! :D


I have not read any posts (that I remember) where there was mention of GUZ losing anything. I have read about the CSC losing things.


However, it could certainly happen and you should prepare for it by submitting copies, keeping originals, and bringing duplicates. (I was so paranoid that I brought 3 copies of everything, and that was a lot.) ;)


Like Randy says: 1) Give them what they ask for and you will very likely overcome the blue slip. 2) If you want specific advice from the old pros here, provide detailed information.


Good Luck & Best Wishes!

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