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Pet Names

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QUOTE (Se_Lang @ Sep 27 2003, 10:46 AM)


Maybe we should start a new topic under the language and culture area and collect all the pet names we all use that could be a good laugh



Ok, I'll start.


rover, fido, rex, kitty...


Let's see, other than lao po and lao gong, Jingwen is not much on pet names. She does call me ox man because of my birth date, and I call her tiger, again birth related.


Euphemisms are more her style. didi hao ma? :rolleyes:

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Here are ours~


I usually call him (note: as a nickname): Ugly, Stupid, Ben Dan(Chinese for "Stupid"), Bai Chi(Chinese for "idiot"), Dummy, Moron, Da Huai Dan(Big Bad Egg, heehee), Mei Guo Da Bai Zhu(American big white pig), Baddy, Silly...

"Stupid" becomes to be his name after we are together.

When I answer the phone call from him, the first word I will say is: Stupid, ~~

When I write email to him, the beginning is: Hi Stupid, ....

When he reply to my email, he will also sign his name in the end as "Stupid"..hahaa...Good Boy!


He calls me: Ugly(Even though I'm beautiful B) ), Fatty :) (I'm not fat!), Fartknocker or balbalball(For this one I need to say something. It is HIM that always farts in front of me, but he always teases me on that and gives me all that kind of nicknames! ;) ...Anyway, you know, I would say, Americans do fart a lot..LOL... :lol: ;)


Well, of course we also have many sweet nicknames for each other...But we do enjoy calling each other those little pet names... They are love words! :)



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Here are ours~


I usually call him (note: as a nickname): Ugly, Stupid, Ben Dan(Chinese for "Stupid"), Bai Chi(Chinese for "idiot"), Dummy, Moron, Da Huai Dan(Big Bad Egg, heehee), Mei Guo Da Bai Zhu(American big white pig), Baddy, Silly...

"Stupid" becomes to be his name after we are together.

When I answer the phone call from him, the first word I will say is: Stupid, ~~

When I write email to him, the beginning is: Hi Stupid, ....

When he reply to my email, he will also sign his name in the end as "Stupid"..hahaa...Good Boy!


He calls me: Ugly(Even though I'm beautiful B) ), Fatty ;) (I'm not fat!), Fartknocker or balbalball(For this one I need to say something. It is HIM that always farts in front of me, but he always teases me on that and gives me all that kind of nicknames! :lol: ...Anyway, you know, I would say, Americans do fart a lot..LOL... :o  ;)


Well, of course we also have many sweet nicknames for each other...But we do enjoy calling each other those little pet names... They are love words!  :)





;) :o :P

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Here are ours~


I usually call him (note: as a nickname): Ugly, Stupid, Ben Dan(Chinese for "Stupid"), Bai Chi(Chinese for "idiot"), Dummy, Moron, Da Huai Dan(Big Bad Egg, heehee), Mei Guo Da Bai Zhu(American big white pig), Baddy, Silly...

"Stupid" becomes to be his name after we are together.

When I answer the phone call from him, the first word I will say is: Stupid, ~~

When I write email to him, the beginning is: Hi Stupid, ....

When he reply to my email, he will also sign his name in the end as "Stupid"..hahaa...Good Boy!


He calls me: Ugly(Even though I'm beautiful B) ), Fatty ;) (I'm not fat!), Fartknocker or balbalball(For this one I need to say something. It is HIM that always farts in front of me, but he always teases me on that and gives me all that kind of nicknames! :o ...Anyway, you know, I would say, Americans do fart a lot..LOL... B)  ;)


Well, of course we also have many sweet nicknames for each other...But we do enjoy calling each other those little pet names... They are love words!  :)



Someone once said that the real definition of love was "not having to leave the room to fart". :) ;) :lol:


Do Americans really fart more than Chinese? Or are the Chinese just more subtle, raising up on cheek and easing out a silent but deadly blast? ;) ;)


I met a number of Chinese who could really let fly. :o :P

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Do Americans really fart more than Chinese? Or are the Chinese just more subtle, raising up on cheek and easing out a silent but deadly blast? :P ;)


I met a number of Chinese who could really let fly. <_< :lol:

:D :D :D


Mick, from what I found,


1. Americans do fart more than Chinese :redblob: B)

2. You are right on this. Chinese have more concern on their "faces". Well...I think this is part of our culture. ;) ;)


:lol: B) :P



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well from the number of posts here I would say there is only a brave few who would admit to their pet names <_< and FARTKNOCKER, lol, you are by far the bravest :lol: and have a great sense of humor!

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[:P  :lol: Don't call me that, Se Lang! B)


Yeah, we should always have a sense of humor to LIFE!


:P  <_<  :lol:

Sorry Jiefly, I should have known better, that is only for your man to call you, Please forgive me? But I think it is a great name.

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