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Relationship Photos

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Okay, my head is spinning now... Didn't I read in the FAQ (or was that the VJ FAQ) that it's a good idea to wear an engagement ring to the interview?


And our "wedding album" has nothing resembling an actual wedding. It's just a bunch of portraits taken in a studio, with nothing that would suggest a ceremony, and certainly no family. Although she was wearing a wedding gown in some of the pictures... It is a standard practice in China for couples to take pictures for the album up to a year before the actual wedding. It's not that unusual in the States either. Are we supposed to assume the worse when it comes to dealing with these VOs?


*sigh* I think I'm getting paranoid now... :V:


You must weigh the pro's and con's. If you have many other photos showing you together, you may not need the studio photos. Or, consider removing the wedding gown photo from the album.


In our case, we had many photos showing my fiancee and I together over a 12 month period, so engagement photos were not needed.


Also, consider that the VO is looking for evidence that can not be easily faked. If a woman is faking a relationship, the easiest thing to do is have a studio take a bunch of photos of her with some guy and stick an engagement ring on her finger. These do not offer strong proof of relationship.


I see couples who are denied a visa often complain that the VO did not look at the hundreds of pages of emails and chats they compiled. Again, these are easily faked by agencies that assist the cheaters.


The strongest photo evidence will show you together on multiple visits, in multiple locations, and with family members if possible.

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