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It is time to get a cat

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Mine are busy guarding the house.


In case everyone has forgotten or for you newbies - Don and his Cats




Now everyone know I ain't so smart in math...


damn those kittys look strange for some reason??!!

or it that the way kittys should look when they or born and

inbred in one of those funny States....


im confused......... cents I ain't a kitty lover

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Mine are busy guarding the house.


In case everyone has forgotten or for you newbies - Don and his Cats



Whose in charge here, soldier?


tsap seui

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Now if your cat does this when he sees a rat.....


better find another cat.


I'm tempted to move this whole thread to the junque heap... :blink:


But since my boss is posting... :huh:


Well if you can't beat 'em join 'em I say... :lol:


Now laopo is talking about getting one of those cutesy little fur ball DAWGS that just sit on your lap... :sosad: I said okay... :D But if it doesn't work out... :D

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