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AOS issues, Medical

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Hi Guys,


I had hoped my girl and her son would go ahead and get all of their vaccinations in China, but they did not. Accordingly, I now must get them done here.


I have looked through the stuff they brought from China, and all I am seeing is a little red medical book for each of them, and I don't see any vaccination forms, any yellow record book, or anything.


How much (what sections) of 693 do we need? Also, I have tried to use the USCIS web site to find a list of civil surgeons in our area, but I don't see any list thought there is a link for it on their web site. Help!!!


I wanted to go get their vaccinations done today at Public Health, but I think I need to await your answers to make sure I take everything we will need.


I think we will go apply for the SS card for my girl today. I understand we can't get his until we adjust their statuses.


Thanks all.

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Vaccinations requirements vary by age group.


CDC Ref: http://immigration.lawyers.com/green-cards...Applicants.html


Start with your county health department, they tend to do vaccinatiosn for FREE or for a low fee, the LAST person to give the vaccinations is a US Civil Surgeon.


Take the records to a US civil surgeon to get transcribed to an I-693.


NOTE this is a common subject.





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USCIS Civil Surgeons Locator




Yemmie, you can get a SS card for her.. if this is what you are asking about?


After we were married we went into the local office and applied right away. Although the local SS Office can cause problems some times ( like in our case :lol: ) we finally got my wife's card with her new married name.

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USCIS Civil Surgeons Locator




Yemmie, you can get a SS card for her.. if this is what you are asking about?


After we were married we went into the local office and applied right away. Although the local SS Office can cause problems some times ( like in our case :blink: ) we finally got my wife's card with her new married name.

Yes K-1 can apply for SSN within 76 days of entry, after that an they will need to have EAD or green-card to get SSN. K-2 (Son) cannot get SSN until they have EAD or Green-card.
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I would suggest to go to the USCIS certified civil surgeon and get them done. It won't cost that much. We wanted to save some money and went to the local hospital. It turned out that doctor knew nothing about the vaccinations I needed and the information on CDC website was too ambiguous to her. Instead of saving some money, we spent twice or even more than we thought. And our insurance company didn't cover it. It really sucked.


Another way is: Ask the local doctor exactly what vaccinations you need. Our doctor didn't know anything, neither did we. She gave me several shots I don't need at all like polio, HPV, Hepatitis A &B, Melingoccoco which exists on I-693. After we visited the civil surgeon, we found out that the one we do need she didn't give like MMR. It is really a hassle. So go to the one who do know what to do. It will save both money and time. Good luck!

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