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The legend of Bruce Lee

Guest jin979

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I once went to Shaolin a few years back in another life. It is a very interesting city. It is comprised of several Kung Fu school.... young boys go to the schools and stay until adult hood and come out as Kunk Fu experts,... Jet Li is a product of this city, I wonder if this is where Bruce came from... his movie did show this tyoe of situation, ie, one school fighting another


Bruce studied Wing Chun.



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  • 2 months later...

He is dead too :blink: Just kidding Jin I love watching his movies..



Sounds strange, but I've been to his grave in Seattle.

you're right, it does sound strange... but heck, I have walked by Alexander Hamilton's grave everynight for years when I worked "graveyard shift" in the 80's... it is in a cemetary right on Wall St and Broadway, NYC.

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I feel it is too good. I finished watching that TV series two months ago and I began to be more interested in his life and the more I searched for it, the more contradictory it is. I mean his real life and the life in the TV show. For example, in the TV series, when Bruce lee just arrive in San Franscico, he worked in a Ruby's Chinese restaurant. There was a Taiwanese girl had a crush on him and seduced him several times but Bruce lee refused. Meanwhile, in another Bruce lee movie described by his wife Linda, he did have sex with the girl. I just think the TV series beautify him a lot! His life is legend. Kinda of sad to think that he died that young. He is Chinese pride.


its good :D

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