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Low Crime Rate...

Guest ShaQuaNew

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Guest ShaQuaNew

It's pretty well-known that China has an extremely low crime rate. It would be hard for me to pinpoint the exact reasons why is so much lower than the US, but perhaps their prison system is one of them.


The National Geographic channel has a series that discusses and follows the lives of people behind bars in the US. While watching this with my wife tonight, we talked about how clean and nice the prisons were. All the people behind bars appeared well-fed and groomed, some of them sporting long hair and fro's, accompanied by a lot of facial hair.


Chinese prisons are not nearly as nice. Not even close. And, if you're unfortunate enough to get caught for your crime and go behind bars, it's NOT free. If you have no money, the Chinese government will force your family, or relatives to pay for your incarceration and associated expenses. And, if you committed a crime that brings the death penalty, they will also pay for the bullets to kill you.


Maybe, this is a contributing factor to the lower crime rate?

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It's pretty well-known that China has an extremely low crime rate. It would be hard for me to pinpoint the exact reasons why is so much lower than the US, but perhaps their prison system is one of them.


The National Geographic channel has a series that discusses and follows the lives of people behind bars in the US. While watching this with my wife tonight, we talked about how clean and nice the prisons were. All the people behind bars appeared well-fed and groomed, some of them sporting long hair and fro's, accompanied by a lot of facial hair.


Chinese prisons are not nearly as nice. Not even close. And, if you're unfortunate enough to get caught for your crime and go behind bars, it's NOT free. If you have no money, the Chinese government will force your family, or relatives to pay for your incarceration and associated expenses. And, if you committed a crime that brings the death penalty, they will also pay for the bullets to kill you.


Maybe, this is a contributing factor to the lower crime rate?


Average time between arrest and lethal injection:


A. In the US: 20 years.

B. In China: 90 days.


Actually, Chinese jails and prisons are free. However, if you rely on the free bar of soap per year and the slop they feed you for survival, you're FITA. In order to have a reasonable chance at survival you need more than what they give you for free so that means you need family support.


They seldom use bullets to execute people any more in China. It's lethal injection now.


China's crime rate is not as low as you would believe. Most crimes are not reported in the press and those that are only get reported after the crime has been solved. As for major issues like murder and rape, I'd guess China's crime rate is lower than the US. But for minor crimes like burglary and theft, it is much, much higher.

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Guest Mike and Lily

It's pretty well-known that China has an extremely low crime rate. It would be hard for me to pinpoint the exact reasons why is so much lower than the US, but perhaps their prison system is one of them.


The National Geographic channel has a series that discusses and follows the lives of people behind bars in the US. While watching this with my wife tonight, we talked about how clean and nice the prisons were. All the people behind bars appeared well-fed and groomed, some of them sporting long hair and fro's, accompanied by a lot of facial hair.


Chinese prisons are not nearly as nice. Not even close. And, if you're unfortunate enough to get caught for your crime and go behind bars, it's NOT free. If you have no money, the Chinese government will force your family, or relatives to pay for your incarceration and associated expenses. And, if you committed a crime that brings the death penalty, they will also pay for the bullets to kill you.


Maybe, this is a contributing factor to the lower crime rate?


I disagree. There is a lot of petty crime (like bicycle theft) that goes unreported because the police ignore many crimes like that there.

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It's pretty well-known that China has an extremely low crime rate. It would be hard for me to pinpoint the exact reasons why is so much lower than the US, but perhaps their prison system is one of them.


The National Geographic channel has a series that discusses and follows the lives of people behind bars in the US. While watching this with my wife tonight, we talked about how clean and nice the prisons were. All the people behind bars appeared well-fed and groomed, some of them sporting long hair and fro's, accompanied by a lot of facial hair.


Chinese prisons are not nearly as nice. Not even close. And, if you're unfortunate enough to get caught for your crime and go behind bars, it's NOT free. If you have no money, the Chinese government will force your family, or relatives to pay for your incarceration and associated expenses. And, if you committed a crime that brings the death penalty, they will also pay for the bullets to kill you.


Maybe, this is a contributing factor to the lower crime rate?


I disagree. There is a lot of petty crime (like bicycle theft) that goes unreported because the police ignore many crimes like that there.


The theft rate must be astronomical but again who are you going to trust to report the actual numbers... :sweating_buckets:

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It's pretty well-known that China has an extremely low crime rate. It would be hard for me to pinpoint the exact reasons why is so much lower than the US, but perhaps their prison system is one of them.


The National Geographic channel has a series that discusses and follows the lives of people behind bars in the US. While watching this with my wife tonight, we talked about how clean and nice the prisons were. All the people behind bars appeared well-fed and groomed, some of them sporting long hair and fro's, accompanied by a lot of facial hair.


Chinese prisons are not nearly as nice. Not even close. And, if you're unfortunate enough to get caught for your crime and go behind bars, it's NOT free. If you have no money, the Chinese government will force your family, or relatives to pay for your incarceration and associated expenses. And, if you committed a crime that brings the death penalty, they will also pay for the bullets to kill you.


Maybe, this is a contributing factor to the lower crime rate?


I disagree. There is a lot of petty crime (like bicycle theft) that goes unreported because the police ignore many crimes like that there.


I agree with this. Crime in China is just as pervasive as anywhere else in the world. You have kidnapping of women all the time in rural areas; you have lots of low level type of crimes such as robberies, break-ins, purse-snatch, street attacks in the cities. Additionally spousal and domestic abuse and prostitution is off the charts in China. Not to mention other low level crime such as forgery, counterfeiting, bribery, paying off police and criminally building substandard and inferior building and consumer products which kills their own people.


You should also remember China is executing about 8,000 people every year, almost 20 times as many as the rest of the world combined so that is another indication that your statement that crime rate in China is very low is not factual. If there was a low crime rate, then they would not be executing 20 times the number of people as other countries in the world combined.


If you read stories here for a few years, you would also see many men have posted soon after they gave their girlfriends an engagement ring it was stolen on the bus or out of their house. It even happened again when the guy brought them a second ring.


Finally, if you look at low rise apartment building through out china, you will see bars on windows all over. It looks very depressing and those bars are not to keep mosquitoes out.


Yes there is less killings with guns in China because the Communist will not allow the public to have guns in China, but there is crime just like any other place in the world. Additionally, with the Communist controlling the media and newspapers there is not going to be the accurate reporting of any illegal activities or serious crimes which make them look bad.


If you feel China is such a wonderful place without crime, then make yourself happy and move there and enjoy your life. Once you are there for a year or two you may change your mind.

Edited by Bigguy_33 (see edit history)
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There certainly is crime in China, but I doubt that it is as grim as you make it seem, Bigguy_33. I'd appreciate links to verify your assertions.


>>>spousal and domestic abuse and prostitution is off the charts in China


These "crimes" are part of the human condition. Are you implying that it is worse in China than in the west - or anywhere else for that matter?


>>>forgery, counterfeiting, bribery, paying off police


Yeah - true - but it is the same everywhere.


>>>robberies, break-ins, purse-snatch, street attacks


My experience with crime in China has been limited to housekeeper thieving, con games and pick-pocket/purse snatching. Are strong-armed robberies and street attacks common? I know that they can happen, but are probably pretty rare. In the cases I've heard about the victims were drunk, stupid or both.


I will say that I pay much closer attention to the streets in China than I used to. My old merchant seaman awareness perks up more often than in my first trip there 30 years ago.


>>>You have kidnapping of women all the time in rural areas...


What's all the time? Is it possible the fathers sold their daughters? Is that a crime? It used to be part of the culture.


>>>and criminally building substandard and inferior building and consumer products


Out of scope - it is an entirely different sort of crime


I agree that there's crime in China, but I'd like to see your sources Bigguy_33 to see if they carry water.


One more thing, you can buy a handgun in China. So there is one crime that I've seen while there.

Edited by griz326 (see edit history)
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>>>robberies, break-ins, purse-snatch, street attacks


My experience with crime in China has been limited to housekeeper thieving, con games and pick-pocket/purse snatching. Are strong-armed robberies and street attacks common? I know that they can happen, but are probably pretty rare.


From the accounts of life in GZ from my wife and her friends I would say "pretty rare" is not correct... :(

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Guest ShaQuaNew


>>>robberies, break-ins, purse-snatch, street attacks


My experience with crime in China has been limited to housekeeper thieving, con games and pick-pocket/purse snatching. Are strong-armed robberies and street attacks common? I know that they can happen, but are probably pretty rare.


From the accounts of life in GZ from my wife and her friends I would say "pretty rare" is not correct... :)


You know, I'm not so sure now about whether the Chinese citizen is responsible for making payment to the jail in the event of incarceration. I will have to look into that. I got that information, and the information about having to pay for bullets for an execution from my wife. She's been a pretty reliable source of information, but in this case, I really didn't corroborate her claims.


Regarding the incidence in crime however, I agree that most larger cities have several incidences of petty theft: purse snatching, pick pocketing, bicycle thefts, and the like. If I recall correctly, the incidents of VIOLENT crime are extremely low. By violent crime I mean things like:

murder, rape, armed robbery, muggings, shootings; that stuff. I will try to find some statistics and post.



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Guest Mike and Lily


>>>robberies, break-ins, purse-snatch, street attacks


My experience with crime in China has been limited to housekeeper thieving, con games and pick-pocket/purse snatching. Are strong-armed robberies and street attacks common? I know that they can happen, but are probably pretty rare.


From the accounts of life in GZ from my wife and her friends I would say "pretty rare" is not correct... :)


You know, I'm not so sure now about whether the Chinese citizen is responsible for making payment to the jail in the event of incarceration. I will have to look into that. I got that information, and the information about having to pay for bullets for an execution from my wife. She's been a pretty reliable source of information, but in this case, I really didn't corroborate her claims.


Regarding the incidence in crime however, I agree that most larger cities have several incidences of petty theft: purse snatching, pick pocketing, bicycle thefts, and the like. If I recall correctly, the incidents of VIOLENT crime are extremely low. By violent crime I mean things like:

murder, rape, armed robbery, muggings, shootings; that stuff. I will try to find some statistics and post.




I would think that assault, rape and kidnapping are pretty high over there. Armed robbery not so much. Statistics that you obtain may not be accurate.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I would think that assault, rape and kidnapping are pretty high over there. Armed robbery not so much. Statistics that you obtain may not be accurate.


Why do you think those violent crimes to be high in China? There are several sources for statistics that have been well documented as being reliable. Where do you find your sources for statistical information that corroborate your claim?

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I would think that assault, rape and kidnapping are pretty high over there. Armed robbery not so much. Statistics that you obtain may not be accurate.


Why do you think those violent crimes to be high in China? There are several sources for statistics that have been well documented as being reliable. Where do you find your sources for statistical information that corroborate your claim?


Here's a link to the US State Department. I don't think they have any vested interest in padding the figures:


CRIME: China has a low crime rate. Pickpockets target tourists at sightseeing destinations, open-air markets, airports, and in stores, often with the complicity of low-paid security guards. Americans are perceived as wealthy and may be specifically targeted by petty criminals. Violence against foreigners, while rare, is on the increase. Over the past year, incidents of violence against foreigners, including sexual assaults, have taken place, usually in urban areas where bars and nightclubs are located. Robberies, sometimes at gunpoint, have occurred in western China and more recently in Beijing. There have been some reports of robberies and assaults along remote mountain highways near China¡¯s border with Nepal. Travelers are sometimes asked by locals to exchange money at a preferential rate. It is illegal to exchange dollars for RMB except at banks, hotels, and official exchange offices. Due to the large volume of counterfeit currency in China, unofficial exchanges usually result in travelers losing their money and possibly facing charges of breaking foreign exchange laws. If detained by police under suspicion of committing an economic crime involving currency, travelers may be delayed for weeks or months while police investigate the allegations.




Here's another view:




So, you can see that there is crime in China. It's just that when you compare it to the US, that it is considered MUCH LOWER. Be a wise Laowai when you travel about. You'll be a lot safer here than in the US.

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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Look, until you get an accurate census from the Ministry of Public Safety, it's all conjecture.


No, they don't report, to anyone.


So far, is all conjecture.




shaquanew - you are in china , i can't believe you'd make such a gross statement without backing it up from an interview with the local MPS office there in Nanjing.


I even see we are quoting the same document to make opposing points.

It should be noted that the embassy believes that official crime statistics are typically underreported by the police. This practice will continue at least through the Olympics, as law enforcement sources have informed the Regional Security Officer (RSO) that they have no plans to officially confirm reports of violent crime now or during August 2008.


the RSO is american personnel, attached to a USA consulate or embassy.

Edited by Darnell (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew

Look, until you get an accurate census from the Ministry of Public Safety, it's all conjecture.


No, they don't report, to anyone.


So far, is all conjecture.




shaquanew - you are in china , i can't believe you'd make such a gross statement without backing it up from an interview with the local MPS office there in Nanjing.



Yeah, I know. Just who the hell do I think I am? Conjecturing, and confecturing....geeze louise...



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Confecturing? Is that slang for 'making up things to prove a point' ?


I don't want to dip into a personal attack here, i only suggest two things:


1. you don't have the stats to back up your conjecture.

2. china doesn't release stats on crime.

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Confecturing? Is that slang for 'making up things to prove a point' ?


I don't want to dip into a personal attack here, i only suggest two things:


1. you don't have the stats to back up your conjecture.

2. china doesn't release stats on crime.




I think he meant confectioner



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