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We're off to see the Wizard ...

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Guest WenDylan

Bob I hope you guys are celebrating on the train ride back to Shenzhen. We still don't have electricity or Internet access at home so I may not see your results until tomorrow.

What a crazy life. Who could have predicted where we would be today, eh?

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My sweet Haiqing and I are off to the train station in fifteen minutes and headed to GUZ for our interview tomorrow :D


Haiqing had a nice phone conversation with Wendy earlier, she is really a nice person! :blink:


I'll go to ACH this afternoon and then we'll have a nice dinner and practice some more interview questions :rotfl: ... finally the day we've been waiting for is upon us and our thoughts are on PINK.


I'll post interview results tomorrow evening after we return to Shenzhen.


Keep your fingers and toes crossed for us :)

Bob & Haiqing

I hope you guys are rolling in the pink!


Let us know!

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Guest WenDylan

My sweet Haiqing and I are off to the train station in fifteen minutes and headed to GUZ for our interview tomorrow :D


Haiqing had a nice phone conversation with Wendy earlier, she is really a nice person! :blink:


I'll go to ACH this afternoon and then we'll have a nice dinner and practice some more interview questions ;) ... finally the day we've been waiting for is upon us and our thoughts are on PINK.


I'll post interview results tomorrow evening after we return to Shenzhen.


Keep your fingers and toes crossed for us :)

Bob & Haiqing

I hope you guys are rolling in the pink!


Let us know!


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Thanks for the warm wishes everyone, without the help and support of everyone here I know we'd feel a lot more nervous about tomorrow than we do now. We're well prepared and feeling good about our prospects. We're in a comfortable place for the night, the air conditioning works properly thank God because the humidity here makes breathing almost like trying to inhale a solid of some sort! :P


Went to ACH this afternoon and met Steve, great guy, thanks for your company! :lol: We had a nice long conversation as we were both one of the last people to chat with a VO out of maybe 80 to 100 people.


Note to those wanting to get things notarized at GUZ, do this earlier before going to ACH! The notary office is open from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and they were closed by the time I was out of ACH at about 3:20 pm. Fortunately I had notarized copies done in the US of everything I was looking to have notarized at GUZ ... my goal was to have more documentation with my signature on it notarized here showing my presents just before the interview. Also, they like you to go online and make an appointment for having things notarized, :lol: heres the link: http://guangzhou.usembassey-china.org.cn


Good luck to Peter and Sophia on your interview Wednesday, bring home some pink! Let us know how your interview goes.


Thanks again to everyone,

Bob & Haiqing

Thanks for the heads up and good luck!

Hmmm the link isn't working for me :D

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Guest WenDylan

Thanks for the warm wishes everyone, without the help and support of everyone here I know we'd feel a lot more nervous about tomorrow than we do now. We're well prepared and feeling good about our prospects. We're in a comfortable place for the night, the air conditioning works properly thank God because the humidity here makes breathing almost like trying to inhale a solid of some sort! :P


Went to ACH this afternoon and met Steve, great guy, thanks for your company! :lol: We had a nice long conversation as we were both one of the last people to chat with a VO out of maybe 80 to 100 people.


Note to those wanting to get things notarized at GUZ, do this earlier before going to ACH! The notary office is open from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and they were closed by the time I was out of ACH at about 3:20 pm. Fortunately I had notarized copies done in the US of everything I was looking to have notarized at GUZ ... my goal was to have more documentation with my signature on it notarized here showing my presents just before the interview. Also, they like you to go online and make an appointment for having things notarized, :lol: heres the link: http://guangzhou.usembassey-china.org.cn


Good luck to Peter and Sophia on your interview Wednesday, bring home some pink! Let us know how your interview goes.


Thanks again to everyone,

Bob & Haiqing

Thanks for the heads up and good luck!

Hmmm the link isn't working for me :D

Try this...



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Hey everybody,


My sweet fiancee Haiqing had her interview today and we got PINK! Needless to say we are both so very happy and excited as is our son. :lol: We went out and celebrated with a nice lunch this afternoon before heading back to Shenzhen ... now we are going to crash after the high level of emotional output from the last several months.


I'll write about all the interview details and questions asked in a few days once she relays the information to me again and we get it all written down. ;) I'll just say at this point that she went into her interview at 12:00 pm and it was over at 12:30 pm ... a half an hour! She handled it very well and did a really fantastic job. :lol: I am so proud of her!


Now the story of lucky 23 ... when we were filling out our original P1 package in January we discovered that we were both married before on the 23rd day of the same month 11 years apart ... what are the odds :P ... we were engaged on the 23rd of December, sent out P1 package to the USCIS on the 23rd of January, had our interview exactly 8 months later on the 23rd of September and she had her interview at window 23! ... that gave her confidence that everything was going to go our way.


The other lucky thing that happened for us was that I attended ACH on Monday and had a terrific 5-10 minute meeting with a very nice woman VO, she was a very happy and cheerful person and we talked freely and laughed several times. I left thinking to myself that I hope by some twist of fate that my sweet Haiqing would have this woman as her VO for the interview and I told her all about my wonderful experience with her. My sweet Haiqing noticed this woman when she was there and told our son what I had told her about this woman and mentioned that she hoped this woman would be her VO ... well sure enough that's exactly what happened :blink: which gave my sweet Haiqing even more confidence that everything was going to go our way. If it was possible I would really like to treat this VO to dinner for the way she treated my sweet Haiqing with kindness and respect today.


Haiqing and I want to thank everyone for your warm wishes, technical help and emotional support during this process. CFL is truly a blessing and it is so because of all the wonderful people involved here! :D


I hope everyone has a terrific day!

Bob ... time to crash :lol:

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