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Interview Notes

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Sorry for the late update. We've been busy moving and settling in.


The interview was the typical with only one point of interest to mention. Our situation did involve us meeting a month before my divorce decree was signed by the judge. To give some historical info, I was seperated and living in another city from my ex for almost two years before the divorce was filed. It was filed a few months before I met Aiwen and my ex was already in a relationship with another man before I met Aiwen. The reason for the late signing of the divorce decree was that the divorce lawyer became involved in a capital murder case and a divorce case was not high on his priority list. It went to court on the last day before being thrown out and the lawyer came in and signed during the lunch break of the punishment phase of the capital murder case.


Are you still with me? :roller:


So after studying may cases here on CFL I decided to go to the courthouse and get a certified documant showing when the divorce decree was filed and included it in our kitchen sink.


During the interview the VO noticed that we met before the divorce decree was signed and asked about this to my wife. She was prepared and showed the certified court letter that I had brought for the interview. After that the VO was satisfied and asked for financials and gave the pink slip.


Another possible intersting story to tell is when I went to ACS to get my evolution of relationship letter and letter describing the lengthy divorce notorized. The man took my documents somewhere for about 3-5 min. while I waited and then he returned and notorized them in front of me. I do not know what happened when he went away. Made a zerox? had a VO supervisor read it? I don't know.


I can't say that having these documents notorized at ACS helped any. I do know that the interviewing VO did not ask to see these during the interview.


Anyway I want to say thanks to CFL for all the great info. I do believe that had I not found this site and studied the many cases here we probably would have had some trouble somewhere down the line.


xie xie ni



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