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Introduction to Montana predators

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Yesterday morning about 09:15 a coyote ran though our yard and grabbed one of our ducks while it was playing in a stream near the cabin.


Overnight, a bear came in, moved the cage until it could reach under it and grab a duck.


I know that it was not a Chinese bear because he left the head on the ground ;)



My gal is now talking about killing our ducks before we loose our dinner.

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Yesterday morning about 09:15 a coyote ran though our yard and grabbed one of our ducks while it was playing in a stream near the cabin.


Overnight, a bear came in, moved the cage until it could reach under it and grab a duck.


I know that it was not a Chinese bear because he left the head on the ground ;)



My gal is now talking about killing our ducks before we loose our dinner.


Had the same problem around here. A friend of mine with a decent sized pond on his property got some ducklings from Tractor Supply. He kept them in a caged area until they were bigger, then let them loose on his property. The idea was just to have them in his pond. He started out with about 10. The coyotes descovered them, they didn't last a month.



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Yesterday morning about 09:15 a coyote ran though our yard and grabbed one of our ducks while it was playing in a stream near the cabin.


Overnight, a bear came in, moved the cage until it could reach under it and grab a duck.


I know that it was not a Chinese bear because he left the head on the ground :D



My gal is now talking about killing our ducks before we loose our dinner.


:worthy: Griz, your wife oughta call Cuzin' Chawles' (chilton747) wife. She will teach her how to kill and cook up both the bears and Wiley Coyote. :mbounce: :worthy: When his wife comes over nothing in the forest that flies, crawls, walks, or slithers will be safe from his Jane of the Jungle. :smoker:


tsap seui

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Yesterday morning about 09:15 a coyote ran though our yard and grabbed one of our ducks while it was playing in a stream near the cabin.


Overnight, a bear came in, moved the cage until it could reach under it and grab a duck.


I know that it was not a Chinese bear because he left the head on the ground ;)



My gal is now talking about killing our ducks before we loose our dinner.


:whip: Griz, your wife oughta call Cuzin' Chawles' (chilton747) wife. She will teach her how to kill and cook up both the bears and Wiley Coyote. :banned: :blink: When his wife comes over nothing in the forest that flies, crawls, walks, or slithers will be safe from his Jane of the Jungle. :Dah:


tsap seui


Cuzin Tsap is right! Jane has done told me that ducks are great bait for larger aminals that have a whole lot more food on their bodies! Bigger critter means MORE FOOD!!! :)

Edited by chilton747 (see edit history)
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Yesterday morning about 09:15 a coyote ran though our yard and grabbed one of our ducks while it was playing in a stream near the cabin.


Overnight, a bear came in, moved the cage until it could reach under it and grab a duck.


I know that it was not a Chinese bear because he left the head on the ground :)



My gal is now talking about killing our ducks before we loose our dinner.

I roared with laughter at "I know that it was not a Chinese bear ..."


Thanks for the chuckle griz!


Enjoy your day!


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I told my wife that I had a rabbit in my backyard. She told me to go kill it and cook it.


She does want me to get some chickens but I don't this my Homeowners Association will allow it :V: ... but the main question was who was going to kill them. she said I would, :huh: ... I don't think so, my food is dead when I get to it :D

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I told my wife that I had a rabbit in my backyard. She told me to go kill it and cook it.


She does want me to get some chickens but I don't this my Homeowners Association will allow it :huh: ... but the main question was who was going to kill them. she said I would, :ph34r: ... I don't think so, my food is dead when I get to it ;)


:lol: I had the same conversation with my wife a couple of years back. In the end, she said she would teach me how to kill. :ph34r: ....but guns are prohibited. :o

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Ya just grab the chicken by it's head and spin it's body. :ph34r:


Bears?...they want to fight more than the chickens when you grab their heads and try and spin their bodys. Be careful. :ph34r:


tsap seui

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Ya just grab the chicken by it's head and spin it's body. :ph34r:


Bears?...they want to fight more than the chickens when you grab their heads and try and spin their bodys. Be careful. :lol:


tsap seui

Ya gotta be smart about it, after you take care of the chicken use it to distract the bear, then grab him by his head and give his body a good spin :ph34r:, proper order is really important here.

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Ya just grab the chicken by it's head and spin it's body. :ph34r:


Bears?...they want to fight more than the chickens when you grab their heads and try and spin their bodys. Be careful. :lol:


tsap seui

Ya gotta be smart about it, after you take care of the chicken use it to distract the bear, then grab him by his head and give his body a good spin :ph34r:, proper order is really important here.


I would be inclined to take the rifle with magnum load's approach......Yeah, those bears may look all cute and cuddly......but they are not. :huh:

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This morning at 03:00 to my gal shaking me saying, "Husband! Husband! Ducka"


I jump out of bed stark raving naked and step outside to find a cougar circling the duck pen that we moved up to the house last night. It was 4-5 feet from the nose to the rump...a good sized, juvenile cat.


Xiaoyuan gets me a robe but comes out with her meat cleaver in hand!!! :blink:


I don't like killing God's woodland creatures unnecessarily - especially when they are out of season - so I tried to scare of the cat. It walked away, but came back when I headed back to the cabin where my Sweetie remained on the deck.


I turn around and see the cat coming back, so I head after it in the brush because my headlight is reflecting in its eyes. I get to about 50 feet away from it and tried to shoo it away again, but it snarled at me - BANG!


So I walk the perimeter of the property to see if I can find the cat laying down. I did not want to head into the thick brush with a wounded lion. The walk gave the cat 10 minutes to bleed out and go into full shock. When I got back to the front of the cabin, Xiaoyuan's still guarding the front door with the meat cleaver. :lol:


Now I head into the woods to find the cat. The 00-buck knocked the cat off of a 20 foot ledge down into an old irrigation ditch that runs through our property. The lion is raising its head up to look at me but cannot hold that position so the head is moving up and down, but in a controlled way. I couldn't let the poor critter suffer ... so BANG!!! Lights out.


I turned around to find Xiaoyuan had followed me into the woods with her meat cleaver. I don't know if she wanted to protect her lao gong or to cut up the meat! :plane:

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