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I this is my first post. I just discovered this web site and decided to do some of my own research. Last December I became engaged to a wonderful woman who lives in Beijing and Filed a K1. It was received on January 11th. I received a Notice of Approval on May 8th with a GUZ number. On May 19th I received the letter that my case was going to GUZ. So far, I am thinking everything is going well until was checking average processing times..

I remember my Fiance mentioned to me that when she was in school (I think high school) her teacher recommended to her that she apply to be a party member due to her "good grades". I do not know more specifics right now. As far as I know, she still might be a party member. I just now discovered this "issue" will, at the very least, severely delay the process or even kill it entirely!!


I mentioned this to my immigration lawyer when I originally filed and neither of us seemed to think it would be a problem!! I can't believe it!


Right now, I don't know what to do. I know the next packet is possibly going to arrive in July but what do I recommend to my Fiance?


Honestly, what is the best way at this point??

Do I continue down this road and just expect to get this "blue card"?

Then file additional paperwork which might require us to wait an additional 2 years?

Do I just forget America, quit my job, go to China and try to make a new life?

Do I go to China, get married, and reapply with a different visa.


I don't know what to say..I will ask my Fiance more details about her membership tonight. I wish I could give her some alternatives or some hope. I guess I can throw this one at the lawyer I used but obviously she does not know everything about China!!!!


Any thoughts or ideas?? I still can't believe I went this long and looked at so much information and only stumbled upon "this little fact" NOW!


I am sorry, I have seen some posts where people have had an incredibly difficult time so I hope I don't sound so juvenile.


Thanks for any suggestions.

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I this is my first post. I just discovered this web site and decided to do some of my own research. Last December I became engaged to a wonderful woman who lives in Beijing and Filed a K1. It was received on January 11th. I received a Notice of Approval on May 8th with a GUZ number. On May 19th I received the letter that my case was going to GUZ. So far, I am thinking everything is going well until was checking average processing times..

I remember my Fiance mentioned to me that when she was in school (I think high school) her teacher recommended to her that she apply to be a party member due to her "good grades". I do not know more specifics right now. As far as I know, she still might be a party member. I just now discovered this "issue" will, at the very least, severely delay the process or even kill it entirely!!


I mentioned this to my immigration lawyer when I originally filed and neither of us seemed to think it would be a problem!! I can't believe it!


Right now, I don't know what to do. I know the next packet is possibly going to arrive in July but what do I recommend to my Fiance?


Honestly, what is the best way at this point??

Do I continue down this road and just expect to get this "blue card"?

Then file additional paperwork which might require us to wait an additional 2 years?

Do I just forget America, quit my job, go to China and try to make a new life?

Do I go to China, get married, and reapply with a different visa.


I don't know what to say..I will ask my Fiance more details about her membership tonight. I wish I could give her some alternatives or some hope. I guess I can throw this one at the lawyer I used but obviously she does not know everything about China!!!!


Any thoughts or ideas?? I still can't believe I went this long and looked at so much information and only stumbled upon "this little fact" NOW!


I am sorry, I have seen some posts where people have had an incredibly difficult time so I hope I don't sound so juvenile.


Thanks for any suggestions.



Welcome to CFL!! I am sorry that I have no experience in this area, but I know that people are able to overcome it. Keep the faith, I'm sure everything will be ok. I am sure people with personal experience will come by soon :lol: Good luck with everything!!

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Hello and welcome to Candle hello. :lol:

Whether or not the CCP issue becomes just a hurdle or a brick wall largely depends on the circumstances under which your fiance joined the party. The best case scenario is if she joined because her career or job required her to. Or she can at least make a case for that based on when she joined and what her employment situation was at the time. That reason can be explained and possibly overcome much easier than if she just joined without being compelled to.


Members with more experience with CCP membership will be able to advise you better as how to proceed and what your chances are.


Best of luck. :lol:

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Here is a fairly recent and very informative link from another member who was faced with this:





Edited by rogerinca (see edit history)
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Welcome Hello123,


I am a new member also as of yesterday and would you believe my first post on another thread earlier today expresses the exact same concern as your's! http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=31912


I followed Roger's and lostinblue's links and they lead to some good information, thank you both.


My fianc¨¦e and I have discussed this previously and at this point I think I'm going to suggest to my sweet Haiqing that we proceed forward and hope that the question about being a CCP member is not asked during her interview and if it is she'll be prepared with a notarized letter of explanation together with as much support evidence as we can come up with and hope that the VO interprets it for what it is, an involuntary dues paying membership only for the sake of employment and allows her through the "legal loop hole" and does not hand her a blue slip.


I have already told her not to worry about any delays due to a blue slip because I am going to see her in China within the next two months regardless and since I have my own business, I'm 100% mobile and can work from anywhere we can simply wait for our pink together in China even if it takes another six months.


I like to think that this is not the end of the world, only a temporary delay and true love will find a way to deal with it.


Best of luck,


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Welcome to CFL Bob. there is a lot of controversy over this issue. A lot of the ladies on 001 say she should lie about it. I doubt the CCP would release their member roles to the USA. If it ever came out though she could be deported and banned. It is not wise to lie to the USCIS. The question doesn't always come up at interview. It will come up when she adjusts status though. Better here than there in my opinion. It would also be a good idea for her to quit before interview. That way she can honestly answer no if she is asked if she is a member.

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Thank you Carl,


I have already explained to my lovely Haiqing that lying is not an option here as it could potentially destroy any hopes of her getting a visa. I would much rather deal with the inconvenience of a delay than to totally lose any chance of her coming here to be with me, not worth the risk!


I mentioned in my other post on the other thread that she has already stopped paying dues as of Jan. 23, 2008 when we sent in our I-129 package to the USCIS. At some point she will automatically lose her CCP membership because of non-payment of dues but she also has potentially put herself at risk of losing her job. For now she is just keeping a low profile and we'll deal with things as they develop.


Honestly people in China do not have much of a choice, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for them. It's a shame that the law here in the USA for this has not been revised somehow, after all, these are not bad or evil people, they are simply trying to do the best they can with their given situation ... the same thing we do here!


I noticed in your signature that your wife has her citizenship test coming up in two days! WOW ... we wish her much luck!


Best to all,


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Hi everyone and thank you for responding.


I feel better now.

I discussed this with my Fiance last night. It seems a college professor told her to join. She paid the .5 yuan (university student rate) per month for 1.5 years. When she finished college she stopped payment but did not officially send in any notice that she quit. That was in Dec. of 2006. She was never an active member, never benefited from being a member and has not had a government job.


I understand that after 6 months of no payment the membership somehow "expires".


I was looking at the other links of people who have been successful which really helped.


However, it seems that the people that were the most successful had already been married in China. I will keep looking but is there some people who have been successful with only the K1?


I think at this point, I think I will tell her to be honest on the next packet and hope it does not become a large problem at the interview. She can say she currently is not one but, if asked, she will give her history.

It will be almost 2 years since the last payment when the interview comes.

I will expect the blue slip but hope for the pink. Then start the waiver process...


One of the successful candidates that I read about actually tried to start the waiver process before the interview. Does anyone think that is a good idea? Would it save time to send in the statement and some other documents now??


Thanks for any suggestions!

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Hey there Hello123,


It appears that you are about two weeks ahead of us in this process, you filed on 1/11/08 and we filed on 1/24/08.


It seems to me that you have much less to be concerned with than my sweet fianc¨¦e Haiqing and I do. Your fianc¨¦e was only a member for a relatively short period of time and she quit paying dues over a year and a half ago so by the time you get your interview it will be very close to the two years non-membership that seems to be acceptable. My sweet Haiqing on the other hand was a dues paying only member for about twenty-two years and stopped paying her dues six months ago. She too was young and in college when talked into joining. I'm just hoping that no one at the Embassy in Guangzhou asks her the question on her interview day and if they do I hope her letter of explanation and support document will get here through the "legal loop hole".


I would guess the odds are sort of like an umpire calling a ball game ... some days it's a strike, some days it's a ball and when your package is "painting the edges" as ours are the call could go either way although I must say that I think your odds are stacked a bit better than ours ... take a deep breath and I'll take three or four!


Best of luck,


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Hello to Hello123 and Bob,


This is just my opinion, but I would have my girl check to see if she is still on the rolls of the CCP and if she was , I would have her officially quit the CCP......so that if she is asked...that she at least went to the trouble of quiting....This is just my opinion but quiting is better than not knowing if she is on their membership rolls.


Tom and Ling







Hey there Hello123,


It appears that you are about two weeks ahead of us in this process, you filed on 1/11/08 and we filed on 1/24/08.


It seems to me that you have much less to be concerned with than my sweet fianc¨¦e Haiqing and I do. Your fianc¨¦e was only a member for a relatively short period of time and she quit paying dues over a year and a half ago so by the time you get your interview it will be very close to the two years non-membership that seems to be acceptable. My sweet Haiqing on the other hand was a dues paying only member for about twenty-two years and stopped paying her dues six months ago. She too was young and in college when talked into joining. I'm just hoping that no one at the Embassy in Guangzhou asks her the question on her interview day and if they do I hope her letter of explanation and support document will get here through the "legal loop hole".


I would guess the odds are sort of like an umpire calling a ball game ... some days it's a strike, some days it's a ball and when your package is "painting the edges" as ours are the call could go either way although I must say that I think your odds are stacked a bit better than ours ... take a deep breath and I'll take three or four!


Best of luck,


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Hello Bob, Tom and others,


Thanks so much for your input! It has really helped! I have done a fair amount of research the last couple of days (more to do soon). The links provided have really helped. My Fiance will send an official notice as soon as possible. I am not certain but I think she needs to do this in her home town where she first registered. I suppose that is not too bad because she needs to go and get the other official documents too.

It seems that if asked, the honest way is the best. I have read some really informative personal stories. I really feel for for MamaBear and Paula (I hope I got the names right)..and their experiences.


Mentally, we will prepare for the blue and start the waiver process...but hope for the Pink!

When I talked to my Fiance, she was surprisingly calm! She has been reading other forums in Chinese and knew that would be a challenge. I feel so lucky to have her on my side!


Anyway, Bob, its amazing to hear about someone with almost the same story and at basically the same time! I will try to share any news with you when it comes. you are right, we are slightly ahead of you in time but who knows if we get any documents first...I will try to post as soon as we get them. I don't know if our "odds are stacked better" than you but I honestly hope neither of us get the question.

In my little research, it seems that if you are in the "blue" situation and fill out the required forms then eventually things work out. I hope no more than 3-4 months extra total!


Best of luck to you and everyone else too!


P.S. Sorry, I made the name quickly but I don't see where to edit it...I may be stuck with "hello123"...I will change at some point if I do..

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Hello Tom and Hello123,


From what my sweet fianc¨¦e Haiqing has told me if you don't pay your dues for six months by Chinese law you should automatically no longer be a CCP member. I like your idea very much about officially quitting and for someone like Hello123 and his fianc¨¦e this could work but since his fianc¨¦e has stopped paying her dues over a year and a half ago by law she should no longer be a CCP member (noting that the operative word in the last two sentences is "should"). Since Hello123's fianc¨¦e doesn't appear to have anything to lose by officially quitting it may be an option for them.


My sweet fianc¨¦e Haiqing stopped paying her dues almost six months ago so soon she should (there's that word again) technically not be a CCP member. It would probably make good sense for her to officially quit however her current job requires that she is a CCP member so if she officially quit some eyebrows would certainly raise and she will jeopardize her job! She is hoping to simply slip under the radar for now so we'll play it one day at a time. She's one of those "involuntary membership paying dues for the purpose of employment".


As I mentioned in an earlier post, she's in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation so I think for us playing it cool is the best option right now.


Yes Hello123, I was interested in your post the other day because I posted this topic on another thread just a few hours before you did on this one ... what are the odds? Both first posts for new members as well and just about at the same place in this visa process ... perhaps we'll meet up at the Embassy in Guangzhou for interview day ... given our track record so far I'd give it pretty good odds!


Best to all,


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