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P4 was received last wednesday, 13 August. The interview is scheduled for 2 September (yikes!). VERY HAPPY here and in china. Her parents are now realizing "ah oh, this is getting close".


So, several questions that we could use help with/on....


1. She had her name changed when she was 14 (first name only). The certificate so stating was done April of 2002concurrent with the police certification. Still good? Or do we need another?


2. Police certificate done April, 2002...assuming we need a new one for the interview?


3. Do they still need to take in the original file (I-129F) for the interview? I intend to send that in the next 2 days via fedex...how long should I tell her it will be b4 she gets?


4. We are updating the "intent to marry" form..since they are over a year old. Along with that I am sending the affidavit of support...are these (affidavit of support) still required? Good idea or not?


5. Whats the latest on what to do/not to do at the interview? She is fluent in english, so communication is not an issue, and I sent her a list of questions from 001, anything else she needs to know?


6. She intended to wait until the last minute to do the med, I advised her to do it now in case of delays. When she does, do they mail the results to her? give them to consulateher? what?


7. The paperwork sent in p4...does she fill it out and hand carry for the interview or send it in beforehand?


8. finally...are visas being issued same day...later...whats the scoop.


9. have read the consulate website...still have to ask the question. What should she take to the interview and how does that day come down....


10. Any other advice? Comments?


11. finally..anyone have a blank copy of the forms they sent out? Han lin wanted to send them here so we could look them over and discuss jointly BUT...getting copies scanned and sending them over internet isn't going too well.


All help is welcome, physically impossible for me to make it over there for this part because of a startup operation stateside...bad timing. :rolleyes: so i need the best advice available! thanks to tall in advance. We are currently assuiming that uncle sam will NOT issue visas concurrent with the interview process and intend for an early fall trip to the good ole US of A.

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Hi Skrunks,


Congratulations on your P4!


I'll try to answer as many of your questions as I can.

1. My fiancee changed her first name also, and it was no problem. The certificate you have stating that should suffice.

2. Yes, you will need a new one. They are good for one year.

3. Not sure about this one. Sorry.

4. Do it. It's a good idea. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

5. My fiancee is fluent in English also. The consular officer conducted the interview in Mandarin, and she gave him the answers in English. No problems there.

6. Get the Medical inspection done now. My fiancee did hers at the clinic near the consulate. They know the drill there. She picked up all the results and took them with her to the interview.

7. Fill it out and carry it to the interview.

8. My fiancee passed her interview at approx. 12:30pm (the interview took about two minutes) and her visa was issued at approx. 4:30pm the same day.

9. We took everything but the kitchen sink to the interview. It wasn't necessary in our case. I believe that the cases are fairly well prescreened and only the quesionable cases get lengthy interviews. The only piece of evidence that the consular officer asked to see was a letter that she wrote to me about 3 years ago. But still, better safe than sorry. See my response to question 4! :rolleyes:

10. Relax! Make sure that you bring everything that they ask for in the appointment letter and you'll be just fine!

11. Have you typed out a family composition sheet for her? It will be very helpful.


You can find most of the forms in P4 on the internet. I just did a Google search for them, and found almost everything. I filled them out in advance and took them with me to GZ. My fiancee used them as guidelines when she filled out P4.


By the way, take another look at answer 8. Uncle Sam will issue visas the same day as the interview. That stateside trip might be sooner than you think!


Best Wishes!

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Hi Skrunks


Our interview is August 29th.


Summer says that she is feeling “pressure”.


Based on some of the postings here, we will also take (just in case):


1. Phone bills.


2. A few E-mail messages from each month.


3. Pictures and boarding passes from each visit to China.


4. Answers to the 95 questions from the 001 site. (use as a cheat sheet)


We will be staying at the Shamian Hotel until August 30. If they have an Internet cafe we will post our experiences.


Good Luck

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My suggestion to you. Consider using UPS overnight delivery. My fiance lives in NanNing and I discovered that Federal Express does not deliver there. The package I sent sat in a post office for weeks before she was able to get it. UPS delivers in NanNing. Using the overnight delivery service actually gets packages to her in about a week. Check into it and make sure Fed Ex delivers to where you need to send.


Good luck!


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Guest meierhong
P4 was received last wednesday, 13 August.  The interview is scheduled for 2 September (yikes!).  VERY HAPPY here and in china. Her parents are now realizing "ah oh, this is getting close".


So, several questions that we could use help with/on....


1.  She had her name changed when she was 14 (first name only).  The certificate so stating was done April of 2002concurrent with the police certification. Still good?  Or do we need another?


2.  Police certificate done April, 2002...assuming we need a new one for the interview?


3.  Do they still need to take in the original file (I-129F) for the interview?  I intend to send that in the next 2 days via fedex...how long should I tell her it will be b4 she gets?


4.  We are updating the "intent to marry" form..since they are over a year old.  Along with that I am sending the affidavit of support...are these (affidavit of support) still required?  Good idea or not?


5.  Whats the latest on what to do/not to do at the interview? She is fluent in english, so communication is not an issue, and I sent her a list of questions from 001, anything else she needs to know?


6.  She intended to wait until the last minute to do the med, I advised her to do it now in case of delays.  When she does, do they mail the results to her?  give them to consulateher?  what?


7.  The paperwork sent in p4...does she fill it out and hand carry for the interview or send it in beforehand?


8.  finally...are visas being issued same day...later...whats the scoop. 


9.  have read the consulate website...still have to ask the question. What should she take to the interview and how does that day come down....


10.  Any other advice?  Comments? 


11. finally..anyone have a blank copy of the forms they sent out?  Han lin wanted to send them here so we could look them over and discuss jointly BUT...getting copies scanned and sending them over internet isn't going too well.


All help is welcome, physically impossible for me to make it over there for this part because of a startup operation stateside...bad timing.  :lol:  so i need the best advice available!  thanks to tall in advance.  We are currently assuiming that uncle sam will NOT issue visas concurrent with the interview process and intend for an early fall trip to the good ole US of A.


I have been to GZ for interview in April, I dont think your fiancee have to bring all of things , it is pretty heavy and worry losing them. I mean it is ok she should pick up a part of pics, mails, emails, cards.I did like that and that consular officer didnt ask any evidence,even affidivat of support.About interviewing, she should be honest to answer any question, it would be ok.If you are American guy , possible Consular would ask her commucation in English, that officer(American) asked me same thing.

3. she dont need to bring I-129 form, only forms in P4, they have your fiancee 's case , means whole forms,files.

7.she have to hand-carry P4 and inspection forms when she take interview.

8.GZ Consulate could send Visa afternoon of Next day,it is possible,I got my Visa on next day.


additonally, i want to tell you she should be careful photo size.Interview day is a long day.she have to stand outside about 2 hours, she can stand on line earlier , i heard someone was there at 6.30am.but i dont think it is good .It is up to you bot. I got there (consulate gate) at 9.00 am , interview was end at 11.30am , I was the first one got Visa inform( a small paper, she have to keep it just like reciept,someone threw away that paper, it is trouble)


good luck! :D

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