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P3s....They Are On Their Way

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Received at the time of this posting....


"Dear Petitioner

Thank you for your email, we have received the petition file, and set up a case for your fiancee. We also sent an instruction packet to her address, we hope she will receive it soon. sincerely yours immigrant visa unit"


So, all you fellow Customs holds, seems we got past it. Let your loved ones know to start checking the mail.


Gee.....what a day. First Chengdu, now GZ. Hummm....wonder if I want anything from Beijing? Naw......I'll quit while I'm ahead.





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Congratulations Dave. I am happy to see it starting to move around here.


Patrick & Li

I'd suggest the customs hold people write GZ and see if they've been put in the system. I'd like to hear the results. Was mine a "natural process," or did my letters to my Senator/Visa Services in DC make the difference?


Please post when you get your answer.

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Dave, mine was approved and sent by NVC June 12, delayed at customs, GZ got it July 21 and yesterday my file was in their system. 20 days from when the consulate received it.

That's great news. Did you get congress people involved? I did and can't help but think it helped.


Wanna race to GZ? Last one there buys the Chinese white wine? :(



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Dave, I'll be there Sept. 6 till this thing is done, glade to buy the wine. And yes I got my cogressman involved and will see hm Saturday to give a small gift and ask for more help. Nothing like buying favors.

Oops....can't catch ya. White wine is on me.


You bring up a VERY good point. I hope everyone caught it. If we ask for and receive help from any source, let's remember to show some gratitude. A thank you goes a long way. As soon as I got the word from GZ, my first action was to call Jing Mei. My next two actions were to fax thank you notes to those whom might have helped. After JM gets the docs from Chengdu on Thursday, I'll fax them as well. Anyone see that movie "Pay it Forward?" Hearing "thank you" makes people feel good. They're more apt to do it again for someone else. If people start feeling unappreciated, they'll stop helping anyone. And, like Wolf says, there's nothing wrong to include a contribution to someone's campaign if they do their job. Hell, isn't that what we want? People in office who actually help their constituents?

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