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OT - Anyone need a Chinese cook?

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Guest enight

hi Don,


you are absolutely right! ... and..


you don't need to bet with him, because... from all the words he said, you can tell he is a kind of person will do whatever he can to reach the goal, he is a 'businessman' ... so...


there is no way to vertify his visa process even he sent image of documents to you... anything can be fraud according to his words.

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Whoa! I didn't mean to start a fight!


Seriously though, OF is entitled to his opinions, but I think of Yan as my daughter and I found it somewhat offensive. She is more than property and I am not looking to just marry her off to someone who will take her off my hands. She has told me that she is not considering marriage until she is in her late 20's.


She is the one who wanted to take the cooking school training and I intervened over her mother's objections and told her I would pay for it if she would work hard at it. Her mother's objection was basically that it was a man's job and that women didn't become cooks. Yan had a problem at first with the huge woks but I encouraged her to tough it out and she called the other day to talk to me and was proud that she can now handle the woks without problem.


Thanks for all the positive inputs that I did get. I am sure that she could get a job easily once she is here. The problem is getting her here. I have found Chinese eateries that have sponsored people on work visas but they stick to their own relatives. Understandable as ever Chinese immigrant has a passle of relatives back home that are eager to come to America also. I know from experience, my wife has several who are eager to come herself.


I'll see if I can find out anything about Las Vegas and Reno. I would worry about her in that environment and away from home, but at least she would not have to wait 5+ years to come to the US.


I have contacts in higher ed and can get her admitted to an intensive English program with no problem. They even agreed to do the testing for skill level after she arrives. The problem is that they said since her mother is a permanent resident and since she has already been denied a tourist visa, it is almost certain that the consulate would deny a student visa as well.

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Owen, Reno is a wonderful town. It is a cowboy and miner's town during the week and the people there are multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. There is bus service from 6am to 11:30 pm. It is a relatively safe city as the city relies on tourists. Crimes against people are not tolerated. Vegas is a much larger city and 2/3 of the population of Nevada lives in the surrounding area of Vegas. I will probably be out there in short order myself. She would like it there, more than Kansas, and it is not flatter than a pancake like Kansas!!! :lol: :lol: :D Saw a scientific study on the flatness of Kansas last week on CNN. :D :P

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Guest enight

hi Don... it will be great to have another meeting in the States too...


and we really hope sometime our Candle for love folks can get together, how interesting and exciting meeting it would be! http://www.chat001.com/bbsimg/117.gif

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Guest enight
Aloha from Hawaii,

     My wife has had a cpouple of meetings here with people she met on 001.com.

In small groups they would shop at the Ala Moana shopping center and have

lunch there.  


hi Myles... your wife has been real quiet on forums since she came over ... surprised us! :)

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