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Should I send inquiries after two blue slips?

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The facts are that they can do whatever they want and you can't do anything about it. Yes it is secrecy and that is the way they want it, like it or not. If they see something they don't like then they will take as long as they want to investigate it. We are powerless in this matter and that is the way it IS!

Meanwhile, this leaves the couple in much doubt as to what is going on. We can't and we NEVER WILL be able to do anything about it.

Sorry to be so blunt, but that is the way I have come to learn this process.

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Ken, you bring up so very good questions and thoughts with your post.


Unfortunately, you are having to deal with an antiquated, arbitrary, and idiotic system that the pea brained bozos with a title (called VO's) in their false god like sense of power have laws, INA, 221g, national security, etc., that they can fall back upon when all else fails.


They understand that they hold all the cards, don't have to tell you anything, treat you like shit if they feel like it that day, LIE to your face on a whim...and they well understand that YOU have NO recourse WHATSOEVER.


When Congress wrote the laws for the Department of State workers, they convienently wrote OUT any powers that they (Congressmen) could have in the future to either help you, or to intervien on your behalf.


The VO's know this and they've been off to the races every since, with no fear of any reprisals in how corrupt they may be.


Those false gods in GUZ know that they can always fall back on terms like Homeland Security, the INA, 221g, National Security, no proof of a bona fide relationship...whatever....and that they don't have to explain ANYTHING to you the lowly american citizen. As an american citizen you, unknowingly to you, gave up your rights as an american citizen when you filled out the paperwork for a K-1, K-3, CR-1 visa application.


And the Goobers in Guangzhou fully well understand that.


Vent your frustration and anger here, but be a gentleman on the phone with the DOS and with e-mails to the idiots in GUZ, and hope your best for success.


Personally, for us, the white slip was a blessing. It wasn't what we were looking for, but it took the F'ing stress of having to deal with the idiotic american government off our backs. :greenblob: We now have the control of our lives back. It is amazing to me, 3 weeks after the denial, how much stress I lost when I found out we had been denied.


I hope for a successful end to your journey Ken. My best wishes are for you and your wife.


tsap seui

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Ken, you bring up so very good questions and thoughts with your post.


Unfortunately, you are having to deal with an antiquated, arbitrary, and idiotic system that the pea brained bozos with a title (called VO's) in their false god like sense of power have laws, INA, 221g, national security, etc., that they can fall back upon when all else fails.


They understand that they hold all the cards, don't have to tell you anything, treat you like shit if they feel like it that day, LIE to your face on a whim...and they well understand that YOU have NO recourse WHATSOEVER.


When Congress wrote the laws for the Department of State workers, they convienently wrote OUT any powers that they (Congressmen) could have in the future to either help you, or to intervien on your behalf.


The VO's know this and they've been off to the races every since, with no fear of any reprisals in how corrupt they may be.


Those false gods in GUZ know that they can always fall back on terms like Homeland Security, the INA, 221g, National Security, no proof of a bona fide relationship...whatever....and that they don't have to explain ANYTHING to you the lowly american citizen. As an american citizen you, unknowingly to you, gave up your rights as an american citizen when you filled out the paperwork for a K-1, K-3, CR-1 visa application.


And the Goobers in Guangzhou fully well understand that.


Vent your frustration and anger here, but be a gentleman on the phone with the DOS and with e-mails to the idiots in GUZ, and hope your best for success.


Personally, for us, the white slip was a blessing. It wasn't what we were looking for, but it took the F'ing stress of having to deal with the idiotic american government off our backs. :) We now have the control of our lives back. It is amazing to me, 3 weeks after the denial, how much stress I lost when I found out we had been denied.


I hope for a successful end to your journey Ken. My best wishes are for you and your wife.


tsap seui


The longer version of what I really wanted to say! :)

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I posted here earlier that my second blue slip dated nov 1, 2007 stated that my application is under administrative review and I may contact them after 90 days if I do not hear anything from them. As I did not hear anything in 90 days, I contacted them on Feb 1, 2008. They again said that it is under administrative processing and they will let me know, when it is completed. Now another 60 days have passed. I have a few questions for the experienced members here.


1. Are they doing something or I am just standing in line for the right person to look at my papers?


2. I have seen on this site many blue slip issues were resolved in 2-8 weeks time. When it takes longer, does it mean "probable bad news"?


3. Should I keep writing them e-mails every 1 or 2 months to keep my application active or should I just wait until I hear from them?


4. Does my CR-1 visa application expire after a certain number of months or it stays active until processing is complete irrespective of time? Is there anything I need to worry about while waiting?


5. The only deficiency I can think of is the proof of residencies of myself, my wife, my ex, and her ex for a "significant length of time" (vague: I gave last 5 years). Everything was OK from my side. We could not prove anything from her side because she is living with her sister after her divorce and all the utilities and lease papers are in her sister's name. Her husband always lived with his father and mother and all the paperwork is on his father's name. Americans are usually not used to that kind of background.


6. Do they really investigate the residencies? Do they personally go there and check them out or make phone calls etc? If they do investigate, it is good for me because that is the only way they can verify that they really do live in those places mentioned. Otherwise, they can still say "there is no proof of bonafide" residence!


Thanks - - - Ken


If something is wrong with the application, or something suspecious, why don't they talk to us about it? What is the big mystery there. We might even be able to help them to reach a decision sooner. Actually they even refused to see additional proofs of marriage.


I have an official marriage certificate and it it outrageous for a VO to hold us hostage while they try to prove that it is not a couterfeit marriage certificate. If I am looking for a fiancee visa, the VO can have a subjective view point as to whether the relationsip is bonafide or not. Once you are married and have an official marriage certificate, the VO has no wiggling room for a subjective view point! Marriage certicate is one of the most important document in your life. The VO has lots of guts to question that! Does she believe in her own birth certificate? Does believe in her parents marriage marriage certificate?


This is like holding you in jail because they found a $100.00 bill in your pocket. There is less than 1% chance that it could be a counterfeit bill. Then they ask you to stay in jail until they find out that it is not a counterfeit $100.00 bill. More over they taking all the time that they want to do their job!


I think there should be an Immigration Court right at the USC, GZ, so that we can question the credibility of the VOs working there and have hearing on our case.






My dad and mom said I should sue the US Consulate Guangzhou after I told them we got a blue. I laughed and said, "how?" We are powerless against these goons.


I went to American Citzen Service to get my documents certified this week and asked who can I complain to regarding the lack of competency of the VO and I was given a white sheet that provided the web address to the Guangzhou website(yea, little good that's going to do me).


Who knows what the heck those guys are doing? I don't think anyone audits them and their is no check and balance.


The crap they ask for is just a delay tatic in my case. Why they ask if I have family in China is beyond me when they have the Family Composition Sheet on my parent's side. Shrug.


I have heard they have denied visa in cases where couples have been married and have children together.

That's still ain't bonafide enough. I no longer know what is a bonafide relationship in the eyes of Guangzhou.

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Ben, and Ken....this is a damned stressful time for you and your wives. Be strong and your relationship will only grow stronger.


Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions cause if you don't the toxic poison of what those idiots are giving you will eat you alive. Right here on Candle is a perfect place to let it out...not with e-mails to GUZ or with DOS operators on the phone.


Believe it or not, in the VO's notes from my trip to ACH, the day after our AP blue slip, the VO wrote that I was a nice guy :) One day many months later, a DOS operator laughed and said she had never seen that written up before.


I kissed their asses and was a polite and nice guy, for the whole 300 days after our interview, right up to and including the very day I was told we had been denied.


Hang tuff. The process is not logical and it surely isn't fair, but it is what it is, and it's the only way you have.


Don't stuff you're anger inside, write about it here or talk it out with a friend. Believe you me, stuffing your feelings of frustration or anger is UNHEALTHY!! The Goobers in Guangzhou have stolen all your rights as an american citizen, but they can't take away your right to feel your feelings.


Just give the bastads what they ask for, if you're lucky enough to be asked for anything, and cross your fingers for good luck in this crap shoot bullshit affair brought on you by Uncle Scam.


My best wishes to you both. I'd give you my lucky rabbit's foot, but, I burned that sonuvabitch up 3 weeks ago. :o :D


Always remember, no matter what those evil false gods give you, they CAN NEVER RUIN a true bona fide relationship, unless YOU let them.


tsap seui

Have White slip

Will travel

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I have an official marriage certificate and it it outrageous for a VO to hold us hostage while they try to prove that it is not a couterfeit marriage certificate. If I am looking for a fiancee visa, the VO can have a subjective view point as to whether the relationsip is bonafide or not. Once you are married and have an official marriage certificate, the VO has no wiggling room for a subjective view point!



I can certainly understand your point-of-view, and I can understand the logic that says if you have an actual (certified) marriage certificate that should be both necessary & sufficient to prove a bona fide relationship. But logic is not the operative tool in visa roulette.


If I were a dishonest, down-and-out guy who was contacted by a youngish Chinese woman who offered me say, $10,000 or $20,000 to marry her, get her a green card, and then divorce her ASAP, I might consider it, I suppose. We would actually get married (with a certified marriage certificate!) and apply for a visa. Then the green card and the divorce.


This kind of stuff really does happen. In such a case the "real" marriage certificate is simply a contract that is intended to be broken at a future date.


I personally know a young Chinese woman in the US with a student visa who asked me if I thought it was OK if she had a "sham marriage" (her words) to an American jerk so she could remain in the US after her schooling was finished. They would never actually live as a married couple and they would divorce as soon as possible after the green card arrived. I told her "No", and emphatically. I told her it was first and foremost illegal, and if she were caught she would be deported and ineligible for a proper visa, perhaps forever.


But I also told her she was a young and not unattractive woman and she had her whole life ahead of her. What good would it do her to begin her life on a lie? What good could possibly come from getting to live in the US on deception? What about her self-respect?


I advised her to try to meet a nice person here, if possible, and to marry him, if it seemed appropriate, out of love. A sham marriage scheme would never bring her happiness (which, ultimately, was what she was seeking, I assume).


But there are people who don't feel that way and a "real" marriage certificate actually proves little more than that two people are legally married.

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while the case may be in GUZ, they may not be the ones doing the processing... if they are waiting on something to come back, they cannot really say what it's doing or how long to wait...


AP cannot be rushed, but once in a while someone gets a letter to the right person who seems to make a call to GUZ and seems to get finished. Normally you'd have to be processing for close to a year before anyone treats it a something more serious than 'crying [GUZ] wolf'

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while the case may be in GUZ, they may not be the ones doing the processing... if they are waiting on something to come back, they cannot really say what it's doing or how long to wait...


AP cannot be rushed, but once in a while someone gets a letter to the right person who seems to make a call to GUZ and seems to get finished. Normally you'd have to be processing for close to a year before anyone treats it a something more serious than 'crying [GUZ] wolf'


Do you remember the names of those who waited longer than a couple of months for their AP to finish? I could look up their posts and see how they handled the situation.





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Ken, I saw you posted an appeal to anyone with AP blue slip troubles. I hope some of those people that wrote to me will answer you. I have no clue if they read Candle anymore, but I can tell you they are either waiting the AP process out or got white slips. Their time range was either from 2 months to my 10 months before they got a decision from GUZ.


Only one fellow, so far, got a pink slip (after 5 months), 9 got white slips after their drawn out wait, and the other two I haven't heard from in 5 months.


I could only wish I could give you better news.


I can't sugar coat this for you and I am sorry for that. I can only bluntly tell you that those people who PM'ed me were hopeless against the system, just all my efforts were in vain.


All you can do is wait. I'm sorry there are no magical clues or secret avenues to explore.


AP blue slips are HORRIBLE. Your Congressman's inquirys will only wind up with "this case is under Administration Processing", GUZ will tell you absolutely nothing in their e-mails other than "this case is under Administration Processing", and the DOS....is hopeless.


"Administrative Processing" is a DOS shield for TOTAL LOCKDOWN. You will NEVER penetrate that shield. That's the way the system is set up!!!!! Even a veteran immigration liason who has contacts in both the DOS in Wasnington, DC and within the consulate in Guangzhou could NEVER get me any answers.


GUZ will, and by law, can stonewall you to death when you have an AP blue slip.


I understand how you feel Ken. It sucks beyond belief and any rational comprehension. You have lost every right you ever had as an american citizen, except the freedom of speech. DO NOT exercise that one single right, in an angry tone, to any DOS operators or with e-mails or faxes to GUZ.


Now, the rest of the story, should you get a white slip out of this mess and drawn out wait.....


Your case will IMMEDIATELY go into what they call "Lockdown". You will have not even one minute of a chance to get an attorney or anyone else to help you. Most of those people who PM'ed me could not even get an e-mail responce from GUZ when they tried. Most all of them, save one, got e-mail responces that flat out said, "This case is being sent to your original service center in the United States...do not contact the consulate again about this case."


The one fellow's case is being sent back to the NVC. Let's hope he can make a rebuttal from there.


So much for the old trick of quickly hiring an attorney and spending big money in an attempt to keep your case in Guangzhou. The DOS has changed that for AP blue slippers. If you got a white slip at the interview that old rule may still work, but, for an AP blue slip....they've effectively lessened their work load and cut that option out for AP blue slippers.


Even my veteran immigration liason who has contacts in both the DOS in Wasnington, DC and within the consulate in Guangzhou, using her personal contacts was told "the case was in lockdown and they could not discuss it with her", after we got the denial. She was told I would have to wait until my case went to my original service center to find out what they say is wrong with us..and...to make a rebuttal at that time if I could prove GUZ had made a mistake.


My liason asked me where my service center was...Vermont for me....she said "You're lucky, California usually doesn't even send you a letter stating what the problem is (Marc Ellis confirmed that) and that Vermont "often" (no guarantee) sends the letter and lets you make an appeal.


How long does this take to get the letter, if one comes?...Guangzhou will usely take from 6 (very optimistic) to 18 months to send your file to your service center. California lets the case die from timing out and you never hear from them and have a black mark, cause you have no clue what GUZ said was wrong...and Vermont will take 3 to 6 months, from the time they recieve your case, to send you a letter stating what is wrong with your case (in GUZ's eyes) and give you the chance to make an appeal. If you are lucky.


My liason clearly told me, a denial and appeal is NOT a high priority with a service center. You may well never hear anything from them.


Ken, I pray that your case gets you a happy conclusion!!! :)


I understand your trying everything to make it happen. I did, too.


If you should find some remote hoop of real fire that any of us could jump through to get a pink slip, please PM me.


I hope to see you post one day about your PINK SLIP after an AP blue slip. That would make my YEAR!!!!


Good luck,


tsap seui

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