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Thank you for your email, we searched our files for your record, both


the romanized spelling you provided and the possible variations, but


not able to locate any record, we have not received the petition file


your behalf. It therefore appears that your petition is in one of the

recent shipments of immigrant visa petitions being delayed by

imposition of

new procedures by customs authorities in China. We are working with


authorities to expedite customs clearance of the affected shipments.


Chinese authorities have begun issuing the newly-required importation

permits and we anticipate the shipments will be released shortly.

sincerely yours

immigrant visa unit



This email is UNCLASSIFIED based upon the provisions of E.O. 12958




This is an e-mail from the consulate responding to our inquiry.

Has anyone else, who's cases were held up in the May 9- June 12 mail, gotten the same e-mail? Maybe GZ needs more time to sort the mail?

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ty wy 99....


I've been checking this site often looking for this kind of thread (shame on me...I should have just started it myself). When did you get that response? I watched with great interest the thread you started about the whole mailing screw-up. I saw on the DHL site that the mail was finally delivered. If this email is what they are now sending, even it is late....they should have been sending that out two weeks ago when I wrote to them. All I got was the first part (unable to find), and even when I confronted them on the mail sitting with DHL, they ignored it.


I wrote again on their Monday morning (28th). No response. If you've seen my postings before, you've seen that my fiancee is pregnant now. We can't get the doctor's report to GZ until we get P3. So, I told them of the situation and asked they go fish for my paperwork. Ain't holding my breath that they'll jump on it.


I'll write again today. I'll let you know what kind of response I get....if any.

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I wrote the consulate on July 16 and got the first part but they said nothing about the delay. I wrote them again yesterday telling them that they got my shippment July 21 and asked it they had posted our petition in their system yet and when the P-3 would be sent, but no answer from them, maybe today.

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asked it they had posted our petition in their system yet and when the P-3 would be sent, but no answer from them, maybe today.


nvc sent our petition to gz on june 3rd and we received the first p3 packet on july 15th. the cover-letter to the p3 was dated june 24th.

~6 weeks total.


the second p3 arrived at my usa address. why? who knows. the cover-letter was dated july1st.






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Seems there are a few of us that got stuck. Glad to see someone got through it. Please keep this thread current so we can get an idea of how things are moving. Hopefully, I'll get a reply to my email tonight.


Good luck to all! Let's get past this and move on. It's getting old. :unsure:

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I read this e-mail from GZ this morning, Eastern Time, from my qi zi, so she must've recieved it Monday, Beijing Time. At least now it looks like GZ is acknowledging the delays but May 9th and June 12th mail were picked up last week so maybe they just need time to sort it all out.

For any of the May 9th or June 12th people, I like to hear any news that you can share towards this. Maybe we can keep each other updated. I will share any news that might help out and this might also help out some of the others, like the June 27th and July 8th mail delays.


G_V, I have heard of a few cases getting thru without any problems. I am happy for you and all the others who didn't get bogged down as we did.

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ty wy 99....


I've been checking this site often looking for this kind of thread (shame on me...I  should have just started it myself).  When did you get that response?  I watched with great interest the thread you started about the whole mailing screw-up.  I saw on the DHL site that the mail was finally delivered.  If this email is what they are now sending, even it is late....they should have been sending that out two weeks ago when I wrote to them.  All I got was the first part (unable to find), and even when I confronted them on the mail sitting with DHL, they ignored it.


I wrote again on their Monday morning (28th). No response.  If you've seen my postings before, you've seen that my fiancee is pregnant now.  We can't get the doctor's report to GZ until we get P3.  So, I told them of the situation and asked they go fish for my paperwork.  Ain't holding my breath that they'll jump on it.


I'll write again today.  I'll let you know what kind of response I get....if any.

Hi Dave:


I know that in the past the consulate in GZ would expidite a petition if the beneficiary was preganant. However, I am not so sure this is still the case. I sure hope so. Please keep us posted as to the progress of your case and if there is anything I can do (write letter in your behalf, etc.), please let me know. It would be great for the two of you to be together for the birth of your child. It is so frustrating that these bureacratic and political entaglements create such hurdles for all of us. Do I understand correctly that now more than one shipment has been held up by Chinese customs or did I misread this in the thread? :unsure: :angry:

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Thanks Mick....appreciate the kind words. Take a peek at a thread ty wy 99 started last week about GZ mail. Yes...two shipments were picked up on the 21st.


I woke up this morning to --er-- take care of business and checked my email. It's 6:30 PM GZ time and no reply. I'm "0 for two" for the week. I'll take a day off and try again Wednesday.


Anyone else get a response today?

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I posted a FAQ sheet from the GZ web site the other day that stated that they would expedite after they received package 3 from you and a doctor's certificate verifying the pregnancy. :greenblob: :greenblob:

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I thought it odd that GZ e-mail system does not read chinese characters. perhaps a new puter syestem is in order!!! We should take up a donation for them. Dell and Gateway have sales going on right now!!! :greenblob: :greenblob:


Dear Petitioner,


Thank you for your email.


We have not received your file from the National Visa Center (NVC). We

normally receive fiancée visa petitions between two to six months after DHS

has approved them. Once we receive the petition, we will notify your fiancée

by sending her an instruction packet. You can expect three to five months

between the time we first receive a petition and schedule an interview.


Please note that our computer system can not read other language. So you

can't sent Chinese character by e-mail.


Best regards,


The Immigrant Visa Unit


This email is UNCLASSIFIED based upon the provisions of E.O. 12958

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When did you get this reply? Today?


Yup...I saw the note about pregnant women asking for expedited "service." I hope they are sincere. But, I fear it's something akin to, "Trust me. I work for the government."


All I can say regarding the mention of Chinese charactors in your posting.....see what happens when you take pre-written responses and cut and paste too fast??? Those people are so overworked. :V:



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Yes, with the "new" e-mail system. On another note, your child will automatically be a US citizen. However, there will be a record of her birth overseas (if born there) with NVC (or it might be kept with BCIS now). :blink: :huh:

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Guest jade_yan

is it posible that GZ would move more quickly if there were fewer inquiries via mail, email and telephone? It doesnt matter to me so much, as we are nowhere near that part of the process. Just trying to be helpful.

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is it posible that GZ would move more quickly if there were fewer inquiries via mail, email and telephone?  It doesnt matter to me so much, as we are nowhere near that part of the process.  Just trying to be helpful.

It seems it is just the opposite. With no inquiries, it is break time. The people that are hired to answer questions are local people that are hired to do just that. :blink: :huh:

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I got the response from GZ this morning. They used petitioner, which tell me that it's a form letter saying many papers are being held. I even mentioned that they received it July 21. Today I sent them another e-mail telling them the time they stamped for it and the way number and asked if they had processed this shippment. I think a week an half is plenty of time.

Thanks GV for your time line.

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