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What paperwork do I need before getting married in China

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I am now located in the USA. First we were thinking about getting a K1 fiancee visa but hear there were too many problems and very complicated. We also feel we do not have much proof and might fail. As a result, we are planning to get married when I return back to China in May/June 2008. Then return home and file a K3 Visa.


My question is what paperwork do I need before I return back to China. For example, I was told I need to prove that I am single and it has to be notarized. Then maybe copy of birth certificate or passport. Someone help with some general questions first for a newbie.

Edited by William Lee (see edit history)
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Welcome to CFL ...


I'm sure some of our K3 experts will give a substantive answer, but I encourage you to explore this site and Visajourney before you make your final decision.


There are reasons to go K1 and reasons to go K3 but "too many problems and very complicated" is not among them.

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Firstly there is nothing complex about the K-1, we did it with no problems.


But yes you need a cert of marriageability, you can get this at any of the US consulates in China.



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Firstly there is nothing complex about the K-1, we did it with no problems.


But yes you need a cert of marriageability, you can get this at any of the US consulates in China.




My future wife is scared of being rejected. She also believe I should get a lawyer. The price of a lawyer is around 2K. I said NO, it's too much. I feel I can do it myself. Most people feel after doing it once, a lawyer is not neccessary. Anyway, I will go to a specialize just to look over the paperwork for me. The cost is about $150.


On the other hand, after she read some other people's problem there is a over 55% chance of being rejected and we have to start over again for K1. She feels we do not have enough proof. The people at the Canton, embassy are very rude. She feels the time frame for a K3 is about 3-4 months longer than a K1. It is safer.

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First off... welcome :) and it goes downhill from here :harhar1: but keep an open mind :roller: :roller:


If the K1 is 'complicated with problems' then the K3 is almost silly... let's get real.


Here is what I am reading... and I'm a newbie too:


She only wants to get married but is afraid of being rejected so she wants you to get a laywer :roller: :roller: :roller:


I have a question: How does she come to such a complicated idea based on a simple chinese lady only looking to find some man to spend a life with? :roller:


She is worry about proof and safety...


I'm sorry... she is a time bomb looking for a way around a visa... that doesn't mean she is "for you"... but she's been prepared too much on false ideas on how to get a visa...


good luck.

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First, I agree with David Z.


Next, the timeframe for K-3 is not about 3-4 months longer than a K-1. And I am not so sure about that "55%" rejection rate ??? :sosad:


Furthermore, most K-1's do not have a lot of proof, as compared to many K-3's with longer relationships, more trips to China, and more evidence of the bona fides of the relationship. The folks at USCIS and DOS understand this and it is factored into the equation.


I would suggest you do some preliminary reading (here in the forums at CFL) and educate yourself on the process, and rely less on what she has heard or feels.


In the interim, think about things like: How long have you known her. Do you know all that is important and relevant about her background. Does she know all that is relevant and important about your background. Previous petitions ?? Previous marriages ?? Ability to communicate and proof of continuing communications on a regular basis. How many visits will you have at the time of filing the petition ? Adequate financial resources on your part. Impact of IMBRA, etc, etc.


Last, have you or her been through this process before ?? I ask because I wonder why you feel, the people at the Consulate in Guangzhou, are "very rude" ?? I ask this, because while some have expressed that experience here in various posts, the clear majority of post interview and ACH visit critiques, do not share/reflect that view. FYI, the 'Embassy' is in Beijing and it is a 'Consulate' in GZ. Moreover, Canton is a somewhat dated reference to the city which is now called Guangzhou.


Also, if you do not want to wait for another visit to the PRC to get your single certificate, you can go to the PRC San Francisco Consulate website, and get step by step instructions on the process in the USA. I had mine in hand in less than a week, with a little effort on my part.


I wish you well, and many are here to help you, but you must also help yourself, along the way. :P

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I am now located in the USA. First we were thinking about getting a K1 fiancee visa but hear there were too many problems and very complicated. We also feel we do not have much proof and might fail. As a result, we are planning to get married when I return back to China in May/June 2008. Then return home and file a K3 Visa.


My question is what paperwork do I need before I return back to China. For example, I was told I need to prove that I am single and it has to be notarized. Then maybe copy of birth certificate or passport. Someone help with some general questions first for a newbie.

When you talk about not having much proof what DO you have. If you have not submitted any paperwork yet you have time to prepare to cover yourself at interview time. even if it means waiting 6 months. If you are asked for more information during the interview and are issued a notice for more "proof of a valid relationship" for example it may take 6 months or more to work through the system . I would rather get every thing needed before hand than try to work around a rejection notice.

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First welcome to CFL.


You say you don't have enough evidence for K1. If this is true, surely you won't have enough evidence for K3. The consulate will expect more evidence of a bonafide relationship from a couple who are married than two people looking to get married.


Once you file a K1 visa, you can spend the time building evidence of a bonafide relationship. Ie.. Trips to China to visit, daily phone calls, talking on internet with webcam. It is easier to show a bonafide relationship between fiancees than spouses.


You need to find out where she is getting her information. Like Roger asks, has either of you been through the process before? GUZ is not rude to everyone. They give a short and quick interview to those that do not have enough evidence to satisfy the VO. This is viewed as rude by Chinese people. My wife (fiancee at the time) had a very pleasant experience with GUZ. It depends on two things, who you get for a VO and how much evidence you have. They tend to be rude to those they believe are trying to scam the system. This aside, if she is getting her information from family, friends or another Chinese person, she might be getting a lot of mis-information. Almost all of us has been down that road before. It is an uphill battle, but somehow you need to show her you know your stuff and she can trust what you say.

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William, through your comments and questions I never took it that you had been through this process before.


With your questions and comments it appears you and your love are afraid of having the evidence...for either a fiancee or married type visa, and which one would be the best route.


Please, look up above to the FAQ's button and click on it. David has laid out everything you will need to collect, and the directions for, both K-1 and K-3 visas, and the other type "married" visas.


Study those FAQ's until you know them inside out. They are your best guide.


If your girlfriend feels safer with a K-3 visa, and you agree, then go that route. No need to worry about one taking longer than the other. Go with the visa option that you both feel comfortable with.


The other comments your girlfriend has talked to you about from her friends in China, be it on the 001 website or other sources.....


Here are a couple of basic facts to consider....



From the people who actually post here... in any given month there are only 1 to 3 women who go for their various type interviews.


From the lurkers and rarely post type folks there is apparently about the same numbers I would guess, totalling 2 to 6 women a month who have their interviews from CFL.


At the Consulate in Guangzhou....there is anywhere from 150-250, or more, women who interview EVERY DAY.


CFL "posting" members, including the lurkers aren't even a single drop of water in the South China Sea, as to the success or failure rate seen in Guangzhou.


I guess I could "LIE" to you and say, the VO's are always nice, it's a big happy warm american family at the consulate, your fiancee/wife will get treated with respect at her interview.


Many of the posters on CFL had quick easy interviews by smiling VO's who were considerate, and their women were actually treated like human beings...so the perception that GUZ isn't rude or a harrowing experience would not show up in "the clear majority of post interview and ACH visit critiques" as seen by the "posters" on CFL. ( My fiance and her 11 year old son walked to the VO's window, and with cheery smiles said "hello, goodmorning" and were scowled and snarled at with no attempt by the VO to respond to a simple common courtesy. During the interview my fiancee was angerly yelled at, attempted to be intimidated, and had lots of evidence thrown through the interview window which hit her in the side, became unclipped and strewn over the floor....forcing her son to play fetch "like a dog" to pick it up and give it to his mother. Luckily my fiancee kept her composure and her smile as the interview progressed with the "pleasant" VO, even when the VO replied to her statement/answer to the VO's age question that "tomorrow is my birthday, I will be XX" with the comment..."You think I care"....oh yeah my ACH VO, heck he was a dang nice guy, polite, took his time with me, vey apologetic...and as he smiled at me HE LIED THROUGH HIS TEETH to me.)


Yep, I can understand where those comments like "They give a short and quick interview to those that do not have enough evidence to satisfy the VO." ....would come from. :lol: (My fiancee got asked 26 questions in her little "short" interview, she aced every question, had every single piece of evidence, including all the overcome evidence, that could possibly be asked for...right there in her possession.)


But, the success rate you see on CFL is not even close to the reality of Guangzhou, as it is skewed by the "guests" and non-posters with names, that DO NOT post their failure. I personally have 12 different men and women that have PM'ed me about their blue/white slips and the disgraceful conditions their interviews were held under. You won't see many of them in the lists posted.


William...here's the way I see it....


CFL has many very good people on it and if you study David's FAQ's you will quickly get yourself up to speed on the evidence needed, and then, you can asked specific questions, and, you will get great answers here.


If you want real world experiences from interviews, you can find them "underground" on CFL, or most likely from Chinese women on a site like 001. I wouldn't use 001 for questions about what evidence to take, but I'll bet their success/failure rate ain't quite as rosy as on CFL...simply because the failures aren't posted here as much, and it gives some here the feeling that Guangzhou is a rosey place where you are welcome :angry: ...yes, "sometimes" you are.


Good luck to you William, that K-3 may be a very good choice for you.


tsap seui

Not one to dance around the truth

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I agree that CFL is not a source of the big picture that really goes on in GZ. 55% sounds reasonable is not a bit on the light side given all that I have learned in the past few years. Each case is unique and therefore the successes/failures of others are never indicative of your possible outcome. There is some very good info in the FAQ section that can definitely help you out in making your decisions. But CFL is only a small part. I encourage you to look at other sites such as Visajourney.com as well as listen to your fiancee and then form your own opinion as you see fit. You will NOT need a lawyer just to fill out paperwork but if you fear your case has some major hurdles to jump then a competent attorney that knows how GZ works might be a good option.

I wish you good luck in this process.

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I quickly read some of the posts. To answer some of the questions, it is our first time getting married for me and for my girlfriend. I am an ABC, meaning American Born Chinese. My first language is English but I speak a little Cantonese. The main thing I see wrong with our relationship is I am 20 years older than her. I 'm over 45 now. This should be a red flag to anyone.


She speaks Cantonese and some English. She laughs at may Chinese all the time. We met thru a cousin who now wants about 40-30K RMB from her mother. Her mother doesn't have that kind of money. Most likely I have to pay it off. We are wary the cousin might cause some trouble for us if we do not pay her anything. I am willing to pay her something but NOT 40-30K.


Most of our information are just rumors and stories from other people who have applied in GZ.

Edited by William Lee (see edit history)
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Guest Tony n Terrific

I quickly read some of the posts. To answer some of the questions, it is our first time getting married for me and for my girlfriend. I am an ABC, meaning American Born Chinese. My first language is English but I speak a little Cantonese. The main thing I see wrong with our relationship is I am 20 years older than her. I 'm over 45 now. This should be a red flag to anyone.


She speaks Cantonese and some English. She laughs at may Chinese all the time. We met thru a cousin who now wants about 40-30K RMB from her mother. Her mother doesn't have that kind of money. Most likely I have to pay it off. We are wary the cousin might cause some trouble for us if we do not pay her anything. I am willing to pay her something but NOT 40-30K.


Most of our information are just rumors and stories from other people who have applied in GZ.

Welcome to Candle. It sounds like you and your intended are looking for ways to fail. If she worried about the K-1 she should be worried about the K-3 also. There is no guarantee or warranty in which Visa you choose. Good luck.

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Do anyone know if there is some kind of rule to give money to a marriage broker in Southern China. My cousin who is the marriage broker, now wants something like 30-40K RMB from my future mother-in-law. Most likely I will have to pay it because she doesn't have that kind of money. My cousin claims since she indroduce the girl to me, now want the money when we get marry.

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