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finding a job not easy

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Back again, here is the deal lao po is looking for a job now that she has green card, but her english is not 100%. We are both working on looking in newspapers and especially thought it would be easy since we live near Flushing Queens she would find a job, but there is nothing in the newspapers. We tried neighborhood stores and they are not hiring now. Any suggestions would be appreciated,.....thanks. She also has a opportunity to go for interview as Flight attendant for Continental, but i am worried that her english will prevent her from this opportunity.


She really wants to work, rather than sit home everyday



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Back again, here is the deal lao po is looking for a job now that she has green card, but her english is not 100%. We are both working on looking in newspapers and especially thought it would be easy since we live near Flushing Queens she would find a job, but there is nothing in the newspapers. We tried neighborhood stores and they are not hiring now. Any suggestions would be appreciated,.....thanks. She also has a opportunity to go for interview as Flight attendant for Continental, but i am worried that her english will prevent her from this opportunity.


She really wants to work, rather than sit home everyday




We're going through this now as well. Just started though. Not the best time to be looking for a job economy-wise. There are some out there though.


Wouldn't Continental and other airlines have a need for Chinese/English speaking flight attendants? Or is it that you're afraid her English isn't good enough to get by?


Good luck in your search. :D

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Does your wife speak english at a moderate level, and where you both live?


Ben & XueYing


Yes, her English is pretty good. The Juco she's taking classes at has six levels for ESL, she was placed in the fourth level and is easily the top student in her class.


Her English is more than passable here in suburban Chicago.

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Yan is also looking for fulltime work.She needs a driver license and It is still winter here. I would rather her wait until spring as to save the car . A temp agency had a job that she could do and she told them she she could not drive. They never called her back. She gets upset she cannot find fulltime work so far. If you go to monster.com or the like put in your zip code and type china or chinese maybe this would be a help.


This is Yan: I can totally understand your wife,as I'm suffering too,I was in computer field in China for many years,when I was hired for a short time by a company in computer field here,I found out here people deal with computer problems in different manner,so first of all is to learn culture here,the part time job I'm doing now is far away from computer but it's famous US company,it adds score in my resume,second is never stop trying,I bet your wife will receive a lot of frustration discourage,so your support is very important to your wife, you are the one who she can rely on,show her you are her team partner,she will love you more than ever!

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Back again, here is the deal lao po is looking for a job now that she has green card, but her english is not 100%. We are both working on looking in newspapers and especially thought it would be easy since we live near Flushing Queens she would find a job, but there is nothing in the newspapers. We tried neighborhood stores and they are not hiring now. Any suggestions would be appreciated,.....thanks. She also has a opportunity to go for interview as Flight attendant for Continental, but i am worried that her english will prevent her from this opportunity.


She really wants to work, rather than sit home everyday





NYTIMES: I know how you feel!!

Been down this road before.


I have two questions?


!) Can your wife learn just by looking at someone doing there job?


2) Are you still working?


Know with that being said, Let me recap a little about my wifes adventure looking for a job!!!


I guest my wife might be one of the lucky ones.

She was only here in the U.S. for two months and got her first job.

A friend of mine helped with her first job.

Thought it was only a temp job.

But a job is a job!!!

We all know how our wifes and SO's want to work!!!

Well now she is on her second job and works with me!!


OK! Know back on topic.


This brings us back to the two questions i just asked.


Question 1) My wife got both of her jobs just by looking at the people working and learned from there.


Question 2) This is the most important one if you are still working.

I'm not sure what kind of work you do but maybe you can get you wife in where you work?


This is what i did and worked out great.


On a side note my wife does not speak English that well also

but got two jobs with out speaking English!


Gook luck!! Hope things work out!!

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I am a tax accountant and work for a major corporation and we both are trying to find someplace that might want to help with obtaining a position for my lao po, but her english is not easily understood to other people who don't know her like i do. But i am taking her to go for an interview as a flight attendant, which might be good experience for her. If nothing happens she is the type that won't give up and maybe ESL classes can help too, we will see.

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Heya NYTimes -


I would also suggest to you that she join a local ToastMasters chapter and polish that spoken presentation stuff.


It's also a good venue for networking (no, not the computer kind). I note that there is a ToastMasters club at a local CHINESE CHURCH here in my town, perhaps is something similar in your area ?


Have a look at http://www.toastmasters.org/




If you read through that second list, you'll note that there are specific ToastMasters Clubs at large companies and organizations, sometimes they are limited to just those employees or org members. But - SOMETIMES THEY ARE NOT LIMITED (depends on each club) - so just think - if she gets in at a Big Company ToastMasters Club, she can interact with a lot of those 'current employees' who actually know about the non-advertised jobs in their company.


It's not gonna be an 'instant thing' for her, but if she goes, she'll have a myriad of new experiences.


I'm a fan o ToastMasters, I am !

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