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GUZ Responds To Several Questions

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Mark, I tend to think positive also. But with GUZ you NEVER take anything for granted, NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!!!


Credzba, buddy, a lil' fear is a very healthy attitude here and it may save your butt on interview day.


All you guys are going to succeed, but please don't let your guard down. Don't let others who breezed through the interview with a couple of questions lull you into letting down your defenses for even one second. What happened to us could have happened to any couples you have seen, ahead, or behind us, as they breezed through the interview.


I mean no disrespect to Roger whatsoever and I hope for his success, but man, I about fell outta my chair when I read what he wrote, and that's puttin' my thoughts gently and nicely.


A fellow, much much smarter than I went over interview, and our case, in detail with me the other day. His conclusion....they were gonna WHITE SLIP my lil' rabbit and our son. And, the only thing that saved them was our preparedness with every single detail, our rehearsals for the interview, and the lil' rabbit's focus and composure in the face of the extreme hostility of the interviewing officer.


Why were they gonna white slip her?

PROFILING!!!!.....hometown and recent divorce



It's as simple as that.


I prepared the lil' rabbit for that interview like it was a life or death interview, I took nothing for granted, and we had all the blue slip evidence included.


I stood out there in the morning's line with 200-250 other women and most all of them were wearing tee shirts and carrying a 1/4 inch of evidence. My lil' rabbit had on a new white dress and was towing a wheeled double briefcase with 20 pounds of neatly labeled and divided evidence of a bonafide relationship...and she soon was treated like TRASH, by an American, from the time her number was called in the interview room and she got out of her seat to go to the VO's window...and it only went downhill as the VO tried her best to trip her up and make her lose her composure.


But...the VO saw she had someone that WAS PREPARED, and that, all the VO's anger and hostility wasn't going to put a dent in this prepared Chinese womans focus and composure.


I strongly hope the best for all of you guy's women at their interviews. For Gawds sake, don't let your guard down.


tsap seui



I am sorry if my comments (in Post #4) may have bothered you. I was only trying to give encouragement to Mark. :P


I wish you well, and I [sincerely] hope that you will have a successful overcome in the very near future !!! Yes, it is really too bad that the process could not have been constructed better and made less stressful, than what it is, and what we all must currently deal with, in this regard.


Part of the problem is that many of the rules, regulations, and guidelines in effect today, were established a long time ago, in a completely different political/social era. I believe, that [without] sacrificing critical aspects of our national security/integrity, the process could be and should be, modernized and humanized for the benefit of USC¡¯s, who are not living in 1950¡¯s cold war era America; but have entered the 21st Century, and who live a national culture, far different from what it was fifty or sixty years ago. Each of us here, are representative and examples of some of that profound change.


Yes, I always try to keep my glass half-full; this, to maintain my own sanity, during the long journey. :roller: ;)


Best wishes and thoughts to you and your family; and hoping that this new year will bring forth a very positive outcome for you and yours !!!!!! :roller: :roller: :roller:


Roger, I am truly happy that you took my words without any personal negativity, as I did, in no way, mean to disparage you as a man.


If I come on strong in converstations like this, it's because I am acutely aware of the crossed T's and dotted i's in this arbitrary and often insanely mindless process.


My "wife" and I have seen, and are now living the the reality of GUZ. I will never forget nor forgive the DOS and their representitives in the consulate for the despicable and contemptable manner in which my "wife" and "our" son were treated during their interview, and for the outright lies that were told me at ACH, the next day.


You have done a great job of preparing your family for the interview. I too, spent countless hours asking 75 questions over and over on the phone, and in interview rehearsals in person. Thank God my woman was prepared...she had already been given a blue slip 25 times or more by the time she went to her real interview. I didn't cut her any slack when I played the part of the VO in our rehearsals, but I also never treated her like a piece of shit like her actual VO did.


Until the other day with talking with a wise man, I never realized that by our attention to detail, and overwhelming evidence of a bonafide relationship, we had most likely avoided a white ship...and if GUZ had been intending to blue slip her, we would most likely have gotten a pink slip with our preparedness.


As my friend said, "Those VO's can get into trouble, and even lose their job for letting a bad person through, but they can get into NO trouble whatsoever for stopping a good person and making their life hell." Congressional letters and inquiries are worthless, as are letters to the President. The DOS clearly states in the letter that you get from them, that they do NOT intervene with a VO's decision. GUZ truly has no oversight if you get caught up in their 1950's Joseph McCarthy style idiotcy. Nobody can help you.


Hence, my attention to details and taking NOTHING for granted with GUZ. They are the government, and no, they are not there to help you.

Only YOU, can help you.


Roger, I do want to greatly thank you for some advice you gave a person in another thread about how many of the staff in GUZ will take two days vacation, yesterday and today, so they can get a whole week off. My friend, I have been at a loss as to what to say to my lil' rabbit tonight as there has been no activity on our case the last two days, when there was activity on the 29th, 30th, 31st and Feb 1st. Thank you greatly, you gave me something I can report to her that will make sense as she heads into her New Year. You don't know how much I appreciate that.


Good luck to all of you guys in que and soon to be in que. You will do fine, just don't ever let your guard down with GUZ.


tsap seui


tsap seui, thanks for the well wishes and yes we are getting ready!!


I am practicing with Mom and daughter, so they both say and know the same answers!! :roller:


Mark and feng!! :roller:

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Late last night, close to midnight California time, and late Sunday afternoon in China, I watched as a representative from GUZ, logged in, and over about a 45 minute period, responded to several of the questions for GUZ, which had been previously posted by members and moderators. Refer to: GUZ Speaks Forum.


In my opinion, we are very fortunate here at CFL, to have this type of professional interface with the Consulate in Guangzhou. I think it is also noteworthy, that on a Sunday afternoon, close to the start of a major holiday in China, someone from the staff at GUZ, took the time to respond to member¡¯s questions. :headbang:



>..... Refer to: GUZ Speaks Forum


Where exactly is the GUZ Speaks forum? Sounds like it is an interactive session with the reps from the embassy.

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Late last night, close to midnight California time, and late Sunday afternoon in China, I watched as a representative from GUZ, logged in, and over about a 45 minute period, responded to several of the questions for GUZ, which had been previously posted by members and moderators. Refer to: GUZ Speaks Forum.


In my opinion, we are very fortunate here at CFL, to have this type of professional interface with the Consulate in Guangzhou. I think it is also noteworthy, that on a Sunday afternoon, close to the start of a major holiday in China, someone from the staff at GUZ, took the time to respond to member¡¯s questions. :headbang:



>..... Refer to: GUZ Speaks Forum


Where exactly is the GUZ Speaks forum? Sounds like it is an interactive session with the reps from the embassy.



Click on: 'Consulate Process: P-3 ~ Interview' on the main forum page.


Then look at the very top of the page, and you will see the GUZ Speaks forum.


Its interactivity is very controlled. See the forum rules at the top of that page after you open it. Normally used for questions/issues which cannot be answered by other members on this board. Responses from GUZ are periodic.

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Late last night, close to midnight California time, and late Sunday afternoon in China, I watched as a representative from GUZ, logged in, and over about a 45 minute period, responded to several of the questions for GUZ, which had been previously posted by members and moderators. Refer to: GUZ Speaks Forum.


In my opinion, we are very fortunate here at CFL, to have this type of professional interface with the Consulate in Guangzhou. I think it is also noteworthy, that on a Sunday afternoon, close to the start of a major holiday in China, someone from the staff at GUZ, took the time to respond to member¡¯s questions. :headbang:



>..... Refer to: GUZ Speaks Forum


Where exactly is the GUZ Speaks forum? Sounds like it is an interactive session with the reps from the embassy.

Took me a bit to find it too Pete. It's an interesting section.


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Late last night, close to midnight California time, and late Sunday afternoon in China, I watched as a representative from GUZ, logged in, and over about a 45 minute period, responded to several of the questions for GUZ, which had been previously posted by members and moderators. Refer to: GUZ Speaks Forum.


In my opinion, we are very fortunate here at CFL, to have this type of professional interface with the Consulate in Guangzhou. I think it is also noteworthy, that on a Sunday afternoon, close to the start of a major holiday in China, someone from the staff at GUZ, took the time to respond to member抯 questions. B)



>..... Refer to: GUZ Speaks Forum


Where exactly is the GUZ Speaks forum? Sounds like it is an interactive session with the reps from the embassy.


It's a sub-forum at the top of the "Consulate Process: P-3 ~ Interview" forum, the one you're in now. ;) Look at the top of the main page.


It's not interactive in the sense that you can have a back and forth discussion with the GUZ staff member assigned for that month, but you can have non-case specific questions answered.

Edited by IllinoisDave (see edit history)
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Late last night, close to midnight California time, and late Sunday afternoon in China, I watched as a representative from GUZ, logged in, and over about a 45 minute period, responded to several of the questions for GUZ, which had been previously posted by members and moderators. Refer to: GUZ Speaks Forum.


In my opinion, we are very fortunate here at CFL, to have this type of professional interface with the Consulate in Guangzhou. I think it is also noteworthy, that on a Sunday afternoon, close to the start of a major holiday in China, someone from the staff at GUZ, took the time to respond to member’s questions. B)



>..... Refer to: GUZ Speaks Forum


Where exactly is the GUZ Speaks forum? Sounds like it is an interactive session with the reps from the embassy.


It's a sub-forum at the top of the "Consulate Process: P-3 ~ Interview" forum, the one you're in now. ;) Look at the top of the main page.


It's not interactive in the sense that you can have a back and forth discussion with the GUZ staff member assigned for that month, but you can have non-case specific questions answered.



Got it. Thanks guys ;)

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