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Married in Wuhan !

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Darnell and YanYan,


Sounds very similar to my experiece with in Wuhan. Went to the translation office, went to the marriage office, etc. Might suggest you try to Old House restaurant (near WalMart). I'd love to hear from your experience in Wuhan!!


Ye Gods. Walmart. We went in there to look for gloves and a knit cap, man what a dissapointment ! Nice place to buy beer, though (hahaha).


We went to several hot pot places in Wuhan, but really, the hotel (Go Howard Johnson's Wuhan!) had a good mix of food, was good place to rest and relax when we weren't out meeting her family (it's rather large, extended, etc).


Mostly I was bogged down internally with 'situational awareness' - I just didn't want to get lost. But we had a great time in Wuhan. I'm kinda stuck in China (GUZ) at the moment (missed a flight, will write more later).


Mostly, Wuhan in Wintertime WITH SNOW is a no-go. Don't do it. Don't come here. It's like having heavy snow in Dallas for a Thursday morning at 4:00 AM - no one knows how to drive in Snow, and there are many car wrecks, the 'county' road de-snowing crews don't have the right gear for it, or not enough of it or not enough personnel.


On the 24th, we went in for the big 'marriage photo' photo shoot (you know the thing guys, most of you have done it before). I'll make a new post about it - it was a fun experience !


Mostly, not breakfast meal, we were at one of her relatives' homes for either lunch or supper. Was not hot pot at their places, but regular family style food. Much talking, everyone wanted to hear me sing, and lots of fun with chinese/english language spoofs.


I like Wuhan a lot - though I only saw it covered in snow. There's a huge river outside the window - I know it will be nice to travel on it on most subsequent trips.



That's it for the nonce - I'm a happy man (mostly) and will write subsequent posts RSN.

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It was very nice to meet you and Yanyan in Wuhan on the day you were married. We enjoyed your and Yanyan's companies very much. I hope your trip to Chendu was as good as to Wuhan and your trip home tomorrow is not affected by the snowstorm.




Jing -

AH ! Thanks for meeting up with us - it was good thing - I was feeling a bit lost due to the snow.


Chengdu trip was fun, busy, full of food and only a bit of snow there.

I had some problems in Wuhan getting back to GUZ for the pond jump, will write more about it later.



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They made me translate my 'affadavit of marriageability' at the wuhan marriage office the same time we fill out the marriage paperwork. Congrats!


Ya, I wasn't sure if I was too 'clear' about what we were doing that day, I just wanted to list as much as I could with my original post.


Sometimes writing on yer wedding day is a bit tedious, yes?


I had the affadavit in hand, but of course when we first show up, they want the 'official translated chinese' version, and sent us to the 'right one'.


I had asked her about this one step many times - basically the answer was - we go first, show the affadavit, and THEN they tell us WHICH office to go to for the 'official translation'. This was something really not amenable to 'plan in advance' - as she tells me that the Marriage Office has a small list of 'approved' translation/notary offices to send the American-Spouse-Wannabe TO, and this list changes every 3 months. It all worked out, and the timeline for that day, though seeming rushed, really wasn't that rushed .


We first showed up around 10:20 AM, then came back with the translated thingie sometime around 2:40 PM, married by 3:20 PM, then off to the Chinese to English Translator/Notary Office for the rest of it. It was a good day, really !

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It was very nice to meet you and Yanyan in Wuhan on the day you were married. We enjoyed your and Yanyan's companies very much. I hope your trip to Chendu was as good as to Wuhan and your trip home tomorrow is not affected by the snowstorm.




Heya Jing. Oh Man - my trip was affected by the snow.

Basically stuck in Wuhan, finally got out around 8:00 PM, missed the connection at CAN to LAX - then stayed in CAN two days waiting for CZ to light up the planes again (They don't fly on Thursdays!) . Picked up some crud in CAN, resembles flu. Almost over it.


Keep in Touch ! I'll be going back after Spring Festival is finished. We are doing some paperwork now, is 'fun'....

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  • 3 weeks later...

They made me translate my 'affadavit of marriageability' at the wuhan marriage office the same time we fill out the marriage paperwork. Congrats!


Hey ! Thanks a lot !


I studied your msgs here today, and wanted to ask you -


How did the CR-1 Processing Go ? If he's studying english now, is he finally states-side ?


Warmest Regards ....

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Help......please help. Darnell anybody. My fiancee lives in Wuhan and we were considering the K3 but I think the K1 is best for us since most of the folks I've heard who did K1 has had success. I have a HUGE dilemma. The police station places that my fiancee is trying to get the documents are giving her a hard time and yelling at her. She used to work in the military. Will Homeland Security/INS/Chinese Consulate reject her because she used to be in the miltary? One source we talked to said yes, we cannot reveal that the source said. So she tried this week to get her old household book not sure if it is the same thing as hukou that you guys mentioned but they said they don't keep the records and not stored in the internet or database anymore. Can anyone help or give me some direction on how to deal with this? Darnell, can your wife who you said knows the notary officer (in Wuhan?) help us. Pllllllease help....she is so fed up and stressed out by them. :( Thank you everyone for your time.






Yesterday was fun and a blur !


YanYan and I married at the marriage registration office here.


Monday night we went to BeiJing and stayed at a hotel within 10 minutes walk of the US Consulate - I went in there Tuesday morning to ACS office to get 'affadavit of marriagability'. Interestingly, I ran across a fella doing the same thing, and I gave him the website address for CFL. It was easy thing there, they not ask for any divorce paperwork, just the name of your prior spouse.


The Vice Consul was friendly, and she was interested in my marriage plans .


We went back to Wuhan Tuesday night, and had a family style dinner with her best friends - I'll write more about this later - wasn't my first experience with home made family style, but WOW was it good, we laughed very much..


Wednesday, the 23rd, we start off with taking the 'marriage photo' for the 'marriage books' . Then we went to marriage office, start paperwork, they tell us which official translation office to go to to get English to Chinese Translation of my 'affadavit of marriageability'.


We went to that office, was something about Wuhan Engineering Office, Official Foreign Relations (and Translating) office.


We gave the paperwork to the auntie there, and she told us was ready after lunch, so we go to lunch. We briefly met another couple there doing the same thing at this office.


After lunch, we pick up the english to chinese translation document, and go to the marriage office again.


We give all of our documents, fill out 2 forms (one for husband, one for wife), and the clerk prepares the documents. Lo and Behold, that same couple we met in the english-to-chinese translation office was there, we start talking, and I mention this website (again). So we have a new set of marriage friends, we marry same day, we have small contest on who's K-3 finishes first.


Finally, the marriage register clerk finishes our paperwork, and I have YanYan sit down at a table there. Since we are now officially married, I wanted a small celebration , just the two of us. I had carried red wine in small container (thank you the genius who thought of putting wine in cardboard boxes!!!), and 2 wine glasses that I borrrowed from hotel bar, and the rings.


I poured the wine into the glasses, we exchanged rings, and had a Toast to Happy Marriage!!


But we had to rush off again - we then go to the Notary Office here for translation of Chinese to English , for the marriage documents that the I-130 needs. YanYan knew exactly where to go and who to talk to, as she had done prior work here on her other documents that I needed for the I-130. We had the other couple tag along, and SHAZAAM! it turned out we saved them 8 days of paperwork processing time. My wife is amazing on paperwork.


Then we went for small hotpot gathering with 2 of her family members to celebrate, and then met up with Jing and An for a long talk.


The 23rd was a good day!!!


I'll write another post later , fill in details of where ....

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Help......please help. Darnell anybody. My fiancee lives in Wuhan and we were considering the K3 but I think the K1 is best for us since most of the folks I've heard who did K1 has had success. I have a HUGE dilemma. The police station places that my fiancee is trying to get the documents are giving her a hard time and yelling at her. She used to work in the military. Will Homeland Security/INS/Chinese Consulate reject her because she used to be in the miltary? One source we talked to said yes, we cannot reveal that the source said. So she tried this week to get her old household book not sure if it is the same thing as hukou that you guys mentioned but they said they don't keep the records and not stored in the internet or database anymore. Can anyone help or give me some direction on how to deal with this? Darnell, can your wife who you said knows the notary officer (in Wuhan?) help us. Pllllllease help....she is so fed up and stressed out by them. :( Thank you everyone for your time.




Danny, I've sent you a PM here. You might also want to start a new thread here to address the issues one more time.

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  • 1 month later...

CONGRATS!! :roller: :ph34r:



Did you get Colin Powell's signature? :toot:


Yikes- was in Wuhan that day ?


I will tell ya something weird , though.


There were American Chamber of Commerce meetings in Wuhan and Chengdu during the times were were running around, both meetings held in the hotels where we were staying. I feel silly now, a few months later, as I should have torn away for an hour each time, and attended the meetings, do some social networking...

Edited by Darnell (see edit history)
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Welcome another Wuhan related CFLer. I'm sure you know you need to get married for K3. Yes, household book is the same thing as hukou. Good luck.


Help......please help. Darnell anybody. My fiancee lives in Wuhan and we were considering the K3 but I think the K1 is best for us since most of the folks I've heard who did K1 has had success. I have a HUGE dilemma. The police station places that my fiancee is trying to get the documents are giving her a hard time and yelling at her. She used to work in the military. Will Homeland Security/INS/Chinese Consulate reject her because she used to be in the miltary? One source we talked to said yes, we cannot reveal that the source said. So she tried this week to get her old household book not sure if it is the same thing as hukou that you guys mentioned but they said they don't keep the records and not stored in the internet or database anymore. Can anyone help or give me some direction on how to deal with this? Darnell, can your wife who you said knows the notary officer (in Wuhan?) help us. Pllllllease help....she is so fed up and stressed out by them. :cheering: Thank you everyone for your time.




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  • 9 months later...

Congratulations. We married over there as well, though I had a LOT of trouble with US in Beijing, even with the divorce papers in hand.


Good wishes for your future.


Yer Lass is from Wuhan ? Hei Hei Hei - we should talk !


Warmest Regards..

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