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this was definitely an interesting case....


the VO asked for a joint sponsor and in the end, the USC showed he was qualified alone...


All i can say about the moral of the story is: Give them what they want.. and if what they want doesn't appear to have a proper basis for request, consider if you have to just make your case once again, and stronger... Glad this one is over...

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  • 1 month later...

Fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clapping:

All our best



Here is the update to our overcome. I hope that some part of it can be of help to someone.

I sent three different mailing to fianc¨¦e (I can not use SO to identify the girl I love, she is my fianc¨¦e!). After the advice I received here I made changes to several of the overcome documents sent out in the first mailings. I was worried that because of our inexperience and language gap my fianc¨¦e may not understand which items to submit and which to hold if needed later, or which were to be replaced with the newer ones. I PMed a member and asked if they knew of a trustworthy person in Guangzhou that could meet with and help her to organize the evidence. I agreed to a price, maybe a little dear, but first you would think that after two and a half years living in China I would have remembered that you never pay the asking price, everything is negotiable, and second when you are so worried that you are about to lose the one you love you will pay anything if you think it can help. I have no complaints. I believe this person did a great job, would recommend them to anyone else who feels they could use this type of help, and thank them very much for the service.


Fianc¨¦e arrived at 2:00 on Tuesday and submitted these documents in the following order:

1. Appointment number, her passport, blue slip.


2. A cover letter written by fianc¨¦e listed my income for 2006, 2005, 2004 and explained I didn't need a co-sponsor, and she didn't bring Form 1040 to the first interview because she thought it was already sent to the Immigration in the US.


3. My evolution of relationship statement, 3 pages, notarized, hand written. I would never had known to hand write it if not for the information I received here.


4. Documents about my ex wife. I still communicate with her because of, and mostly through, our children. She was kind enough to give me three bills with her new address, one of which was her homeowner¡¯s association bill which I had notarized. A page I cut out of the phone book with her first initial, last name, phone number and address. The first page of a previous year 1040 filed jointly which had her SSN. A copy of the deed that she signed over to me when I bought her out to show the date she moved. A notarized, but not certified, divorce decree that I had fianc¨¦e remove from packet. In the last mailing I sent her a certified copy from the court house. I¡¯m not sure if that was put in or left out to be shown later if needed.


5. Copy of my entire passport. I had sent this, not notarized, in case it would be needed later, but on the advice of the help we received in Guangzhou it was included


6. I-134, and Form 1040, W2 for 2006, 2005, 2004. New letter of employment, new verification of deposit, and notarized grant deed.


7. My recent pay stubs, bank account information, and a social security statement from 2004 that has my annual earnings from the first day I ever worked,


8. My cover letter. In the cover letter I apologized (little butt kissing) for not submitting the required documents with my first I-134 and asked that they accept the new I-134 and determine my ability to meet the requirements based on the merits of the evidence provided with it. I included my 20 year old child in this I-134 which I did not on the first I-134. When I submitted the first I-134 in October of 2007 she was financially independent, but as she did appear on my 2006 1040 I thought it would be best to include her. I then stated that ¡°since our denial I had become more aware of the DOS¡¯s important role in the visa process¡± (little more butt kissing) and addressed some of the answers fianc¨¦e gave VO at interview that might be considered inconsistent. (I can use VO, but could also think of other names to identify them!,,, Joking!!!) When asked how many times I had visited her, she answered three, but did not mention the many nights I spoke with her at the bar where she worked and we met, our first date, or the one weekend I was able to get to Beijing when I was working in Korea. Three was the number of times we were together specifically for vacations. When asked what I did for work, she answered I was a service engineer. I wrote that the letter from my employer said installation supervisor, and I had used that on my I-134, but my business card and my previous 1040¡¯s did say service engineer. When asked when we first met she said May of 2005. Her bio stated she started work where we met in June of 2005, and I was not in China in May of 2005. I wrote that ¡°the first time we met has been in question with both of us for some time, but is best recollected to be in August of 2005¡± It really is immaterial to our relationship, because we became a ¡°couple¡± in May of 2006, but I was concerned that this inconsistency might be a problem and felt that was the best way to address it. I think we will never know when we first met!


9. All the e-mails clipped in one pad. First mailing I sent her about 50 e-mails, next mailing I sent the log of all e-mails sent and 14 selected e-mails from each of us. I don¡¯t know if all were submitted, or only those from the second mailing.


10. The book of photos with emails and copies of Chinese entry/exit stamps from the four trips I made only to see her. I have a total of 20 entries/exits into China. Also in this book was a UPS shipping label from a parcel she sent. A picture of her with the engagement ring. My business card. Hand written descriptions of where the pictures where taken and when.


Thursday she went for the results. They called her name and she went to the window. Her heart must have broken when she saw that they were giving her back her passport!


Here is how she explained the rest to me on the phone last night. ¡°You know my eyes are very good¡±. I say yes dear, I remember you told me the doctor said that when you took the physical. ¡°I could see that it is not my passport. I can see the picture and it is an old person. I gave him my ID, and told him that is not my passport. He said, oh, I¡¯m sorry, you¡¯re right. He put it back and pulled out a white and a pink slip and gave it to me and said congratulations, you passed¡±. She will pick up her passport tomorrow, and come in 2 or 3 weeks. Of course I wish she would get on a plane tomorrow, but she wants to go home for spring festival. As much as I want to see her, 1 year 19 days since 129 received at Laguna Beach Ca. and 7 months since I last saw her, I also know how important it is for her to be with her family for this holiday. We have waited so long; I can wait this much longer.

I don't know how to thank everyone that gave us so much support and help. I don¡¯t think I could have ever gotten this right without this site and all the info here. I really think that GUZ should just say in the P3 package: please see CFL.com for instructions!

I¡¯m sure I will be back many times for info with our AOS and to read the stories here. Soon I will have a wife, but in the process of getting her I also got a new family that is CFL! Now that I¡¯m not out of my mind crazy with worry I will get my timeline done and get our picture up, and really then feel like part of this family.

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