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Land Grabs...Farmers vs Local Officials...

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This is a very serious problem in China and the central government is clearly concerned as the number of often violent protests has risen. But in the battle between poor farmers and rich developers guess which side the local officals are too often on... :angry:


China stressed Thursday that farmland should be used for cultivation, not gobbled up by construction as the country's rapid development pushes further into the countryside.


In a front-page article in the People's Daily newspaper, the Communist Party mouthpiece, said the State Council ¡ª China's Cabinet ¡ª issued an announcement urging cities to stop using rural land for development.


"China has a large population and the supply of farming land is scarce. Now that we are undergoing industrialization and fast urbanization, there have appeared many contradictions in the supply and demand of land for construction," the article said.


Farmers are allowed to use land but cannot own it. As China's economic boom has spread into rural areas, they frequently have had that right taken away by local officials who want the land for infrastructure and housing projects, frequently with little or no compensation.


Mass protests in China among rural poor have increased as a result, and some experts say the goal of the announcement is to try to reign in the local officials.


The announcement is another example of Beijing attempting to get local officials to abide by central directives, said Russell Leigh Moses, an analyst of Chinese politics based in Beijing.


"I see these new directives as less responsive to public outcry than simply reacting to actions taken by officials and farmers, which could lead to outbreaks of unrest. And the emphasis is on efficiency in these statements, not equity or equality," he said.


Zheng Xinli, vice minister of the Communist Party's Central Policy Research Office, told a news conference recently that farmers have the right to use the land and contract it out for 30 years. China's Property Rights Law passed last year also guarantees the ownership of their housing, he said.


The government owns all of the country's land.


He denied there would be any consideration of change in the rural land laws, after reports said farmers in Heilongjiang, Shaanxi, Jiangsu provinces and Tianjin city posted notices on the Internet claiming ownership over land in their villages.


"In the past we had several thousand years of private ownership and this ... led to excessive concentration of land in the hands of landlords," Zheng said.



:rolleyes: Okay Mr Roger you bought two NEW apartments in China I bet those developments had been farmland previously so YOU are part of the problem...


:lol: Sure Mr Smartass I bought houses but, but...well one development had not been farmland for a very long time...the other on Hainan MAY have been farmland more recently but it is right in the urban area so it should have been expected to go for development...


:blink: Okay then Mr Roger you bought VERY LARGE places did you not??? Wasting space that 4 families could have lived in over the two houses...


:huh: Well yeah Mr Smartass I did but they had already been designed and I didn't say I wanted them built to that size...


:D HAHA a very poor excuse Mr Roger...If nobody bought these TOO BIG apartments they wouldn't build them...


:D Okay Mr Smartass you win I'm a capitalist pig who wants mine... :censor: But I do have one idea for this problem...If all new developments in China were limited to 13 stories or greater the same amount of land could house twice as many folks as the 6 story places too often constructed...


;) Ah Mr Roger you are an elitist fer shure...That would require elevators for those buildings and drive up prices even further... ;)


:D Okay Mr Smartass MY BAD... :blink:

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http://thetwinzone.com/forum/images/smilies/silly/cancanbums8jx.gif Way to go, Roger !! http://www.ronaldreagan.com/forums/images/smilies/crazy.gif


Well Randy it's like this... ;) Some people can never see the inconsistencies in their own logic... :D And to some of us they're painfully obvious... ;) I just thought I could do a better job on myself than anyone else could... :P and...since Don is paying me per chortle for this gig... :unsure:

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"We are risking our lives..." More news from the farmers/local officials wars over rural land use/ownership... :unsure:





Sometimes change comes slowly, sometimes it's forced to speed up a little. Let's hope the latter is the case here and that not too many people get their heads busted in the process.

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