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Questions about a joint sponsor

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I'm trying to determine who would be the best choice for a joint-sponsor. I need a joint-sponsor as I am in China and do not currently have any income from the US (although I should be able to prove domicile with taxes, bank account and drivers licence.) My mother who is retired and lives alone or my sister who has a husband and daughter. I'm looking at the poverty guidelines in I-864P and it shows "minimum income" but I'm curious what constitutes "income" exactly and how to determine who has the highest income. Can I include my mom's various retirement funds? Does anyone have any pointers?


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I'm trying to determine who would be the best choice for a joint-sponsor. I need a joint-sponsor as I am in China and do not currently have any income from the US (although I should be able to prove domicile with taxes, bank account and drivers licence.) My mother who is retired and lives alone or my sister who has a husband and daughter. I'm looking at the poverty guidelines in I-864P and it shows "minimum income" but I'm curious what constitutes "income" exactly and how to determine who has the highest income. Can I include my mom's various retirement funds? Does anyone have any pointers?






Here is a quick link for a site that I have used in the past for ,y K3 Visa; http://www.visapro.com/Immigration-Articles/?a=394&z=64 . It shows the amount of people in the household and the money amounts constituting the 125% level. Please remember to determine the level, you add co-sponsors household and yourselves, then that is the household size.


The site is also good for "fillable" INS forms forms that you probably will need, for all types of visas. It can be accessed from China. However, they are in PDF format and at a small "Mom & Pop" computer operations, the site can be hit or miss! Most of the larger hotels in their business centers, will have proper formatting, that the site can be used at


As Steve stated in his post, just choose the one with the most assets. for the sponsorship. IMHO, I agree with Steve (slw268) and don't overload USCIS with huge amounts of paperwork. They (sponsor) will have to show a tax return (at least we had to). The select the person you will feel comfortable with and is willing to co-sponsor.


IMO, I can't really answer your question about retirement funds. I believe that these might be a "sticky wicket." However, this is opinion only. Perhaps other CFL members can help you in this particular area.

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