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for anybody familiar with Guangzhou

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We all know that food is a very big deal in China, and when I was in GZ, my wife and all of my new friends wanted me to make them a western meal. I'm not the best cook in the world but I can make a pretty good meatloaf, which I thought would be pretty different than what they're used to. My wife took me to the supermarket and we spent way too long looking for ingredients that are common in US grocery stores but could not be found at all there.

I'm sure the people at the consulate know of places where you can find those things, but of course they can't recommend one, so I'm wondering if anyone here who has spent more time than me in GZ can point me to the right place for when I'm back there and giving it another try ?


For the record, there was no meatloaf dinner - after more shaky substitutions on the ingredients than I felt comfortable with, it occurred to me to make sure she had a big enough pan to cook it in, and that's when I found out that she had no oven. Some things you just take for granted until the rug comes out from under you - one of the most fun parts about this whole cultural differences thing, I think.


A quick change in plans in the middle of the market resulted in hamburgers with corn on the cob and a green salad. They werent so impressed with the hamburgers (couldnt find any plain old yellow mustard in that market so we had to go with mayo), and they were skeptical of the corn on the cob till my brave step-daughter saw me butter it and then she had to try it and loved it. The green salad with real bacon bits and slices of hardboiled egg was the real success - cumin was an unknown to them and they loved loading a ton of it on the lettuce.

Too funny and very challenging for you too. I salute you for your attempt. :victory:


If I recall, meatloaf requires baking and ovens are virtually nonexistence in typical Chinese homes. Trouble is, I think our best and most traditional dishes are oven baked too...


Try pancakes and maple syrup with hash browns and bacon or sauage...OK, maybe just pancakes and you can bring your own next time. :victory:


I've always told my wife about the pancakes I make when at home. One day, on my second trip to Nanning, she woke me up with the BEST pancake breakfast I've ever had. I mean, it was GREAT!!! I'm constantly amazed, every time I visit. I couldn't have done half as well and I have no idea where she found maple syrup.

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