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Just when you thought you had it bad

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I gotta put my 2 cents in here. First, I am against illegal immigration. 'Nuff said.


Secondly, last night we had dinner with a nice Chinese couple. The man had been to US last year on a business visa. He was commenting on how hard it was for him to get the visa to come to the states on business. I couldn't help but feel embarassed that we are the land of the free and yet we make it so damn difficult for Chinese and other "non white" cultures to come here for a visit. Now here I am living in China, a communist state. It took me 4 days to get my visa in the US to come here and 48 hours to have that visa turned into a business visa once I got here. Is there something wrong with this picture? You would think it would be harder to gain entry into a communist state than it would a "free republic".

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Respectfully Argyle I dissagree with you. It is a very pertinent topic. It gives us all a little more insight into the general publics attitude toward immigration. I know if I was living in a dirt poor country with very little opportunity I would try to come here yet these people are finding little sympathy here in this forum where one would more expect it.

I am realistic enough to know that we can't just open the doors to a flood of immigrants like we did in the 1800s but I also think more could be done to make legal immigration easier so there aren't so many desperate people coming in ilegally.


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Hi Carl,


I certainly agree that illegal immigration is a pertinant topic, and in no way do I disparage anyone's opinion on it. I am a firm believer in the freedom of speech, and I think every member of this board feels the same way.


My point is that this board was not conceived as a forum either for or against illegal immigration. I sympathize with their plight, but that's not why we're here.


It's too easy to get sidetracked, and I have been guilty of that in the past too!


But, I am tired of this endless waiting. I feel like all I've been doing is spinning my wheels. I've written letters and made phone calls to everyone I can think of, but I don't feel like I'm any further along today than I was six months ago.


Maybe it's my military training coming out... you know... mission oriented.


I have become completely dedicated to getting our message out and I don't want devote any time or energy to anything that takes away from that.


I plan to stay focused on the issue at hand, and keep fighting for all of us until we change this ridiculous system.


Best Wishes

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My point is that this board was not conceived as a forum either for or against illegal immigration.  I sympathize with their plight, but that's not why we're here.

But isn't the point of this board to discuss getting our spouses and fiancees here legally? Of course we should raise issues such as these on this board. Especially if members from the press may be reading through the posts. We are law abiding citizens that are going through this process via the letter of the law. My wife has been to the states 3 times over the last couple of years and yes it was tempting to just keep her here, but as always she left so that we could play by the rules.


I do feel a great sense of frustration with the illegal immigrants in our country. Last year when I was laid off of my IT job I had to take a job as a cook of all things. At the restaurant where I worked there were a number of illegals from Mexico there. We all knew they were there illegally and it was like a joke to them.


If you ask the average American about immigration and what they know about it they would probably make some comment on the ammount of illegals in this country and not even mention the legal immigration process, since most of them have no clue what it is. Think about it, before you started your K visa process what thoughts came to mind. For me it was the flood of illegals from south of the border. From what I've read, and I may have this wrong, but before 9/11 Mr. Bush was thinking of granting immunity to a large number of illegals from Mexico, why? For votes of course.


My point is in my opinion, these delays we are experiencing may not be as bad if the country as a whole didn't view immigration with the word illegal in front of it. We shouldn't flood this board with conversations of illegal immigration, but it's a topic we should discuss once in a while.


Just my 2 RMB again :greenblob:



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Guest R2D2

What sticks in my crop is that Homeland Security (Coast Guard) helps fleeing Cubans to come and land on our shores. Once they step on our shores, they can stay here legally. We had a member that was trying to get his fiance here legally from Cuba. He had to go through the same ordeal as us. :greenblob: :greenblob:

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What sticks in my crop is that Homeland Security (Coast Guard) helps fleeing Cubans to come and land on our shores. Once they step on our shores, they can stay here legally. We had a member that was trying to get his fiance here legally from Cuba. He had to go through the same ordeal as us. :(  <_<

Tell me about R2! I lived in Miami for fifteen years. <_<

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Once they step on our shores, they can stay here legally. We had a member that was trying to get his fiance here legally from Cuba. He had to go through the same ordeal as us. :(  <_<



It just keeps getting better and better... :(


Have I died and gone to Catch-22 Hell? :( :blink:

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Once they step on our shores, they can stay here legally. We had a member that was trying to get his fiance here legally from Cuba. He had to go through the same ordeal as us. :(  <_<



It just keeps getting better and better... :(


Have I died and gone to Catch-22 Hell? :blink: :blink:

No Argyle. I think you have gone into something much worse than that. It is a realm that is like a cross between the Twilight Zone and the Bizarro World. <_< :blink: :( :(

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The trick now seems to be getting NOA-2. In the last month NSC has only progressed about 2 weeks. They are only a week ahead of TSC now. I just want to pull my hair out and scream every time I see a petition from VSC that was filed after mine go NVC. I am happy for them but it is so frustrating to have to wait.


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Guest R2D2
I remember that Cuban case, too. His fiancee (or were they married?) had to go through the same BS in the black hole with us and the Russian gang. For a time, candle had a Russian forum that never really took root.


Special clearance requirements for 30+ countries have somewhat settled out. It does't take as long as it used to.....except for GZ. Those of us stuck in the old process are still waiting forever. This weekend, when I update the new process list, you will see some who got P2 in April with interview dates.

Don, you are probably right. I was going to say "wife" but played it safe. :blink:

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