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Peanut skin

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My wife and I just had a conversation about her drinking peanut skins in a sort of tea. She says this helps increase her red blood cell count. Has anyone here ever heard of this? :unsure:

Lets see, she's drinks asses skin juice. She eats black chicken. She's even injected herself with placenta.


Charles, seems everything consumed has some benefit to the body, my friend. Whether through folklore or fact, they have the belief that certain things taken have certain benefits received. It really makes no difference nor sense for you to determine if these are true or not.


My suggestion, do not worry or concern yourself whether anything is actually beneficial. As long as it doesn't harm them, just (placate) agree. You are the learned husband. She has much to teach you about nutrition. :)

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The American Indians use to consume the entire animal after a hunt. Nothing was wasted, including the bones of the animal that were used for tools and jewelry. The Indians were very spiritual when taking something from mother earth.


The Chinese people in a way remind me of the original American Indians, they do not waste anything. Have you ever tried pig¡¯s blood? How about chicken feet or cows stomach? Or had tea made out of yellow daisies? I think you get the message.


Americans on the other hand are very wasting people. We go for the meat and throw away the rest. Then we supplement the difference with vitamins and other supplemental pills. We have become a scientific society depending on scientific studies rather than what Chinese have been doing this for thousands of years.


If you go to China town in any major city here in the US I think what you will find is several stores who specialize in herbs. These people have been practicing these medicines for thousand of years unlike our chicken soup that we use for every aliment in the last hundred years.


Me, give me an aspirin and I¡¯ll be ok! :)

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My wife and I just had a conversation about her drinking peanut skins in a sort of tea. She says this helps increase her red blood cell count. Has anyone here ever heard of this? :)

Lets see, she's drinks asses skin juice. She eats black chicken. She's even injected herself with placenta.


Charles, seems everything consumed has some benefit to the body, my friend. Whether through folklore or fact, they have the belief that certain things taken have certain benefits received. It really makes no difference nor sense for you to determine if these are true or not.


My suggestion, do not worry or concern yourself whether anything is actually beneficial. As long as it doesn't harm them, just (placate) agree. You are the learned husband. She has much to teach you about nutrition. ;)

:P There seems like there isn't a day that goes by that I don't learn something new from her. I will ask her about the asses skin juice. :P

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The American Indians use to consume the entire animal after a hunt. Nothing was wasted, including the bones of the animal that were used for tools and jewelry. The Indians were very spiritual when taking something from mother earth.


The Chinese people in a way remind me of the original American Indians, they do not waste anything. Have you ever tried pig¡¯s blood? How about chicken feet or cows stomach? Or had tea made out of yellow daisies? I think you get the message.


Americans on the other hand are very wasting people. We go for the meat and throw away the rest. Then we supplement the difference with vitamins and other supplemental pills. We have become a scientific society depending on scientific studies rather than what Chinese have been doing this for thousands of years.


If you go to China town in any major city here in the US I think what you will find is several stores who specialize in herbs. These people have been practicing these medicines for thousand of years unlike our chicken soup that we use for every aliment in the last hundred years.


Me, give me an aspirin and I¡¯ll be ok! :D


My wife eats pig blood regularly. As far as I know I haven't had any :angry: But I have had chicken feet and not sure about the cow stomach. Yes you are right. They do not waste a thing as I have seen.

I can't help but think that a large portion of our scientific studies include research centered around the Chinese and their ways of doing things for these thousands of years. We just put or medicine and herbs in a pill form. Just to put things in perspective here, I haven't had an ailment, a cold, or anything of the sort since I met my wife in the latter part of 2004. I haven't had a need for an aspirin. This is WAY out of the norm for me. There have been many changes in my life since meeting her and even my doctor tells me I need to listen to her because whatever she is doing for me is working ;)

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The American Indians use to consume the entire animal after a hunt. Nothing was wasted, including the bones of the animal that were used for tools and jewelry. The Indians were very spiritual when taking something from mother earth.


The Chinese people in a way remind me of the original American Indians, they do not waste anything. Have you ever tried pig¡¯s blood? How about chicken feet or cows stomach? Or had tea made out of yellow daisies? I think you get the message.


Americans on the other hand are very wasting people. We go for the meat and throw away the rest. Then we supplement the difference with vitamins and other supplemental pills. We have become a scientific society depending on scientific studies rather than what Chinese have been doing this for thousands of years.


If you go to China town in any major city here in the US I think what you will find is several stores who specialize in herbs. These people have been practicing these medicines for thousand of years unlike our chicken soup that we use for every aliment in the last hundred years.


Me, give me an aspirin and I¡¯ll be ok! :huh:


My wife eats pig blood regularly. As far as I know I haven't had any :P But I have had chicken feet and not sure about the cow stomach. Yes you are right. They do not waste a thing as I have seen.

I can't help but think that a large portion of our scientific studies include research centered around the Chinese and their ways of doing things for these thousands of years. We just put or medicine and herbs in a pill form. Just to put things in perspective here, I haven't had an ailment, a cold, or anything of the sort since I met my wife in the latter part of 2004. I haven't had a need for an aspirin. This is WAY out of the norm for me. There have been many changes in my life since meeting her and even my doctor tells me I need to listen to her because whatever she is doing for me is working B)






The pharma industry can not patent natural products, so they do not make drugs that are just natural products. Anyone could copy them and sell a generic. They try to isolate a single chemical or a small group of chemical that is more active. Than they prove that those chemicals help with some aliment. File a patent and sell it to you for $200 to $1,000 per month. Now they might have also tested the orignal natural product and found it to be twice as effect, but will never publish this info and will even hde it from their own people as much as possible. They even try to make sure you can not even tell where the idea for the drug came from.




That is why in US no money for testing natural products. Most of that work comes from China and Germany. They can not even get that work in US sceientific jorunals. Pharma is big money and the editors need that money for their own lab work.




Now I am not saying every natural product is better than the drugs our docters give us, but we will never know. No testing will be done, until the governent decides to test these materials for the greater good of their population. No company will touch this work, in fact they will try to hide it if they can.

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The American Indians use to consume the entire animal after a hunt. Nothing was wasted, including the bones of the animal that were used for tools and jewelry. The Indians were very spiritual when taking something from mother earth.


The Chinese people in a way remind me of the original American Indians, they do not waste anything. Have you ever tried pig¡¯s blood? How about chicken feet or cows stomach? Or had tea made out of yellow daisies? I think you get the message.


Americans on the other hand are very wasting people. We go for the meat and throw away the rest. Then we supplement the difference with vitamins and other supplemental pills. We have become a scientific society depending on scientific studies rather than what Chinese have been doing this for thousands of years.


If you go to China town in any major city here in the US I think what you will find is several stores who specialize in herbs. These people have been practicing these medicines for thousand of years unlike our chicken soup that we use for every aliment in the last hundred years.


Me, give me an aspirin and I¡¯ll be ok! :huh:


My wife eats pig blood regularly. As far as I know I haven't had any :P But I have had chicken feet and not sure about the cow stomach. Yes you are right. They do not waste a thing as I have seen.

I can't help but think that a large portion of our scientific studies include research centered around the Chinese and their ways of doing things for these thousands of years. We just put or medicine and herbs in a pill form. Just to put things in perspective here, I haven't had an ailment, a cold, or anything of the sort since I met my wife in the latter part of 2004. I haven't had a need for an aspirin. This is WAY out of the norm for me. There have been many changes in my life since meeting her and even my doctor tells me I need to listen to her because whatever she is doing for me is working B)






The pharma industry can not patent natural products, so they do not make drugs that are just natural products. Anyone could copy them and sell a generic. They try to isolate a single chemical or a small group of chemical that is more active. Than they prove that those chemicals help with some aliment. File a patent and sell it to you for $200 to $1,000 per month. Now they might have also tested the orignal natural product and found it to be twice as effect, but will never publish this info and will even hde it from their own people as much as possible. They even try to make sure you can not even tell where the idea for the drug came from.




That is why in US no money for testing natural products. Most of that work comes from China and Germany. They can not even get that work in US sceientific jorunals. Pharma is big money and the editors need that money for their own lab work.




Now I am not saying every natural product is better than the drugs our docters give us, but we will never know. No testing will be done, until the governent decides to test these materials for the greater good of their population. No company will touch this work, in fact they will try to hide it if they can.


Very interesting Don! I do not mind in the slightest being a guinea pig of the natural products that my wife has prescribed for me. So far she is batting 1000! Again thanks for this post. It makes sense to me.

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The American Indians use to consume the entire animal after a hunt. Nothing was wasted, including the bones of the animal that were used for tools and jewelry. The Indians were very spiritual when taking something from mother earth.


The Chinese people in a way remind me of the original American Indians, they do not waste anything. Have you ever tried pig¡¯s blood? How about chicken feet or cows stomach? Or had tea made out of yellow daisies? I think you get the message.


Americans on the other hand are very wasting people. We go for the meat and throw away the rest. Then we supplement the difference with vitamins and other supplemental pills. We have become a scientific society depending on scientific studies rather than what Chinese have been doing this for thousands of years.


If you go to China town in any major city here in the US I think what you will find is several stores who specialize in herbs. These people have been practicing these medicines for thousand of years unlike our chicken soup that we use for every aliment in the last hundred years.


Me, give me an aspirin and I¡¯ll be ok! :huh:


My wife eats pig blood regularly. As far as I know I haven't had any :P But I have had chicken feet and not sure about the cow stomach. Yes you are right. They do not waste a thing as I have seen.

I can't help but think that a large portion of our scientific studies include research centered around the Chinese and their ways of doing things for these thousands of years. We just put or medicine and herbs in a pill form. Just to put things in perspective here, I haven't had an ailment, a cold, or anything of the sort since I met my wife in the latter part of 2004. I haven't had a need for an aspirin. This is WAY out of the norm for me. There have been many changes in my life since meeting her and even my doctor tells me I need to listen to her because whatever she is doing for me is working B)






The pharma industry can not patent natural products, so they do not make drugs that are just natural products. Anyone could copy them and sell a generic. They try to isolate a single chemical or a small group of chemical that is more active. Than they prove that those chemicals help with some aliment. File a patent and sell it to you for $200 to $1,000 per month. Now they might have also tested the orignal natural product and found it to be twice as effect, but will never publish this info and will even hde it from their own people as much as possible. They even try to make sure you can not even tell where the idea for the drug came from.




That is why in US no money for testing natural products. Most of that work comes from China and Germany. They can not even get that work in US sceientific jorunals. Pharma is big money and the editors need that money for their own lab work.




Now I am not saying every natural product is better than the drugs our docters give us, but we will never know. No testing will be done, until the governent decides to test these materials for the greater good of their population. No company will touch this work, in fact they will try to hide it if they can.


Very interesting Don! I do not mind in the slightest being a guinea pig of the natural products that my wife has prescribed for me. So far she is batting 1000! Again thanks for this post. It makes sense to me.




Also makes sense in the fact that they would loose money too!

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Lets see what we know?




Red blood cells made in bone marrow.




Peanut skins are often reddish in color, other red food has good polyphenols like grapes, red peppers, tomatoes. Polyphenols are high test antioxidents. They have been shown in numerous studies to help many parts of your body.




Antioxidents makes things work better and keeps our blood vessels cleaner and stay softer. Not sure how them might stimulate the bone marrow. They could, but i am not sure how. Maybe better vessels give you better marrow.

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Lets see what we know?




Red blood cells made in bone marrow.




Peanut skins are often reddish in color, other red food has good polyphenols like grapes, red peppers, tomatoes. Polyphenols are high test antioxidents. They have been shown in numerous studies to help many parts of your body.




Antioxidents makes things work better and keeps our blood vessels cleaner and stay softer. Not sure how them might stimulate the bone marrow. They could, but i am not sure how. Maybe better vessels give you better marrow.


I think it is all connected at some point. Blood flow is the life of the body. The Chinese are experts at blood flow IMO. We will see where this goes.

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