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China's Socialist Morality

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Now if everyone would just agree on the differences between science and superstition, it would be a good thing. Not likely to happen though, as scientists are some of the worlds best debaters, usually with each other about something another scientist is claiming to be fact.


Then, there is religion. Superstition, or?

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Most governments, organizations, corporations, etc have creeds, slogans, mission statements, oaths, mottos that spell out how we should live our lives or adhere to the principals of an organization or corporation. I can still remember from my youth, "A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent". They are everywhere. Whether people abide by them is another matter.


As aye,



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#3 I do not understand. Supersitition almost always includes spiritual matters. This has been their way of life for many centuries. For them to give up their superstitions would be to give up a huge part of their "Chinese" way of life. This culture would be very hard to change IMO.

Communist ideology is very anti-traditional.. it wants to break down every tradition and superstition possible... it is therefore fairly anti-confucian in nature and yet cannot escape the ethical and social roles that was so important to confucius.


When Mao swam in the Yangtze river.. it was a particular spot known for it's superstition; nobody dared swim there due to stories of drownings by who knows what. The swim was incredibly symbolic of the new world order... Forget superstition...

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1) Love the country, do it no harm;

2) Serve the people, never betray them;

3) Follow science, discard superstition;

4) Be diligent, not indolent;

5) Be united, help each other, make no gains at other's expense;

6) Be honest and trustworthy, do not sacrifice ethics for profit;

7) Be disciplined and law-abiding, not chaotic and lawless;

8) Live plainly, work hard, do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.



Source: Chinese President calls for building of socialist morality


Laudable goals. People will just have to work at it a bit to really achieve these ideals.

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Moral models to look up to



Xinhua had an article recently about 53 national moral models for people to emulate. Not a bad idea at all. In our jaded western society it's easy to see such stuff as a joke I suppose for those who choose to.

Unfortunately the US government no longer has the moral credibility to be able to preach morality. Pop culture is extremely immoral. We don't trust lawyers or even doctors any more. We don't trust the police for the most part. Only the scientific and academic communities are worth believing in any more. IMHO.


America should also adopt these eight principles.

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Guest Rob & Jin

True communist philosophy is not a bad concept. The problem is it goes against human nature. Greed and envy can be great motivators. Being forced to share with others isn't. You're not as likely to work hard if you don't get to keep the fruits of your labor.


I dont see communism mentioned in the OP it says "socialism" which is not the same as communism. Also I dont share the belief that human nature is Envy and Greed. There is no single shared "human nature" that determines how we behave or structure our societies.

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True communist philosophy is not a bad concept. The problem is it goes against human nature. Greed and envy can be great motivators. Being forced to share with others isn't. You're not as likely to work hard if you don't get to keep the fruits of your labor.


I dont see communism mentioned in the OP it says "socialism" which is not the same as communism. Also I dont share the belief that human nature is Envy and Greed. There is no single shared "human nature" that determines how we behave or structure our societies.

Communism is the Daughter of Socialism.

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Guest Rob & Jin

True communist philosophy is not a bad concept. The problem is it goes against human nature. Greed and envy can be great motivators. Being forced to share with others isn't. You're not as likely to work hard if you don't get to keep the fruits of your labor.


I dont see communism mentioned in the OP it says "socialism" which is not the same as communism. Also I dont share the belief that human nature is Envy and Greed. There is no single shared "human nature" that determines how we behave or structure our societies.

Communism is the Daughter of Socialism.


not really, more like the bastard son, it took soom great principles and perverted them. Karl Marx might have stayed true to it, but there has never been a communist govt that has, no where in true socialist philosophy is there the notion of the suppression of the people, or centralized power, quiet the opposite, its about empowerment of the people, but also a responsibility of the people to be engaged in the body politic, and interestingly no special interest groups (lobbys). i think Roussou had it sussed.

Edited by Rob & Jin (see edit history)
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But tying your statement in to the subject of this thread... those "Socialist Morals" were published, printed, and dissiminated by a communist regime. And all, strangely enough, seem to coincide in some way with things that would help people in being subservient to the government, and not questioning it's authority on artificial moral grounds. They are also things that the government does not themselves exemplify.


Communism is a failed experiment. Because it cannot function on a large scale. In theory it's a utopian concept. But all real world communist governments end up as near totalitarian states who use socialistic morality and an iron fist to eliminate classes, put a small elite in control, and turn the vast majority into serfs.


Socialism is a concept that can have a place in any form of governement, and to some degree is a good thing (as you pointed out), though I believe it shouldn't be taken too far - and my idea of too far may differ from yours.

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Still kind of on the subject, something that amazes me is the Chinese peoples willingness to persevere.

Whether it is in a bad marriage, or a government that leads them to starvation.

The attitude is not "I am owed this or that", but a self sufficiency and integrity that I do not see in America.


Their integrity is different from my american taught integrity, but it is a part of their culture, not just an individual.


I wish our government would espouse some ideas of right and wrong. The idea of relative right and wrong is MORE flawed than communism from and ideal view (imho) because it destroys the bonds that hold a community or country together.


I have no unrealistic belief that anyone can reach the goals, but goals are something to strive for, not attain. If they can be attained, then they are no longer goals.


Our country needs moral goals, not just is it legal or not.


How MUCH I would love to hear someone say, "What you did was wrong. You may not have broken any laws, but laws are the last boundary before you become a criminal. We expect good citizens, and CERTAINLY our leaders to stay well within the boundaries of the law."


Oh well, just my opinion.

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