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China warned of risks of imbalanced sex ratio, aging society

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From reading other articles in the past a country brought in woman from other nations or a war took care of the ratio. Just look at russia at the end of WW 2 with their ratio of men to woman. Only 5-10 % of 17 -19 year old males were alive.

Yep, a war to reduce the male population and/or smuggling women from Southeast Asia.


The war hasn't taken place yet, but the smuggling is in full swing.

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Guest nanningbob

It's a problem now and will be an incredible problem in the future.


You think it will be a problem in the future? It is a problem now. Women in China have it made and know it. There are so many men courting them that they have become queens sitting on thrones. They are only looking for wealthy men...ie.....foreign men with money like you or wealthy Chinese men, regardless if they are married or not, as long as they will contribute to them a lifestyle that they are after. The middleclass and poor men in China have to pay for wives from a black market or do without a wife. The corruption of these black marketeers has gotten so bad that they take the money and do not deliver. Their are many prosecutions daily over this scam. Yes...involve yourself in the justice system in China...it is so much better that the US like everything else according to many here (sarcasm for those that do not know sarcasm...it is a cultural thing here in America).

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Yes...involve yourself in the justice system in China...it is so much better that the US like everything else according to many here (sarcasm for those that do not know sarcasm...it is a cultural thing here in America).


A bit of an over-generalization don't you think? Yes, some here have commented on things that they prefer in China over things here. But to say that MANY have said that EVERYTHING is better in China just isn't true. You may have more first hand experience with some of the problems with China's system and those experiences have obviously left a bitter, probably rightly so.


But just because someone here makes positive statements about something in China compared to the US doesn't mean they're naive to think that everything in China is better.


As far the subject of the OP and the women in China is concerned, I'm sure there are some women who are looking for the golden goose as you say. But couldn't that be said of some women here and every other country as well?


And as far as the women knowing they have the upper hand and can be more choosey about a husband? I say more power to 'em! I'm sure they consider it a nice change over what they've had to deal with for centuries as far as which sex has had the upper hand.


China's cultural history regarding the balance of power between the sexes is what it is. Other countries have had similar imbalances only to see them gradually worn away as the country and the population matured and became more enlightened about the male/female dynamic.


Maybe this is the impetus that in some small,slow way starts that process in China.

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Interestingly, I just asked my fiancee about the imbalance of the sexes in China yesterday. She said that the imbalance is not really an issue in the bigger cities. I for one did not notice it when I was in China, although I was only in Beijing and Tianjin which are two of the biggest cities in China. My fiancee and I are very frank when we talk about our cultures and their differences. I do not believe that she would lie to me so if she is telling me that she does not notice that there is an imbalance, in her eyes at least, it is not there(this only applies to her limited experiences, which as I said are in the cities of Beijing and Tianjin).


We also discussed why she chose me. Was she looking for the better life that is able to be provided for her in America? Did she primarily care about money? Does she want to escape her Communistic society in favor of Democratic America? Does she just like the way a white guy looks? Would she hold out for a man that would give her the best life, knowing that there are more men in China than women and that she has the upper hand when it comes to choice?


Her answers.... I do not care about money, I care about love(demonstrated by the fact that she has practically forbidden me to re-up with the military even though I could have an extra 50,000 in my pocket tomorrow, because she is afraid that it means we might have to spend time apart). I like communism, I am happy and I have everything that I want except for love, in fact I am a little afraid to go to America but I will come there if that is where you are. I like Korean guys looks better, white guys are too hairy, but I love you even if you are hairy. Last but not least.... of course I want a man that can give me a good life, but a good life to me is one where I love and I am loved, money is not as important.


I know that if she perceived an imbalance of men and women in China that she would use it to her advantage. She is very a very pretty woman: smart, dependable, ambitious and young. If there truly is an imbalance of males and females in her area, I find it very hard to believe that she would still be there for me :sosad:. I have no doubt that there is an imbalance but from my observations it seems to be a problem of rural China as opposed to the major cities.



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Yes, it make sense that the imbalance is more in the rural areas as many women/girls go to the larger cities looking for work. Plus, it's possible that the use of "selective birthing" may be more prevalent in the countryside where sons are needed to work the fields and daughters are seen as less desirable. While that practice may not be as widespread today as it once was, it's effects from times past are most likely being felt now and will be for at least the next 10 to 20 years.

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cleaned up some posts here.. some truths were stated by both sides... if you want to repost your comments that is fine as long as the personal jabs are left out... let's stick to topic.




I once read of a study where they were looking for a link between TB and the higher ratio of girls that result therefrom.. anyone ever heard of this?




Once again.. Let's stick to topic

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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cleaned up some posts here.. some truths were stated by both sides... if you want to repost your comments that is fine as long as the personal jabs are left out... let's stick to topic.




I once read of a study where they were looking for a link between TB and the higher ratio of girls that result therefrom.. anyone ever heard of this?


Just a suggestion here David. Maybe you could edit out the personal jab stuff within the posts and leave the rest?


I thought much of the debate was honest,sincere and on topic.

Edited by IllinoisDave (see edit history)
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cleaned up some posts here.. some truths were stated by both sides... if you want to repost your comments that is fine as long as the personal jabs are left out... let's stick to topic.




I once read of a study where they were looking for a link between TB and the higher ratio of girls that result therefrom.. anyone ever heard of this?


Just a suggestion here David. Maybe you could edit out the personal jab stuff within the posts and leave the rest?


I thought much of the debate was honest,sincere and on topic.

Last time I did that (partial edit), it was felt among the mods that one should just delete the post in entirety or not.. so I'll follow that idea.


I mentioned that some truths were stated and people can repost... I do agree with you comment and wanted to reply...


But I am getting tired of deleting futher off topic comments in this one; let's get back to the topic or let it die.. or it gets the ax... this is not directed necessarily at you but others who keep posting off topic.

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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There imbalance will be more of a problem in a few more years.

Right now, believe it or not, there is a labor shortage in China!

The Guangzhou area is experiencing it really badly, so are some other areas. My best friend from high school was planning on shutting down their garment factory because of rising labor costs, RMB exchange rate and intense competition from other countries. These are low skilled workers. For competent management and legal staff it is even harder to get. My cousin just got an offer from a company that would pay her a comp. package of 5 mm RMB a year for her to leave HK and go to PRC. She could not belive it. I have been looking for a qualified assistant for 800,000 RMB a year (or 100k US) but so far with not much luck. Got one from UK but she was useless. Tried recruiting from PRC firms and they want more money than we can pay (due to prospect of becoming partner).

Each party or Chamber of commerce meeting you go to, there are at least 1/3 of the people handing out name cards that are actually head hunters. In the mean time, college and university graduates are finding it very difficult to find jobs. I guess China needs a major overhaul of its educational system

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There imbalance will be more of a problem in a few more years.

Right now, believe it or not, there is a labor shortage in China!

The Guangzhou area is experiencing it really badly, so are some other areas. My best friend from high school was planning on shutting down their garment factory because of rising labor costs, RMB exchange rate and intense competition from other countries. These are low skilled workers.

I assume Shenzhen is also having a competitive effect.. and have heard there is talk of connecting that to HK for business reasons... that would do even more to Guangzhou...

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