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Visa Issued - Long'ish

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JEEZ already!!

Some of us don't care for Jim's posts or his personality. Some of us don't mind Jim's posts or personality. OK we established that.


One thing I think we all can agree on is that he likes to stir things up. So he's done that nicely thank you. I'm sure he's proud of himself. And maybe it's a little fun to have these debates every once in awhile. Keeps things interesting.


But now we've got long-time, respected members sniping at each other over TAX FORMS for chrissakes! And this over a guy who's stated that he doesn't care what anyone thinks about him or his methods or his personality.


And his main contributions to the forum seem to have been to push as many buttons as he can and keep pushing them. Fine. I don't have a problem with that. He opens himself up for the criticism and then takes it on. Makes for some interesting threads.


But when you get members who are very knowledgeable and widely respected harping at each other over TAX FORMS, I think the thread's outlived it's usefulness.


I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make other than I hate to see good people getting in each other's faces over something like this.


Don't make me start quoting Rodney King now. :rolleyes:

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Guest Rob & Jin

I'm an exporter and importer. I just buy stuff that looks too good to pass up and resell it to people for less than they can buy it for normally.


My best business advice is don't spend your money on yourself. I drive a car from 2004. I live in a 2200 square foot house that costs less than one month's income.


If you live below your means, you'll generally have trouble figuring out what to do with all the leftover money.


Never buy anything in China that costs more than 1/10th the US sell price.


60% is the minimum margin you should EVER take. If you can't get 60%, you aren't trying or you are in the wrong market. Margin is NOT the same as markup.


Don't sell against Walmart.


If you can maintain your concentration on any problem consistently for 5 minutes and your IQ is over 90, you can rule the world.


Don't buy or sell things you don't know anything about.


There you go, you're all set.




Congratulations on getting the visa you dont want, haha, would you post it to me, i'll use it. Just kidding, well sort of.


:lol: :lol: ;)

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