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health and love

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i do not talk as much as i should on the site,,too long in woods alone scary thought.....anyway just want to ask are all the chinese ladies so concerned with mans health..i can adjust to all the advice and follow up questions ..may be nice to have a wife who really cares...thanks for any comments

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i do not talk as much as i should on the site,,too long in woods alone scary thought.....anyway just want to ask are all the chinese ladies so concerned with mans health..i can adjust to all the advice and follow up questions ..may be nice to have a wife who really cares...thanks for any comments


I can answer for my wife. She is concerned with her health than mine. Eating organic food and plenty of fruits and trying to stay young. Hopefully, a few ladies here can answer this question.

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My SO is very concerned for my health. When I first went to meet her in Feb.of this year, I was fairly overweight, as I have been most of my life. She never really made an issue of it except to kiddingly refer to it as my "baby fat."


But whenever we ate, she made it a point to order plenty of vegetables and make sure I at least tried them. And I'm glad she did because they were nearly all very good. I've never been a big veggie eater, but to me, the veggies in China were much fresher and tastier than the ones here.


By her actions and her words reminding that I should eat better and take better care of myself so we can have a long life together, she really made me re-think how I was doing that.


And somewhere along the way (maybe here) I read that in Chinese culture if a man doesn't take care of his health, it's almost like he's dis-respecting his family by putting their welfare in jeopardy by shortening his own life.


So considering all of this, when I got back from my first trip, I headed to the gym and changed my diet considerably. The result was 30 pounds lost by the time I returned in May and another 25 since I got back from the second trip.


I know she appreciates the fact that I'm taking better care of myself and we both know that our chances of living a much longer life together have been increased. Given all that she's sacrificing to come here and be with me, I figure it's the least I could do.

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I do care about my husband's healthy. Because he is the person I want to share my life with.I've noticed that many American people don't live healthy. they eat junk foods,don't eat vegetables and fruits,don't do exercises at all.

I'm trying hard to make Bobby living healthy,feed him fresh foods on time(but he complains chinese foods doesn't last long,not good for his American tummy) :P ,walk him everyday(he complains about this also. He says he is too old to walk so fast)

I wish him long live. I'm scared of being alone.

Bobby's wife Emma

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It's a basic principle in life: the longer you are diligent to take care of something, the longer you are able to be with that 'thing'...


Many a chinese lady are compelled towards this goal, in regards to her husband...


The noodle is the sign of a long life.. may you be her most important noodle... :P Chi Fan Le !!!!!!

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It's a basic principle in life: the longer you are diligent to take care of something, the longer you are able to be with that 'thing'...


Many a chinese lady are compelled towards this goal, in regards to her husband...


The noodle is the sign of a long life.. may you be her most important noodle... :P Chi Fan Le !!!!!!


Cool and right on David :clapping:

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Toolman, I think it's a reasonable generalization that our Chinese wives are concerned with out health as are most wives. I know my wife and daughter have been absolutely amazed at how fat many Americans are ... but on the other hand I'm amazed at how many people smoke in China, how poor the sanitation is, and how bad the pollution is ... so there are cultural factors on both sides.


You should also think carefully about your wife's health (and also any children). Preventive medicine is not practiced in China to the same extent it is in the US, in my opinion (I'm sure others may disagree and suggest alternate definitions of preventive medicine). I would recommend that when your Chinese dependents enter the US they have a very comprehensive series of medical examinations to include eyes and teeth. Many will have issues to be treated and be prepared for them to say that it's unnecessary to spend the money for medical treatment. Be firm in this area, deal with medical issues, and get them on a regular annual checkup schedule. It's one of the best ways to express your love and commitment.

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Toolman, I think it's a reasonable generalization that our Chinese wives are concerned with out health as are most wives. I know my wife and daughter have been absolutely amazed at how fat many Americans are ... but on the other hand I'm amazed at how many people smoke in China, how poor the sanitation is, and how bad the pollution is ... so there are cultural factors on both sides.


You should also think carefully about your wife's health (and also any children). Preventive medicine is not practiced in China to the same extent it is in the US, in my opinion (I'm sure others may disagree and suggest alternate definitions of preventive medicine). I would recommend that when your Chinese dependents enter the US they have a very comprehensive series of medical examinations to include eyes and teeth. Many will have issues to be treated and be prepared for them to say that it's unnecessary to spend the money for medical treatment. Be firm in this area, deal with medical issues, and get them on a regular annual checkup schedule. It's one of the best ways to express your love and commitment.



You are so right on the mark here Jim !! I also believe this is such a good way to express love and commitment to wife and child.


This is a pre-planned top priority for me when Hongxia and Minyi arrive !!


They are both very healthy, but I want them both to undergo comprehensive US exams.

My 11 year old daughter Minyi, will need braces, very soon, for a front tooth that is somewhat overlapped. And I am sure both will need US style dental cleaning, on a regular basis.


I am very fortunate that due to my career, I have a very high level of medical and dental coverage through Blue Cross; moreover, they both have been added to my policy as of July 1st and will be able to utilize these benefit¡¯s the first day they arrive in the US.


Also, I included copies of their Blue Cross cards and the employer notice of benefit coverage letter, to the list of items within my ¡®Evidence of a bona fide relationship¡¯ section of my I-130/129f.

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Wang Zhuo is very worried about my health. She always says that she wishes she was here just to make sure that I was staying healthy. She does like it when I am a little chubby though. Not fat, but when i am going to chow she always tells me to make sure I "get chubby". If I cough she tells me I need to go to the doctor and have a checkup, if I sneeze she asks me if I need medicine. ;) I have never been with a woman who thought about me that much.


I was not looking for a Chinese girl when I found Wang Zhuo. It amazes me that there are women out there that are as thoughtful as she is, and I have always been a little curious if it is a personal quality of hers, or if it was a cultural trait. Seems maybe it is a little of both.



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My current wife is concerned about my health, especially when we are both raising a 4 year old. This was even true before the baby came along.


Just like Emma said, my wife sez the same thing, she doesn¡¯t want to grow old alone. Hell, that¡¯s even a scary thought for me especially after finding that specially person that you love and care for.


Different story about my ex¡­ then that¡¯s why she is the ex! ;)

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They also have been very direct when speaking about their thoughts regarding how someone looks.

That is so true! And they do it in such a non-judgemental, matter-of-fact way that it doesn't sound insulting or negative.

First words from Lixin to me in person in a taxi in GZ: "Wow, you fat."

Not any more. Sometimes it takes a more direct approach than, "You know, you really should lose a few pounds."

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ToolMan, she is soooo concerned that after all her efforts to cook Chinese, and it just hasn't turned out very tasty over here yet, I went wild in CA. First I went and got 2 Carnie chese burgers (chili), and then some Chili/cheese fries to top it off. I did a little more bad eating the 2 days there. Got home--------felt like hell. Well I did eat Chinese the last night, so maybe that wasn't so bad.


Decided to get back on her diet.



Before the trip I did advise her to quit cooking me all this meat in her soups. She would scoop it out for me and not her or daughter. Beside she was buying the largest hulk of the worse beef I ever ate, because of the low price. I negotiated way less meat and better quality when we do have it.

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