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what can be done?

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Great news, thanks. Can't wait to hear about us on CNN!


'm wondering what you think regarding the press kit...I might be too discouraged right now (there is good news for some but not for me and my fiance as yet), but it seems to me our "story" is a non-story at this point, because they ARE issuing visas, and they ARE dealing with the backlog, so we who are still waiting sort of don't have anything to complain about any more...we just have to be "patient". As infuriating as that is, when we've been waiting for so long, I fear there's nothing we can legitimately complain about any more.


So straighten me out if there's still work I can do on the press kit. I'm still willing, but I don't know if there's any point any more. Maybe there's an angle we can still take that I'm missing...Love to hear from one and all on this.






I extracted your post from the thread about the CNN interview and am replying in a separate thread. My fiancee's security clearance has not come through, either.


In terms of generating interest, it would be difficult if we are pushing for attention while the consulate is working to clear the backlog. After all, it is commonly understood that immigration is a slow process ... it was the outright stoppage and lack of information that allowed us to draw attention to our plight in the first place. My inclination is to continue putting together informative material, but take a passive approach until the dust settles and we have a better idea of what is going on. Sort of a "hope for the best and prepare for the worst" approach.


This is just my thought on the matter, I am sure others will have insight as well.





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I almost had an idea of something to complain about yesterday and feel pretty confident it will come together for me soon. We know they are working on the problem, quite slowly it seems to me now. I was expecting a reply to the Powell letter before now. We have legitimate grounds for discontent and we are going to miss out on Christmas with our loved ones because even if they got visas the flights are all booked up. So even though I do not know exactly what to complain about or who to complain to right now, I am still going to keep banking my fires of resentment.

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Guest Victoria

Thanks, P.J. As soon as I posted, I realized it really should have been a new thread because it's a new discussion topic.


Two weeks ago I was calling for personal stories with photos to complete the press kit. Now those sob stories I was looking for are not useful, because the "wait" (in general, not for every individual) is now over, letters are going out, at least one K visa has been issued, and in the next weeks many of the most severely delayed folks will have a new chapter to add to their story, namely, getting their visa, flying to the States, and getting married. So it seems pointless to call for stories until the dust settles here, which I suppose means after January 1 or so.


So what are the things we would put in the "new" press kit? I thought of these:


(1) We could have an essay putting this nightmare into the context of the Chinese Exclusion Laws 100 years ago (your turf, Jim?) with the actual laws cited as sources/references.


(2) We could have a table showing the kind of wait people experienced after already having passed their interviews.


(3) We could highlight the breakdown of FIFO with another chart showing inequitable visa issuance, time-wise. I know none of us who have waited months really begrudge those who interviewed weeks ago and have their letters or visas ahead of us, because any visa issued means others are forthcoming, which is good news for everyone. But it does make good copy to highlight the poor management of the whole affair with whatever ammunition we've got. And...we still don't know how long some of us will have to wait. 500 so far, 4600 to go, it's been 2 weeks...do the math.


(4) We should still have the personal stories, but now that most of them will be people who did get their visas and were reunited, these stories should detail the suffering that they went through during the delay plus any long-term impact these problems have on the life of the couple, such as financial hardship due to loss of plane tickets, time wasted in pointless journeys across China or overseas, wages or jobs lost, tax problems, whatever repercussions there were.


I'm trying to think of things reporters would feel were newsworthy or compelling enough to write an article or human interest story about. So anyone with nothing else to do, put in your two cents and I'll keep working on it.


Unless my fiance gets his magic letter...then, I'm out of here!



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The delay issue is not finished yet.

If there were 20,000 back logged, then the tip of the iceburg hasnt even been touched.

GZ needs help from somewhere, maybe a new printing machine.

Maybe slower countries could help, something different than what is being done at this time.

If we let them relax, then more and more of someone elses priority will get a visa before the back logs are complete.

These backlogs need to be done first and soon.

The delays wont end untill the backlogs are finished.

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The Angel Island story would also be informative as well as the contributions that the Chinese/Americans have brought to America. Their struggle over not being able to own property or mining claims in many States out west. I think there is much that can be compiled to give some basic understanding of the culture, hardships, contributions made by Chinese/Americans. This would give the reader a basic understanding, or a basement, on which to build, should a problem come up in the future. <_<  :angry: >Jim



I visited Angel Island over 15 years ago. Detained Chinese wrote poems on the walls to show their frustration. Maybe we should write some poems too.



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