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Chinese Toothpaste Warning

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I was shocked today when shopping for red wine vinegar to see that every shelf in the vinegar department had a NEW prominent warning sign saying that ALL red wine vinegar and ALL balsamic vinegar contained lead, which has been determined by they State of California to cause birth defects, etc.


Is it possible that there is a little bit of overreaction going on here? I've been using the same brand of red wine vinegar (Star) for years and I think I'll continue. Do you think that's what's wrong with me??




Warning labels on foods are becoming common in Cali because of a law that makes manufacturers libel for the naturally ocurring elements of ordinary food not just because of additives. Bread was under attack and now cooked meat and poultry. Cooking turns the proteins into a low risk carcinogen that Cali requires warnings for. This means national brands need Cali specific packaging or face law suits. Lawyers have sued many companies recently hitting them with class action suits that are making these previously impoverished lawyers rich. The law has a zero tolerance so any level of the chemical requires warnings. Congress tried to pass a law that would stop this but our fine senators got the votes needed to defeat it.


Only in Cali :unsure:


Having done the rodeo bull riding thing, I'm used to taking risks, even in California Dan! ;) Those California warnings don't scare me, I'll be back!


As aye,




Glad to hear it Jim.


Actually we post those signs to scare away the timid and weak. I didn't think it would keep you away ;)

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On a serious note, if they are exporting the "good" stuff, I can't wait until my fiancee is outta there. No telling what toxins and carcinogens from the food supply are in her body and damage done, after 45 years in China. Would be an interesting long term study of newly arrived folks from China.


As aye,


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