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Chinese TV Network Bans Pig Ads During Year of Pig Celebrations Due to Muslim Sensitivity



Did anyone ever see or hear of any issue in china about this?

What about the other years??? Rat, dog, Ox....


PC is slowly creeping into China too. :ph34r:


However, I suppose they're quite smart to cowtow to their small (2 million of 2% of the population) ethnic Muslims. Such a small gesture may reap benefits in the long run.

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Chinese TV Network Bans Pig Ads During Year of Pig Celebrations Due to Muslim Sensitivity



Did anyone ever see or hear of any issue in china about this?

What about the other years??? Rat, dog, Ox....


PC is slowly creeping into China too. :ph34r:


However, I suppose they're quite smart to cowtow to their small (2 million of 2% of the population) ethnic Muslims. Such a small gesture may reap benefits in the long run.


Seems a misdirected attempt to court the muslim nations. They are long time opponents of the US in the middle east and antiIsrael. With Russia in a weak economic position China's rise leaves it in a good position to benefit. Actually there is nothing in Islamic teachings against live pigs just that pork is not edible. Aside from the Arab nations of the middle east they could also be trying to strengthen their relationship with Pakistan, Iran and Indonesia with who they are allied.

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When they did this... it very well could of been a tossing of a political bone to an ethnic minority group (Hui) which has given China many problems in Yinjiang. Yinjiang is an autonomous region which has sought independence and freedom of religion over the years and which has been meet with series of controls by local government and the capital.


The history of muslims in china is quite interesting to say the least.. start with the silk roads, roll forward to the qing dynasy (manchu rule) and the strong anti-muslim sentiments.. and then the Hui groups recognition with the start of the Republic of China. Since 9/11, a very strong eyeball has hovered over this northwestern area, and carried out clamp downs on 'separatist' or 'terrorist' activities...


Do any search and you'll find more information that appears to be below the radar than you ever imagined.. here's one example, but they go back for many years..


Beijing tries to rein in Muslims


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When they did this... it very well could of been a tossing of a political bone to an ethnic minority group (Hui) which has given China many problems in Yinjiang. Yinjiang is an autonomous region which has sought independence and freedom of religion over the years and which has been meet with series of controls by local government and the capital.


The history of muslims in china is quite interesting to say the least.. start with the silk roads, roll forward to the qing dynasy (manchu rule) and the strong anti-muslim sentiments.. and then the Hui groups recognition with the start of the Republic of China. Since 9/11, a very strong eyeball has hovered over this northwestern area, and carried out clamp downs on 'separatist' or 'terrorist' activities...


Do any search and you'll find more information that appears to be below the radar than you ever imagined.. here's one example, but they go back for many years..


Beijing tries to rein in Muslims


There was an incident just a couple of months ago that was on the news here in China about a "terrorist training camp" that was raided by the Chinese army in XinJiang.About 15 or so "terrorists" and one Chinese soldier were killed in the fight.


Heres an intersting story ,with great photos,about the different Islamic groups in XinJiang and how there is tension between them.


Edited by Threadbare (see edit history)
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Guest knloregon

The ad ban isn't going anywhere, and it certainly isn't going to be enforced.


The East Turkistan Islamic Movement, refered to in the Washington Tmes article is by both western and Chinese accounts a terrorist group dedicated to seperation of Muslim Xinjiang from China.


Several years ago, their members stormed a government (Han) office in a fairly remote Xinjiang city (all of them are) and killed most or all of the government workers there.


It was not widely reported, and to this day, I don't know the exact location, (I hope that maybe some of our members in China do??) ----but the upshot of that was this: The PLA crushed the rebellion, and re-established order. Afterwards, in an also almost unpublished event, the US Ambassador made an unpresidented trip to Xinjing to met with, and congradulate local PRC officials involved in the action.


PR China is more in line with US interests in the fight against Islamofacist terror than amost any other nation, except perhaps GB.

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The ad ban isn't going anywhere, and it certainly isn't going to be enforced.


The East Turkistan Islamic Movement, refered to in the Washington Tmes article is by both western and Chinese accounts a terrorist group dedicated to seperation of Muslim Xinjiang from China.


Several years ago, their members stormed a government (Han) office in a fairly remote Xinjiang city (all of them are) and killed most or all of the government workers there.


It was not widely reported, and to this day, I don't know the exact location, (I hope that maybe some of our members in China do??) ----but the upshot of that was this: The PLA crushed the rebellion, and re-established order. Afterwards, in an also almost unpublished event, the US Ambassador made an unpresidented trip to Xinjing to met with, and congradulate local PRC officials involved in the action.


PR China is more in line with US interests in the fight against Islamofacist terror than amost any other nation, except perhaps GB.


There were also some XinJiang detainees from Guantaunamo Bay Camp X-Ray that were recently released and hand delivered to China.


Throughout China,these Islam People seem to live in harmony with everybody,but are regarded as kind of thieves.

Everybody enjoys eating in Islam restaurants all over China,operated by XinJiang or QingHai people,but,even though they regularly eat there,my Chinese friends regard these people and their restaurants as being "dirty" :D .

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