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Received reply from White House today

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Of the 9 faxes I sent on 3/13 to officials of our gov't, including members of the Judiciary Committes on Immigration, K. Cabral, state reps, and President Bush, I have received written replies by mail from two of them. Ms. Cabral did send a reply after about a month. Today, I received a reply from the Special Assistant to the President.


By now of course my sweetie is already here, and we were married last night at a local chapel in Las Vegas. But at least this shows that our gov't does move occaisionally to our requests, although very slowly at times. Perhaps if I had sent these faxes several months ago, I would been more elated with the responses.


But the point I'm trying to make here, is that those of you still waiting and especially the "on hold" group, should continue to fax, mail, phone, etc. Your strength is in the voices of your numbers. Please don't stop building on the groundwork that has been laid by the "old timers." If you feel that you have been waiting longer than normal or you feel there is some other problem with your case, contact your officials.


If you are curious, here is the reply from the White House


Dear xxxxxx,

Thank you for contacting President George W. Bush . . .


The White House is sending your inquiry to the Dept. of Homeland Security. . . they will respond directly to you....



D. T.

Special Assistant to the President

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