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It's All Over Except The Oath Ceremony

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Congragulations Tine, It looks like you had as easy of time and me and Catherine had. Its all over now. You finally got there. It definitely is a relief.

Gale and Catherine


Ella passed her Citizenship test and interview this morning. The whole process took about 15 min.


Out of the 100 questions on the test the IO asked her the 10 following questions.

1.Who makes the Federal laws in the US ?

2.What is the supreme law of the US ?

3.Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ?

4.What are sone of the basic beliefs of the Declaration of Independence?

5.Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner ?

6.What did the Emancipation Proclamation do ?

7.Where is the White House located ?

8.In what month is the President inaugurated ?

9.Can the Constitution be changed ?

10.Name 2 Senators from your state.


Asked to read a sentance and then write the same sentance.

Asked all questions at the end of N-400 and then was asked to swear she would support the Constitution. Then they asked to show my orginal birth certificate and orginal marriage certificate and her GC. Then told her congratulations that she passed and her oath ceremony should be in about 3 to 4 weeks.



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Thanks Mick,


You don't know how excited Ella is. Now after she gets sworn in the next few weeks we will be busy after that trying to get passports to go back to China in June. Also a trip to Chicago to get visas. She just keeps saying she feels so great not to have any stress about the whole process any more. Plus I am in the process of adopting Kelly, which should be finished in the next few weeks also.



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And the dream lives on...


As aye,





Written by Neil Diamond


We've been traveling far

Without a home

But not without a star



Only want to be free

We huddle close

Hang on to a dream


On the boats and on the planes

They're coming to America

Never looking back again

They're coming to America


Home, don't it seem so far away

Oh, we're traveling light today

In the eye of the storm

In the eye of the storm


Home, to a new and a shiny place

Make our bed, and we'll say our grace

Freedom's light burning warm

Freedom's light burning warm


Everywhere around the world

They're coming to America

Every time that flag's unfurled

They're coming to America


Got a dream to take them there

They're coming to America

Got a dream they've come to share

They're coming to America


They're coming to America

They're coming to America

They're coming to America

They're coming to America

Today, today, today, today, today


My country 'tis of thee


Sweet land of liberty


Of thee I sing


Of thee I sing



1980 Stonebridge Music (ASCAP)

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