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layover time and customs for new immigrant

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Paula Don is right. Don't let a few self righteous jerks spoil your thread. I want to confess now that on a few occasions I have littered, spit on the sidewalk, tore the tag off my mattress, been drunk in public, jay walked, stolen a pen from a bank and even smoked in non smoking areas.

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I can't count how many posts I've deleted that got into Paula's face about attempting a criminal act and scaring the hell out of her with threats of deportation and prison. Get a frickin' life! It's interesting that that righteous indignation doesn't surface when a USC posts about bringing back a couple hundred bootleg DVDs.


So Paula bought a couple of purses that she likes. BFD. Get off her case. If customs has a problem with it, they can confiscate them. If not, no harm, no foul.



Thank you Don for taking care of that rude post!

There was no need for him useing the words he did

toward Paula....IMO

Almost everyone of us that has been to China more

than a few times did bring back a few Chinese knock

offs for personal use. Some more than others.



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There's no train from Chengdu to Xichang? :) :rolleyes: I'll bet there must be, with a stop in Xanadu.


There is train of course and takes one whole day to get to Xichang from Chengdu. I already spent one whole day, 24 hours on plane and don't have time to waste another day on train. That would make a total of 4 days traveling for a 7 day trip.

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Paula Don is right. Don't let a few self righteous jerks spoil your thread. I want to confess now that on a few occasions I have littered, spit on the sidewalk, tore the tag off my mattress, been drunk in public, jay walked, stolen a pen from a bank and even smoked in non smoking areas.

Everything was just fine until you mentioned tearing the tag off that mattress, I've notified the mattress police and you should lose sleep waiting for them to apprehend you. :rolleyes:


And here I thought you were one of the good guys... :)

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I can't count how many posts I've deleted that got into Paula's face about attempting a criminal act and scaring the hell out of her with threats of deportation and prison. Get a frickin' life! It's interesting that that righteous indignation doesn't surface when a USC posts about bringing back a couple hundred bootleg DVDs.


So Paula bought a couple of purses that she likes. BFD. Get off her case. If customs has a problem with it, they can confiscate them. If not, no harm, no foul.



I can tell you as an attorney, when they accept any plea on criminal charges it is explained to the defendant that if there are not a citizen that they may face deportation as a result of any guity or nolo contendre plea. If you think you are doing a candle member a service for editing or removing posts mentioning deportation, you are wrong. There is a current Department of Justice initiatives to step up prosecution for smuggling counterfeit goods. I saw no threats on the site. Paula should be able to make an educated choice of what she does since she has not done any such act. Your removal of any possible ramification is a disservice to candle readers. In addtion, as you know members of the government view this site. What kind of light do you present this website. Just one or two counterfeit purses smuggled in is OK? I think not. Whats next, smuggling prescription medicine into the US.

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