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IMBRA effect on USCIS approvals

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Guest ShaQuaNew



I was looking at this last night.. wonder if you were looking over my shoulder..


I looked at the P4 distributions for the first six months and it's the same.. so I think that there was an internal decision in terms of 'work load' priorities... In order to check this idea, I looked at interviews by weekday for 2005 and 2006 as well.. and one does see a change in that too. So it's possible that they simply changed their work flow... not sure I'd say whether it was more efficient or not, but certain intentional.


I was looking over your shoulder Dave....lol





Could be that there moving away from doing certain kinds of activities on certain days, to doing them constantly. In other words, if there is stuff in the in box, work on it. Now, in theory, this will be more efficient, regardless whether they add more manpower or not. But, at this point your stats don't seem to bear this out.


We are seeing changes however with what seems to be things getting a little quicker in general; like AOS now approving some without interviews. In the past, DOS / USCIS have published information about changes in the way they do things. Has any such thing come across the wire indicating they were attempting to improve processing times by doing something specific, rather than just saying they were trying?

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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They are taking longer to pick up the petitions from DHL lately. Some of the packages from early September are still there. I think we are going into a serious bottleneck now :lol:


David, what are the statistics for the average number of days elapsed from NVC release to GUZ (hardcopy letter date) and the time a P3 is physically received by the beneficiary? Is that data available?

I don't get hardcopy letter date.. too difficult to ask for this.. but most everyone shares leaving NVC and receiving P3.


For NVC Out - P3:


2006 YTD Avg: 73 days (K cases)


This graph (which I will not show) is essential same as the P2-P3 graph shown in another post.

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In the past, DOS / USCIS have published information about changes in the way they do things. Has any such thing come across the wire indicating they were attempting to improve processing times by doing something specific, rather than just saying they were trying?

It's true.. one very strong political buzzword is "backlog".. and even the president has vowed to 'reduce' it... But I've not seen specific comments on 'how' they intend to do it... I suspect it is pushed down to the responsible level to make it happen.. would be interesting to see. Maybe even an indirect document like the Ombudsman might state 'what and how it was done'...

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Could be that there moving away from doing certain kinds of activities on certain days, to doing them constantly. In other words, if there is stuff in the in box, work on it. Now, in theory, this will be more efficient, regardless whether they add more manpower or not. But, at this point your stats don't seem to bear this out.


We are seeing changes however with what seems to be things getting a little quicker in general; like AOS now approving some without interviews. In the past, DOS / USCIS have published information about changes in the way they do things. Has any such thing come across the wire indicating they were attempting to improve processing times by doing something specific, rather than just saying they were trying?

The difficulty in considering the "backlog" in GZ is that they really don't have what could be considered a backlog, but more like a major flood on their hands. We had a major stoppage due to IMBRA in the US so the USCIS and NVC had the time to finish all of their processing under the regular time frames and stage everything that was awaiting the IMBRA RFE's.


So you can figure that approximately six months worth of visa petitions got released within about a months time frame and flooded the consulates, yet causing another delay because they just don't have the bandwidth to handle the workload that got dumped on them because of the initial delay caused by USCIS not having their act together in March.


Unfortunately the Congress of these United States didn't provide for any staffing changes at the consulates for the IMBRA requests because that was all handled in the US. So now the same staff who was handling the workload got about 6 months of processing without any new K-1's and I believe K-3's.


I would almost bet that the previous time frame seen in GZ that we were all very happy with will not be seen again for about a year as they do what they can to get things back to the pre-IMBRA scheduling. :)

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I see my case as an anomoly both in time from P3 to P4 (because GUZ misplaced the response to P3) and day of the week of the interview.


I am on a Friday, so does this mean it should be a "light" day in term of the number of interviews conducted? Is this a good or bad thing? I could see it being a bad thing in that it might give the VO more time for questions for each interviewee.

Yes, your P3 mixup caused an usual P3-P4 gap.. I've added that note in the comment box, thanks for sharing the reason for that issues.


Yes, friday interviews are getting more rare. I created a graph to show the outcome of interviews by weekday.. I will say that our small dataset should not be the basis for too hard and fast conclusions.


Although there is one friday interview as 'denied' in the graph, I suspect this date since it is posted in a thread as a saturday interview date (not possible), so I assigned it to friday... If I were to get rid of that point, it would seem that friday is 'denial free'. If friday was truly that interview date then friday denials are 5:1 , or 20%; only worse day is Tuesday 4:1


Interesting to note, not seen by this graph, is that CR1s only get denials on a Tuesday or Wednesday. :huh:





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